November 11, 2013

Now with added unboxing video showing you exactly what is in the kit Andrea Miniatures Tank Fight on the Western Front, 1916 .

We have added a video preview to our pictures and background story of the single tank being set to by German forces on the Western front it WWII - the unboxing video shows you exactly what you do get for your money...

Preview: Andrea Miniatures - Tank Fight on the Western Front, 1916

54 mm/ 1/32nd scale.
101 Metal Pieces, 6 Resin.
Approximate weight: 2.50 kg - 5.51 lb
SKU: AND - S3S04
$500.00US/ 400,00 EUR
Recently there was an amazing WWI scratch built tank / trench Diorama called “Rage Against the Machine” which seemed to fan the flames of WWI mad tank builders out there – and now Andrea Miniatures has grasped this concept and made their own full resin/metal kit of over 100 parts called “Tank Fight on the Western Front, 1916”…Let’s have a little look at what is coming out from Andrea..
Andrea Miniatures has captured an emotive seen in their latest super set of resin diorama base and figures to accompany them. Sculpted in 1/32nd scale this set really does remind me of the storm of the British tank named after tinned meat “Fray Bentos”.
The Mark IV tank was stranded away from its accompanying infantry support in the 3rd battle of Ypres. The Germans saw the plight of the stranded nine men in their tank and attacked with everything they had including heavy guns, infantry and pioneers with explosives. They could not beat the crew into submission over a period of 72 hours and the beleaguered tankers escaped (with their Lewis gun as was the standing order of the time)
The crew survived for three days by drinking the water from the radiator and fending off the German attacks by night and day (and even from the direction of their own lines to try to fool them) by using their small arms and the Lewis gun that could be brought to bear. The main guns were rendered useless by the angle they were fixed at.
This kit is soon to go on sale and is made up of 101 metal and 6 parts of resin for the base. It is a big kit and very expensive – but it looks like a show stealer in the right hands..
The book is accompanied by Andrea’s publication of the painting tips when making this kit – written by Julio Cabos and called “Tank Fight, 1916” This book shows you how to paint the ground work, figures and the tank – it looks pretty good on it’s own.
The kit is now available from AndreaMiniatures website and their distributors worldwide.