July 17, 2016

Masterbox’s two new sets - we like the strong feminine type

Masterbox has announced their two new kits that are expected for August this year. Sure to either strike a chord with a strong lady figure or take your modelling heart, these two 24th scale figures are the feature of today’s preview…

Masterbox new products for Augst 2016

 “Thunder Spirit”
1/24th scale 
This proud warrior from a native American tribe looks like she is as lovely as she is as handy with that hatchet she is carrying. Moulded in 24th scale there are some great details to be picked up on her – the art work is great, but the sculpt  looks even better to us…
She is part of the new line of 24th scale figure heroines from Masterbox that are also very easy on the eye.

“Marshal Jessie”
1/24th scale
This kit is also in 24th scale and again it continues the line of good lookin’ lasses from Masterbox that can be seen as either a strong role model or as something like eye candy for the lonely modeller in love with their subjects.

Rootin’ Tootin Jesse sports a large Marshal’s Star on her chest but she seems to be missing some buttons on her vest. She packs two six-guns so she means to give as good as she gets. Let’s hope she does not start a fight with our native American friend…
These two  kits will be available through all of Masterbox’s distributors in August this year…