Recently the new HK
Models 1/32nd scale Meteor IV was released to a solidly good
response from the modelling community. There really weren’t that many choices
for good markings for this it until recently. Inspiration and some great first-hand
picture reference came to Didier Thomas when he met Sgt. Harry Saeys - the Meteor pilot….
“When Harry met the Meteor”
HK Models Meteor F.IV
1/32nd scale kit
From the box - including Xtradecals markings
Model by Didier Thomas
The release of the Gloster Meteor F.4 by HK Models allowed
modellers to build an aircraft that for many countries represented the first
jet in their air forces. One of those countries is Belgium. In 1949, the
Belgian government bought 48 Meteors F.4 for an amount of just under £1,5
million (or £31.250 each !!). In April of the same year, the first aircraft
were delivered.
Photolegend: A
Belgian Meteor F.4 at high speed only feet above the beach in a daring high speed pass.
A few years ago, an interesting 52-page book was published on
the Meteor F.4 in service with the Belgian Air Force. In it is the story of one
of the first pilots to fly the aircraft: Sgt. Harry Saeys. I had the pleasure
of meeting Harry when the book was released and from that meeting came the idea
to model his kite….
Photolegend: Sgt.
Harry Saeys, wearing a hat, sits on the wing of a BAF Meteor, together with
fellow pilots in 1950.
Only a few weeks after the HK Models Meteor became available, Xtradecals released a set including a Belgian Air Force Meteor. Imagine my surprise when I noticed that it was for the aircraft of the very same pilot: Harry Saeys. Nothing was left to stop me from building the kit, using the Xtradecals and have the model signed by the pilot.
Although the cockpit is quite nice from the box, Didier added
some extra detail. Even though the cockpit is rather dark when the fuselage is
closed-up, these extra details really are worth the effort. With the cockpit
and the nose wheel compartment attached to it done, the fuselage was closed-up.
The long seams needs some cleaning-up, which has to be done with care, in order
not to lose too much of the rivets and panel lines.
The fairly plain looking cockpit was detailed up with scratch-built parts.
Some care has to be taken with the engine intakes of this
Meteor. You might have some trouble to get the engines perfectly aligned with
the wings; in this case, some sanding was necessary. Didier painted the insides
black before he gave them a layer of metal.
The wings themselves are packed
with rivets, so Didier was careful to glue them into the right position. The finesse
of the kit demands to test-fit it regularly so not too much putty is used. Some
was used on the wings-fuselage assembly. Nothing too complex, though! Probably
one of the biggest jobs with this kit is getting it ready to paint. Which
means: making sure everything is flush and polished. Bring out the micro-mesh!
Didier made his own canopy masking with thin strips of Tamiya style tape.
The Belgian Meteors were painted silver, so after masking the
canopy and the wheel bays, Didier painted the model gloss black to get a good
base coat for the “High Speed Silver”. Being pretty dynamic with a few kits on the go, he also prepared
an F-84G in the same manner, so he could get them both painted.
Didier used 2 layers of Alclad aluminium, with the second
one to fill the panels more prominently to liven everything up. A very thin
layer of black was sprayed on the panels to give the metal even more depth.
With the metal painted, the kit was polished again and prepared for the details
and the decals. Landing gear, wheel bay doors and canopy were ready, now it was
time for those decals.
Nootice dark panels to shade the model for more depth and an organic feel to the otherwise one-dimensional silver paint.
Harry Saeys Meteor has
a dark blue nose, which gives the aircraft a nice touch of colour. The roundels
are quite big, but the decals are strong enough to be handled around the kit.
Some decal setting is useful though!
And here she is in her glory!
So, here’s the finished Gloster Meteor F.4 GE-H, flown by
Sergeant Barry Saeys 64 years ago. All that is left to do is to meet Harry and
get his signature on the model! We’ll stay in touch!
Model by Didier
Copyright historical photos: Daniel Brackx
Text by Nicolas
Thanks to Xtradecals for providing us with the
You can get the 32nd
scale HK Models Meteor F.4 from HK’s Worldwide distributors..