We have lots more shots of the competition kits from 2012 Telford IPMS Scale Model World – Today we have more of the unusual but growing field of fantasy and sci-fi figures and vehicles – If you were to say before the competition to me that the Top prize at Telford this year would be won by a model of a “Steampunk” style model I would have told you that you were dreamin’……. Well it appears I am the one that needs a wakeup call!
The competition winner this year – the top prize was this
interesting and very well executed model - “Mono Steam Monorbike 1896” who knew
these existed….
From scratch-built kits like this one to the major companies
like Moebius Models dominating the stands with their excellent kit ranges the
choice was varied as it was of a top quality – please do enjoy the gallery –
more figures and vehicles to come in the next few days…
Keep coming back all this week for more Telford galleries – Lots
of images Special interest groups to come!