February 19, 2012

Sunday - time for a trip down a quiet country road ?

 - Not if MiniArt has anything to do with it! They want you Model one instead -
To add to their other recent additions of kits MiniArt adds a new kit of a country Road Diorama for your model placement needs - let's look closer..

Well kit number 36047 COUNTRY ROAD has just been announced. It looks to be a vac-formed base and a wall section which will be made up of two parts. 

The base is a regular road with some tracks and room for some grass on the sides and centre

The walls are a join together form - too bad you cannot join two kits with this wall section..

Kit contains 35 parts -  a few of those going to the Miniart farmyard cart which i have to admit looks great at the side of this vignette...

I like this set a lot already - i am lamenting the lack of a tree in it now the box art looks so good - wonder how many people who build this will include one in the same spot? We also need more grass methinks..

This kit will be shortly available at the place you find all of your MiniArt kits