Our resident spitfire fan (there is a long line of them) Tony Prince
reviews Barracuda Studios latest set of resin (and clear plastic) improvements for three scales of spitfire. Wheels,
exhausts, props and canopies get a look in in this review. Tony has provided
some pictures from his archives showing the real thing to help us better see
the quality of these sets..
Barracuda Studios
resin for the Spitfire in 1/32nd, 1/48th and 1/72nd
Included this review are:
BR72107 Spitfire 3 Slot Wheels - Circumferential Tread
BR48097 Spitfire 3 Slot Wheels - Circumferential Tread
BR32104 Spitfire 3 Slot Wheels - Circumferential Tread
BR48093 Spitfire Mk XIX 5 Blade Prop – Tapered
BR48092 Spitfire Mk. XIX Tubular Exhausts
BR48096 Spitfire Mk. XIX Vacform Canopy
All of these kits come in a clear bag and ours came in a safe box over the seas from the USA - everything arrived quite safely. The resin is cast quite well with no bubbles and not any real extra resin to remove except the small casting blocks on each one. I was very impressed with the resin on hand but i knew that Tony knew a lot more about Spitfires (having built more than he could probably like to count - and there is one of them below) than i did so i will hand you over to Tony at this point:
1/72nd scale
2 parts in cream resin
Price: $4.50 - Link
Set BR 72107
Spitfire 3 slot wheels with circumferential tread in 1:72 scale. These come in
a resealable plastic bag with card header & provide a pair of beautifully
moulded resin wheels. Clean, sharp castings with finely detailed hubs with
nice, deep relief right down to the tyre valves, back plate & even ‘Dunlop’
on the side wall. Yes, if you have a good magnifying glass, it’s all there! I
took the opportunity to apply a light wash to one of the wheels to pop out the
detail on the wheel hubs & tread: magnificent!
This set contains a pair of super detailed resin 3 slot wheels with ribbed tyres as fitted to many post-war variants, including the Spitfire XIV, XVI, XVIII,XIX, 22/24, as well as some Seafire 45 and 46 and Spiteful/Seafangs. These wheels are fitted to many post-war foreign Spits as well as many warbirds of all marks.
BR48097 Spitfire 3 Slot Wheels - Circumferential Tread
1/48th scale
2 parts in cream resin
Price: $5.95 - Link
This set contains a pair of super detailed resin 3 slot
wheels with ribbed tires as fitted to many post-war variants, including the
Spitfire XIV, XVI, XVIII,XIX, 22/24, as well as some Seafire 45 and 46 and
Spiteful/Seafangs. These wheels are fitted to many post-war foreign Spits as
well as many warbirds of all marks. Made from careful measurements and photos
taken of full size wheels. Can be fitted to most Spitfire kits.
Set BR 48097 , as the other wheels in this set, but in 1:48 scale. The same comments apply here too with excellent detail throughout. Wheel slots are fine & sharp with the wheel interior quite visible right down to the internal nuts & tyre valve on the outside & a finely slotted back plate on the inner side.
The circumferential tread is beautifully cast too with even grooves which will respond well to weathering. Once again, ‘Dunlop’ is clearly visible and (I think) some tyre size detail as well.
BR32104 Spitfire 3 Slot Wheels - Circumferential Tread
1/32nd scale
2 wheels in cream resin
Price: $6.95 - Link
Price: $6.95 - Link
This large scale set of Spitfire wheels from Barracuda Cast contains a pair detailed resin 3 slot wheels
with ribbed tires as fitted to many post-war variants, including the Spitfire
XIV, XVI, XVIII,XIX, 22/24, as well as some Seafire 45 and 46 and
Spiteful/Seafangs. These wheels are fitted to many post-war foreign Spits as
well as many warbirds of all marks. Made from careful measurements and photos
taken of full size wheels. Can be fitted to many Spitfire kits.
Set No. BR 32104 repeats
the above wheel sets but with even more visible detail & no real need for a
magnifying glass either. This set is just plain gorgeous. Sidewall detail,
valves, interior details, wheel hubs both sides & sharp tread grooves too.
All I need now is a late mark 1:32 Spitfire to put them on!
Coated with a wash to better show you the detail cast in these wheels.
BarracudaCast has provided more Spitfire castings, this time
more specifically for the Airfix Mk.XIX, although of course these may be used
on many other suitable late versions.
BR48093 Spitfire Mk
XIX 5 Blade Prop – Tapered
1/48th scale
7 parts in cream resin
Price: $7.95 - Link
1/48th scale
7 parts in cream resin
Price: $7.95 - Link
This set contains parts to make a super detailed 10’4”
diameter prop w tapered blades, as fitted to many Spitfire Mk. XIXs, XIVs and
XVIIIs. There were 2 styles of blades, a wide blade and a later tapered blade
seen on most Spit XIXs in service. Designed for the gorgeous Airfix Spitfire
XIX, but can be adapted to other kits.
Nearly all web pictures of Mk XIXs show the B of B examples which have broad tip chisel ended propellers. The original equipment was as per the samples for review. (I learned a lot!)
Dealing with the prop blades first, this is set No. BR 48093 in 1:48 scale & provides
six (you get a spare). Doing a bit of research on this subject I found several
apparently different prop blades on late model Spits.
Some had a fairly broad chisel shaped tip & others
seemed slimmer & more pointed. Further study showed that this set is spot
on for the Mk XIX & that all 5 bladed Griffon engined variants did not have
the same diameter propeller. This one is 10’4”. I also found that all war time
& early post war pictures I could find of XIXs seemed to show this
propeller. Preserved examples are another thing altogether & seem to be
fitted with broad chisel tip blades.
Included in the set is a beautifully cast propeller hub with
locking grooves to match corresponding lugs on the prop blades & a ready-made
hole for the prop shaft. My only problem here is whether or not to exchange my
Airfix props for these or to file them to the correct shape & save the
newies for another Spitfire!
BR48092 Spitfire Mk. XIX Tubular Exhausts
Designed by Roy Sutherland
1/48th scale
2 parts in cream resin
Price: $4.25 - Link
This set contains a pair of super detailed, accurate
hollowed out exhaust stacks as fitted to most Mk. XIXs, XVIIIs, and late XIVs.
Designed for the Airfix Spit XIX.
There’s more to tempt you here: set No BR 48092: A set of sharply cast tubular exhausts for the Airfix
Mk.XIX (although they would suit any late Griffon Spit). Again, much, much
better than trying to drill out solid plastic mouldings & easier on the
fingers too. These have thin walls & a delicate cuff at the end of each
pipe. A straight forward replacement for the plastic.
BR48096 Spitfire Mk. XIX Vacform Canopy
1/48th scale
Price: $3.95 - Link
Lastly, for the Spitfire XIX enthusiast, there’s a beautiful
vac form canopy with three sections; windscreen, canopy & aft transparency.
This set contains one sparkling, crystal clear, vacformed pressurized canopy
with separate hood and frameless PR type windscreen. Designed for the beautiful
Airfix Spit XIX.
This is set No. BR
48096. I don’t know about you, but I do have some reservations about
Airfix’s solution to the problem of posing an open canopy using necessarily over
scale mouldings. It's very clever & I’ve done it twice but there is an
element of distortion when viewing the area behind the pilot’s seat due to the
curvature of the canopy mid-section.
This is the answer: the parts are thin,
accurate & clear & even if you decide to use just the two rear parts,
will go a long way towards making your XIX just that little bit better.
All the above items are highly recommended
Tony Prince.
Thanks To Barracuda Studios for sending
them out for us to review. They are available at the links in this review.