Panda Hobby – the guys who
brought us the excellent MRAP
armoured vehicle in 35th late last year have shown us the completed fit of the detailed kit of the Russian AFV the 2S6M – the "Тунгуска”
or Tunguska in English – it has the NATO name of the SA-19 "Grison"

The details are just the box art and a feature sheet
- but what can be delved from this completed model below are the two full sheets of photo etch
which really do detail up this kit and make all of the parts pretty tiny.

The kit includes the 9M311 missiles which are the core of
the anti-air system as well as all of the The dual 2A38 30 mm cannons that supplement
them. Workable suspension is included as well as (by the look of it) movable
Here are there sprue shots of the kit so you can see it in more detail..