June 24, 2016

It isn’t what IN the kit, but what they left out - Miniart’s new version of the faster to make, cheaper Su-122 kit.

MiniArt’s new SU-122 Initial Production is not a hollow choice - No interior and makes for an easier construction and a cheaper price. If you just want to model the exterior of the tank, then this will be a good kit – and a smart marketing choice – let’s see how it differs from the full interior kit and what you get in our preview…

MiniArt’s new item Preview
1/35th scale
Total Parts 565
BOX: 345x240x70 mm
MiniArt has impressed us with their new Su-122 was this – the SU-122 Initial Production with a full Interior Let’s have a look at the new kit and some of its feature set, and how it is different to the more expensive and more detailed (and maybe more time consuming) stable mate…

 35181(left) Vs 35175(right w/Full interior) - which one fits your current modelling Philosophy?
This kit (35181) contains 565 (vs 836 in the full interior kit of this model)
488 Plastic Parts (vs 712 in the interior kit)
73 Photoetched Parts (vs 117 in the full interior kit)
4 Clear Plastic Parts (vs 7 in the full interior kit)
This kit is however, different to the #3175 kit in a few ways. There is extra around the gun and the cupola on the roof is different.

We are missing the A, Ab, E, Fb, Fm, Ga. Jd, and an altered Da sprue from the more expensive but more detailed full interior kit.

Whereas this kit we have an extra Jc, Je and the extra tracks for the hull sides
Decals Sheet for 4 Options, the marking choices for this kit are pretty attractive
Full-Colour Instructions
Workable Track Links
Spare track links supplied also as a change to the other kit.
Here are the kit sprues - Lots of sharp moulding and slide technology used in this lot to create the right shapes whilst cutting down on construction time. Note that there are many repeated sprues amongst this lot - esp in the running gear and tracks of course...
CAD Images of the Model show the detail of this kit and the effort that has gone into the intricate details in the inside and out…
This kit is still in progress – keep an eye on the MiniArt Site or just lock in here for more info on MiniArt’s new stuff.