December 31, 2017

Read n' Reviewed: Panzerjäger on the Battlefield from Peko Publishing

Today we relay our thoughts to you of the contents of Peko Publishing’s fifteenth edition of the “On the Battlefield” series. This book features the big guns of the German tank destroyers of WWII, starting from the smallest tanks with big guns and then moving into the bigger tanks with even bigger guns. See what we thought after we read the book in our review…

December 30, 2017

More from MiniArt's new catalogue four more pages with new additions today...

Miniart has started to publish their newest version of their Catalogue of items for 2018 five pages every day for the next week - We will follow the releases and post the pages here every day - you might see a few new things you may very much like - check it out and see in our catalogue preview...

In-Boxed: 1/12th scale Fiat 500F from Italeri Models

It was only a matter of time before the iconic Italian car (1968 model) of the Fiat 500F was made in plastic by the Italian model company Italeri. The company is almost as well known as they have been around themselves since 1962. Now that we have the kit we can show you just what is in the box and compare it to the real thing in our in-depth review of the large scale "Bambina"...

December 28, 2017

Finishing guide - Takom's 35th scale Merkava Mk.I

Paul's build of TAKOM's 35th scale Merkava Mk.I is now finished, today in the final part of his journey finishes the kit using AMMO's shades with a great result. See how he did it, and how you could take on your own kit in his finishing guide...

December 27, 2017

Hobbyboss' 2018 Catalogue - nothing here... OHH - Can you say a pair of B-24 Liberators in 1/32nd scale?

It is that time of year again when companies start spamming us with catalogues of next years products - and some we may even see in the flesh! Hobbyboss are pretty good at keeping up their promises, so check out this latest catalogue, showing their current models and some coming in our crystal ball look into the future preview of 2018/19...

Trumpeter’s Catalogue & new items of 2018 - 2019

Trumpeter has released their latest list of new kits for next year - and along with some you might already own there are some “New” items that are marked clearly in the catalogue. This should cause some discussion…

December 25, 2017

In-boxed: 1/32nd scale F4U-1D Corsair from Tamiya (Pt I)

The Corsair family in 1/32nd scale is nearly complete with this new F4U-1D model from Tamiya. A popular aircraft from a popular model maker - what other excuse do we need to review it and make it up for you? Next week we have a build article for the major sub-sections and walkthrough of some of the more difficult parts. Today we give your our In-box review with comparison shots of the real thing.

December 24, 2017

Finishing Guide: Andy completes Takom's 1/35th scale M3 Lee

Andy Moore has given us his build sequence after the In-box review of Takom's M3 Lee, and now we see how he puts it all together in the end in today's third article. He included some great tips & tricks you might want to use on your own build. See how it all wraps up with the help of AMMO shades and an Evolution Miniatures tanker in the final part...

December 22, 2017

Masterbox’s new releases of January-February 2018 are out of this world - & in a Universe all their own...

Masterbox has been busy - they have formulated a new science fiction and fantasy series of models and kits with all new figures and scenarios to investigate and create. Not many companies do things like this, so these really are worth a look. Welcome to their new universe - "At the Edge of the Universe. Strange Company’s adventures."

Amusing hobby's two new "Stupid Super Heavies" that will please many "World of Tanks" lovers...

...& many heavy tank lovers in general, the British (very important) "Super" Conqueror, & the experimental wooden mockup that might turn up in the game any time, the Japanese Type 5 gun tank Ho-Ri I. Now we will soon have these in plastic, lets see the little we know about them...

December 20, 2017

In-Boxed: Meng Models 1/35th scale Panther Workable Track Set & Zimmerit Decal Sets

Andy has the new Meng Panther in 35th scale ready... just waiting to be built - but he wanted to try the Zimmerit patterns the kit would need, as well as the fully working suspension to add that weighted look to the kit. He has a chance to show them off to you before he gets building the whole thing in today's review.

December 19, 2017

Revell of Germany kits built up on display in this month's new release preview

The new items from Revell of Germany this month include a Wild Weasel, a tiny Texan, A couple of German modern AFV's, a badly painted Porsche and a Kadett in dark grey - We had our pick with seven of them, showing you their built-up models in this month's new releases preview…

December 18, 2017

AK Interactive's latest 24th scale automotive accessories - they are a "Doozy"

AK Interactive has been doing some work in the shed, banging up some new details resin accessories, paints, finishes and a great new book to get your latest car project on the road and looking more realistic than you could ever envisage. Let's look at their latest materials and their new impressive "Doozy" line...

December 17, 2017

Read n’ Reviewed: Abrams Squad #22

Paul has gotten his hands on Pla Editions latest - Abrams Squad No# 22 featuring all of the latest in modern warfare modelling from around the world in the one place. See what he thought of issue 22 in his "Read n' Reviewed"....

December 16, 2017

Hasegawa's January items are on a steady course, maybe with one exception...

Hasegawa's January items offer some nice releases in new colours & re-released as well as one just looney kit I am sure you will have trouble spotting amongst this lot...Check them out in our preview...

December 15, 2017

Build Guide Pt.III: Bruce finishes Kittyhawk's 48th scale Su-35 "Flanker E"

Bruce has finished his Kittyhawk 48th scale Su-35 “Flanker E”. Four articles into this kit build we think you can see a really good account of the kit and how it looks when finished and how it all goes together in his finishing guide...

A clear case? Ryefield Model's new 35th scale Panther G in CAD & inside out now with some boxart.

New boxart and a sprue layout of the new RyeField Model Panther G in 35th scale to add to the previous CAD images and feature sets in our new preview.

December 14, 2017

Panzer Aces 56 is centred around the "SU" series of Russian tanks - see what's inside in our preview.

Panzer Aces #56 launches a special issue featuring the "SU" Russian vehicle series of tanks. The main versions of this AFV are shown with different techniques, painting camouflages, weathering effects and "walkaround" pictures in the magazine - see what's coming in our preview...

December 13, 2017

Trumpeter’s new releases…from the air, sea and ground to you in January 2018

Trumpeter's January new year releases are just leaving the factories now, with a large sale Mig trainer, a most modern Nelson, Another Paper tank destroyer and a Multi rocket launch system ready to dump on us. We have the sprue shots, markings & boxart in today’s preview.

December 12, 2017

Pt.III of Clayton's Painting & Finishing Guide:for Bronco's 35th scale Cruiser Tank Mk.II/IIA/IIA CS

Clayton has arrived at the end of his build of Bronco Models has new 35th scale British Cruiser Tank. He has given us an inbox review and a build guide, but today we see it all come together really nicely in his painting & finishing guide...

December 10, 2017

Three new releases of WWII GI's in 35th scale from Alpine Miniatures

For those of you needing more US GI’s to populate your dioramas look no further –, Alpine Miniatures has given us two new 35th scale American troops on the way to do something or other, much needed and of high quality, see what these look like in our new item preview…

December 07, 2017

Italeri's January’s new year releases celebrate the “One True Scale” in a big way

Italeri has launched their 2018 account with more World of Tanks & Warships model kit sets, more 2nd armour and a Stuka with a funny name – see what we are talking about in our new item preview for Italeri…

In-Boxed: Hong Kong Models 1/32nd scale De Havilland Mosquito B Mk. IX

Hong Kong Models released their Stage Two Merlin engined Mosquito B Mk.IX late last year - and now the new year's haze has passed we thought we would give you a look at the kit, what is new and what we thought about the model in our "In-boxed" review...

December 06, 2017

1/32nd scale HK Models B-17 E/F Flying Fortress Build Guide: Lukas puts some the teeth in the turrets...

Lukas' build of the HK Models new E/F version of the Flying Fortress in 32nd scale continues apace. His latest part shows us how he detailed up the turrets that bristled the machine guns that made this thing a true "fortress". Here is the latest part of his step-by-step build guide to show you how he has got it to this stage.

December 05, 2017

Great Wall Hobby's new 48th scale Sukhoi S-35 Flanker E in CAD & Virtual Sprues

Great Wall Hobby has already shown us the 48th scale Su-35 Flanker S at the All-Japan Hobby Show in a test build up. Now the Flanker “E” kit in 48th scale is here, at least in CAD format anyway. Pore over the multiple angles and the CAD sprues (is that a thing?) in our preview…

December 04, 2017

Zvezda's new items for 2018 in their catalogue (grab a Russian speaking buddy for this one...)

Zvezda is next in line to show us their wares for 2018.  The new catalogue with existing models and all new items for 2017 - the only catch is you need to speak Russian to decipher everything, but the smart ones amongst you can work out what's coming...They are all there in this preview.

December 03, 2017

Build Guide Pt II: Bruce masks & paints Kittyhawk's 48th scale Su-35 "Flanker E"

Our man Bruce is building his Kittyhawk 48th scale Su-35 “Flanker E” at apace - The kit is in the paint shop and nearly finished, but he has filed another build article so you can see just how it is coming together in part II of his build guide...