August 09, 2013

Yet more excellent add-ons for the Tamiya Corsair (and the hellcat) in 32nd scale from Barracuda Studios

Just in time for the USA National competition/show this weekend come a slew of new releases from Barracuda Studios – yet more large scale stuff today – and this time some well received news on the 32d scale Corsair (also for Hellcat) kit improvements…

Barracuda Studios is pleased to announce a sneak preview of some exciting new detail sets for the exquisite 1/32nd scale F4U-1 Corsair just released by Tamiya.

This is just a quick overview of the new sets that will be going on sale next week at the IPMS/USA National Convention in Loveland, Colorado. The sets will also be available for Preorder on the Barracuda Studios website in the next few days. More sets will be coming later in the month.

BR32126 - 1:32 scale F4U-1 Corsair Early Engine Upgrade Set
Super detailed early style distributors and duplex-style ignition harness ring for F4U-1, and early F4U-1A Corsairs.  Designed to fit Tamiya’s kit.

BR32118 - 1:32 scale Corsair Hellcat Wheels - Plain Tread
Super detailed resin wheels with 8 slot cast hub and untreaded tires as fitted to some F6Fs and F4Us during WWII.  For all Corsair & Hellcat kits.

BR32119 - 1:32 scale Corsair Hellcat Wheels - Diamond Tread
Super detailed resin wheels with 8 slot cast hub and treaded tires as fitted to F6Fs and F4Us in WWII and after.  For all Corsair & Hellcat kits.

BR32120 1:32 scale Corsair Hellcat Wheels - Post-war Tread
Super detailed resin wheels w 8 slot cast hub & ribbed/diamond treaded tires fitted to many F4U-4,-5,-7, Au-1s and post-war Hellcats. For all kits.

BC32129 - 1:32 scale F4U-1 Corsair Cockpit Stencils and Placards
This set contains nearly 50 tiny stencil markings that replicate nearly all of the markings found in the wartime F4U-1, -1A and -1D Corsair cockpits. Designed for the Tamiya kit, but will upgrade all kits.

This is the detail you are trying to replicate - I would say any help is appreciated here!

More images and details will follow when the sets are officially released next week. If you are around at the US Nats please do drop in to tables B-1 and B-2 in the main hall
to say hello and maybe purchase some of Roy’s excellent stuff !

For all of Barracuda’s other stuff check out their website..