Northrop Grumman
Freedom Models
1/48th scale
Available from Freedom Models distributors
X-47B UCAS - Build Review Pt I.PT II Painting and finishing
X-47B UCAS - Build Review Pt I.PT II Painting and finishing
The U.S. Navy’s X-47B Unmanned Combat Air System (UCAS)
program was designed to demonstrate the ability of a tailless, fighter-sized
unmanned aircraft to land on and be launched from the flight deck of a Navy
aircraft carrier while underway at sea, one of the most challenging aviation
environments. Under a contract awarded in August 2007 by the U.S. Naval Air
Systems Command (NAVAIR), Northrop Grumman designed, produced and is flight
testing two autonomous, low-observable relevant demonstrator aircraft
designated the X-47B UCAS.
This 1/48 kit of the X-47B is manufactured by Freedom
Models (kit FD18001).
My model is built 99% out-of-box with only some minor detailing added to the
landing gear and tail hook. The fit of the kit is excellent and based on my research
is very accurate. I chose to model the X-47B as it appeared during carrier
trials. Being a demonstrator airframe the specific configuration varied a lot.
The whole kit and dio
The A/S32A-32 deck tractor is from Skunkmodels and
the figures are from Verlinden and CMK. The display base is pre-printed
cardboard from Uschi van der Rosten. The model was finished with Gunze
Mr Color laquer paints. And in closer detail
The detailed build of this model can be found in the next
few days here on “The News”.
Gary Wickham
Available from Freedom Models distributors
See more of Gary’s
models at his website