July 27, 2014

MiniArt are back! With the new 1/35th scale Panzer III.B due for September release...

MiniArt’s has been conspicuous by their absence lately - but they are due to return to the market in September with their best looking kit as of yet...
News: MiniArt's return..
We had high hopes for MiniArt this year - with some amazing and even more detailed and complex kits to be released we were so excited for this company from the Ukraine. World events though, took a turn for the worst - and the Ukraine has been in Turmoil ever since.

We have been in touch with the People of MiniArt through the Ukraine crisis, and they have told us of their moving of the whole organization, as well as staff (and families) from Simferopol to the capital city of Kiev (Kyiv) (about 800km journey) to start afresh - away (hopefully for all the staff) from any danger. The most important thing is that they are all safe.

The second great thing is that MiniArt are just about to release what we think is thier most important kit in years this September. Earlier this year we previewed their surprise new kitting of the Panzer III.B in 1/35th scale is sure to be a popular choice with modellers – we have some preview and vehicle info as well as test shot pictures as well – we are excited about this release and more-so excited about MiniArt's return!

 Panzer IIIB Kit No# 35162
German Tank Pz.Kpfw.IIIB
"Everything you need for an accurate 1/35th scale model in one box." - that is what is promised - we thought we would look a little at the forthcoming kit from Miniart..

Panzerkampfwagen III Ausf В (Sd Kfz 141) specifications:
Other designation: 2 Serie ZW
Type: Medium tank
Manufaclurer: Daimler-Benz
Chassis Nos.: 60201-60215
15 produced in 1937
Crew: 5                        
Engine: Maybach HL108TR
Weight (tons): 159         Gearbox: 5 forward. 1 reverse
Length (metres): 567     Speed (km/hr): 40
Width (metres): 2.81      Range (km): 165
Height (metres): 2.39     Radio: FuG5
Armament: One 3.7 cm & Two 7.92 mm MG34

History: The Ausf.В was the second attempt at a design solution for a tank in the 15-ton class. Only a small number of these design series vehicles were produced to provide a gun-armed Pz Kpfw for training.
Specific Panzer IIIB features: The design of the suspension of the Ausf В was completely different from that of the Ausf A. In place of the five road wheels with coil springs, the Ausf В had eight road wheels per side, divided into pairs, with long leaf springs supporting a pair of road wheels at each end. Further improvements were made by increasing the number of return rollers to three, redesigning the cupola, and altering the rear deck and engine air louvers.
Combat service: The Ausf В were issued to Panzer units in 1937. After action in Poland, they were all removed from combatant units in February 1940 because of their unsatisfactory suspension and 15mm armour.

In October 1940, the five Ausf В Fgst, which had been used for the experimental (0-Serie) series of the Sturmgeschutz, were returned to the Armoured troops and used as training vehicles.

Model Specifications:
· First model of Pz. Kpfw. III Ausf. B 
· All New Tooling. State of the art engineering utilising slide mould technology
• Total parts count 1127 
• 1057 plastic parts 
• 57 PE parts 
• 13 clear plastic parts
• Decals sheet for 5 options are included
• Full-colour instruction
• Fully detailed interior of turret
• Crews vision periscopes with clear plastic parts
• All hatches can be assembled opened or closed
• Workable chassis
• Workable track links

3D CAD images of the tank while in development      

And the internal full detail of the turret..

The kit has a track jig tool for assembling workable track links

all you need is tracks..

And the pins to secure them

And Viola! Workable tracks - easy to make up
Sprues of the kit (– there are several duplicates of some of these..)
Turret periscope
Clear parts for inside the periscopes
  Photo etched parts 
Painting & marking choices

and now the Test shot pictures first the turret with internal detail "a-plenty"…
And the rest of the tank - it looks pretty nice so far!! And no doubt more Mark III's to come!
Due date is September this year - just about a month away - There is more info on this exciting new kit at the MiniArt website