March 02, 2016

Gary’s finished build of Finemolds 72nd scale Tomcat on final inspection before launch...

We have been teased long enough! Before we get to the “how-too” (soon to come)…Gary’s finished build of the Finemolds F-14D Tomcat in 72nd scale is complete. Today we’ll show the kit finished with lots of extras on a very nice looking deck section cluttered with lots of figures to populate the story. 

Gary Wickham’s Grumman F-14D Tomcat (FineMolds 1/72) build – finished gallery.

FineMolds recently released their brand new tooled F-14D Tomcat in 1:72. The kit sprues can only be purchased in conjunction with the Japanese monthly magazine, ModelGraphix via Hobby Link Japan. In all you need three issues of the magazine (plus one other for the weapons) to get the whole kit.

Here are the review parts that Gary has already picked out what he thinks about the kit here on TMN in case you missed them…
Part1 Modelgraphix & F-14 (engine nose & cockpit)

Part 2 Modelgraphix & F-14 (Fuselage)

Part 3 SA Magazine & F-14 (stores + Modelkasten Pilots)

Part 4 Modelgraphix & F-14 (Wings & Stores)

Other parts of this review series:
Part 1 Modelgraphix & F-14 (engine nose & cockpit)
Part 2 Modelgraphix & F-14 (Fuselage)
Part 3 SA Magazine & F-14 (stores + Modelkasten Pilots)
Part 4 Modelgraphix & F-14 (Wings & Stores)

Part 5 Gary’s finished build gallery of Finemolds 72nd scale Tomcat

Part I of the build of this kit
Part II of the build of this kit
Part III of the build of this kit
Part IV of the build of this kit
Part V of the build of this kit

The model is simply stunning with options out of the box to open the radome, avionics and gun bays, refuelling probe, fuselage spine and rear air brakes. The detail that FineMolds has packed into 1:72 puts many 1:48 and even some 1:32 kits to shame. The fit and engineering is superb and the model almost builds itself (yes, it really is that good).

Before it goes on the deck - here's the underside for posterity...
I finished my model with Gunze Mr Color and Alclad paints and tried out some of the new MiG Ammo panel washes for weathering (these also performed very well).

I wanted to model a lo viz TPS scheme F-14D and already had a set of the excellent Twobobs 72-026 VF-31 Tomcatters "Felix in the Fight" decals depicting OIF (Operation Iraqi Freedom) Tomcats. 

A view of  the top of the kit and dio showing all the crew hard at work.
The deck drew and pilot figures are from ModelKastenReedOak (excellent 3D printed), Fujumi and Verlinden and they are all sitting on top of a pre-printed base by Ushi Van Der Rosten. 

Here the whole scene is put together with the background of just the right carrier deck by chance  - USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72)

Other parts of this review series:
Part 1 Modelgraphix & F-14 (engine nose & cockpit)
Part 2 Modelgraphix & F-14 (Fuselage)
Part 3 SA Magazine & F-14 (stores + Modelkasten Pilots)
Part 4 Modelgraphix & F-14 (Wings & Stores)

Part 5 Gary’s finished build gallery of Finemolds 72nd scale Tomcat

Part I of the build of this kit
Part II of the build of this kit
Part III of the build of this kit
Part IV of the build of this kit
Part V of the build of this kit

Thanks to Hobbylink Japan for sending these magazines (and kits with the figures) to Gary for him to review and build – Stay tuned for the build log on these pages here at TMN over the next week or so…