Canfora Publishing
have brought us some of the most beautiful books on modelling today. To add to this they have just
today added a
large picture format book featuring the lesser known vehicles – the ones
that aren’t so common in injection moulded plastic –
they are the “Rare Wheels - A pictorial journey of lesser-known soft-skins 1934-45” We read it and thought you would like to know what it's like. See what we thought in our review...

Read n' Reviewed: Rare Wheels Vol I
pictorial journey of lesser-known soft-skins 1934-45
Author: Petr Dolezal
Published by Canfora Publishing
120+ Unpublished Photos
112 -Total Pages
Landscape format in Hardback
Regular price € 29.95 plus P&P.
from Canfora Publishing at their website
Published by Canfora Publishing
120+ Unpublished Photos
112 -Total Pages
Landscape format in Hardback
Regular price € 29.95 plus P&P.
from Canfora Publishing at their website
Modellers and military historians are always on the lookout
for something a bit different. The panzers, Shermans and T-34’s are old news on
the competition tables nowdays as the obscure is prized and with modelling
companies where something not yet made in injection moulded plastic is the
wholly grail. This search for obscurity (that is interesting subject) leads us
to today’s review title.
“Rare Wheels vol.1 -
A pictorial journey of lesser-known soft-skins 1934-45” is a new book from
Canfora Publishing. Known for lavish presentations in lovely books of the best quality,
this book follows some of that promise with the subject matter – a very much
lesser followed subject of the rare soft skin vehicles of 1934-1945. This book
however could go either way – would we be interested in the subjects or would
they be to obscure? Let’s see what we found out after reading this 112-page
Right from the get-go we see that the book follows the
quality set out in similar books like Panzerwrecks or the PEKO books. This book
is a landscape format and most of the pictures are in large format. Some pages
have up to three pictures and captions to match them but the book never seems
too busy to read or too sparse in detail or picture size.
The cover is a
hardcover glossy affair with good thickness of paper inside
The pictures themselves are of the previously unpublished
variety. It amazes me to see that I am not familiar with any of these shots and
it’s over 75 years (or more) since these images having been captured. This is
gold to modern reference and model buffs, and quite an achievement for the
The book’s author is Mr. Petr Dolezal, and he has searched
far and wide for the pictures and thought hard about the text to accompany
these shots. He could never be accused of boring us with copious detail and the
book is a little light on that. But the detail there is makes you often look
twice at the picture to see what he has picked out.
The real stars though of the book is not the writing but the
variety of cars, trucks, buses and other soft-skins that have been picked out.
The promo for this book said “Manufacturers such as Krupp, Büssing-Nag, Horch,
Adler, Mercedes, BMW, Steyr, Opel, Henschel, ZiS, GAZ, Praga, Ford, Citroen and
Matford are all represented, to mention a few” and they are not overplaying it.
There are several makes I had no idea existed. The lovers of allied and other
nations soft skins are not ignored wither – as there are plenty of US, Russian
and Italian “soft metal” in there as well.
Training and Preparation: this chapter shows us some really
rare wheels! Already the book is living up to its title. Some of these wheels
are even human pedal powered! We see tractors, cars armoured with canvas and
paper instead of metal (because of pre-war rules opposed by the treaty of Versailles.)
We start very early on with some vehicles from 1934 right up to 1939 so there
is a wealth of machine types to cover and unusual photographs to study. A
lovely double page picture is evidence of the wealth of material in good
quality in the rest of this book.
Next we look at some of the shots taken in the Polish
campaign of 1939. These only brief six pages (a little like the campaign) have
some interesting shots that do just as much for the Polish countryside as they
do for the vehicles.
We then go naturally to the next stop in the diary of WWII -
the invasion of France is next documented in picture and text form. We see captured Bedford and Matford trucks
amongst the ford, Renaud and Fiat cars that have been re-purposed for the German
war machine. The battlefields are a telling backdrop where more often than most
the vehicles are captured at a time of rest or of soldiers posing next to their
steeds or wrecked allied cars and trucks. The German machines of war like Horch
and Mercedes are all there as well.
We next go east. The invasion of Russia, starting at the
frontier of the Ukraine and then heading east in a cloud of dust. We see lots
of Magirus and Opel Blitz busses to cart the masses of soldiers on the rapid
advance of the early days of the campaign as well as German radio and signal
trucks and cars. These are passing ZIS and GAZ-AA trucks of Russian make before
we see the cars suffering the grasp of “General Winter.”
From one extreme to another we see Italian Lancia and Alfa
Romeo’s with captured lend lease American Guy, dodge & Ford trucks. Again
this is a short chapter and it would be nice to see some more of the desert war’s
offering but these are very good shots of obscure vehicles. We could do with more desert war stuff in this book I reckon.
Chapter six documents action in 1945 of the German all out
retreat. Polička is a town on the Bohemia-Moravia borderline and we see a
series of shots from what I think is the same person documenting the rout of
the German soldiers taking whatever transport (even horse drawn) through the
town to safety. The absolute difference of each of the vehicles to one another
and the various camouflages seen show just how wide the net for transport was
cast and just how important these vehicles were to the troops in their rush for
“Touring Czechoslovakia” features not only the Germans on
crowded streets in 1945 but the resistance fighters in their efforts to reclaim
their towns. Some interesting tractor vehicles, knocked out German soft skins
are the subjects here.
The surrender of the Luftwaffe “Schlachtgeschwader 2 (SG 2)
Immelmann” which was a Luftwaffe Dive bomber-wing of the Luftwaffe is covered
and we see lots of interesting and varied forms of transport from trailers to
wood fire powered vehicles.
The action moves on to Kladno, a city in the Central
Bohemian Region of what is now the Czech Republic. Confused settings of German,
Soviet and other vehicles with different owners. One series of shots showing
the column of trucks that was to bring back prisoners from a concentration camp
is telling of that time in the war and something you do not often see in a book
like this.
Last of all we get a few pages dedicated to both the last
movements some of the Brandenburg Division soldiers in one car and their surrender
at gunpoint (and an interesting story about a hidden weapon in a Citroen) Along
with the next section detailing the vehicles of the Russian army as it arrived
in Usti Nad Orlici in their Studebaker trucks.
Well if I was going to sum this effort up I would say that
inside there was MUCH more than I bargained for. I mean I never knew some of
these existed. I am wondering that seeing that this is “Volume I” what will the
others be filled with? There could be more mid-war and definitely outside of
the European/African/Russian spheres of influence. To be honest if this subject
is explored fully this can be a long series.
In matter of pictorial inspiration - some of the vehicles shown in this book are now slowly becoming available to modellers, the Henschel 33, Kfz 15, Simca 5/Fiat 500,
Steyr 1500, Büssing-Nag, Zis, Omnibusses and GaaZ trucks, and a even more types are planed. With some minor
modifications it is possible to realize some of the scenes you see in this book. I can see some of the top modellers (or even schlubs like me) making a few good dioramas from what is presented here.
A little more story might flesh some of these pictures out a
little – like the “Brandenburg” story did at the end of the book. But really
this book was about the weird array of different vehicles, their markings and
the soldiers who were in them. I would like to see more of this type of book. I
love the inspiration of diorama scenes it gives to the reader. The quality of
the book and the author’s diligence of work to find such rare, interesting and
unpublished photos shines through.
Adam Norenberg
Thanks to the publisher for sending this book to read and review. You can order
this book from Canfora Publishing at their website