November 07, 2013

New bulit up test shots of the Italeri F-104G/S "Missile with a man in it" in 32nd scale

Those of you who can remember making the 1/32nd scale F-104 Starfighter G/S as a younger one can recall the fact that it looked great when you  were a few feet away  hopefully this new tool kit from Italeri will be a step up in all aspects and hopefully do this great aircraft justice. Now we add built up test shots to the sprue shots & decal layouts we have already in our rolling preview.
Italeri's new 1/32 F-104G/S latest news
Well it seems that Italeri are getting still closer with their latest F-104G/S Starfighter in 32nd scale – we thought we would keep you updated with their latest bunch of pictures…

And the aircraft together now in a bunch of shots - some pretty basic photo etch is on show. I think if nothing else it will be a bit of a blank canvas for people to superdetail, as this aircraft is VERY full of wires and tiny modules

More on this kit when it arrives - fingers crossed right here for a great kit. We hope some better pictures can reveal some more.. Below we have a feed of all of the other updates until now..

Italeri's new 1/32 F-104G/S previous shots...
Here is the kit in the test configuration – assembled and showing you access to the engine and afterburner can. You can see the airbrakes open and the access ladder in position. Wing tanks and under wing tanks are attached as well as a pair of Sparrow missiles.
Access panels here are shown along with the sidewinders and ejector seats. There are no better pictures than these right now so we will bring you more when the kit is available..

Previous Italeri F-104G/S news
We have some new shots from Italeri of their much anticipated large scale F104G export Starfighter – hopefully this will be a step past the  Hasegawa one we have all had in our stashes for so long. With the help of the experts at DACO this Starfighter looks like a winner already – here are the sprues and we also have some CAD shots as well as the decal choices – 

CAD pictures
Not much more news than what is already known but a good look at the CAD pictures tells a thousand words about what is on the way - let's hope it is as good as the promise shown here...
The proposed art/ box art of the kit

And the massive decal sheet - with Italian, German, Greek, Canadian,Dutch, and Belgian Starfighters

The layout of the decal sheets
All of these kits are available now and more detail can be found on the Italeri site