New model from Bandai
Millennium Falcon
1/72nd scale
Price 40,000Yen/ $360 USD/ 280 British Pounds/ 320 Euro
Scheduled to be released in the summer of 2017
They have been hinting at this for a long time, but now Bandai has released news of the up and coming Millennium Falcon in 72nd scale. Plenty of pictures and text in Japanese give us pointers and tips as to what will be released with this kit – but first a short commercial break...
(subtitles in English at the bottom of this video)
(subtitles in English at the bottom of this video)
The kit is promised in the summer of 2017, and we can expect several interesting bits in the kit, including a full crew of Han, Chewie, Luke, C3PO and Princess Leia in 72nd scale
The cockpit is fully detailed – old car chairs, switches and dials everywhere it will look amazing once together
also, a LED kit to light up the darkness inside the cockpit
LED landing lights to illuminate the ground around the dio floor...
Yet more LEDS - this time lighting the rear thrusters of the flacon in that cool light blue colour
The self-defence gun pods can be manned (or "ladied") by anyone of the figures you choose – Hey why didn't they put C3PO in there – he's a robot you know!
The detail on some of the areas like the forward docking pod doors is very well detailed.
Damage and battle scars are shown on the moulded kit that is prepainted from what we are led to believe.
A stand is included to show the Falcon in flight...
...as well as that you can team it up with your X-Wing in the same scale
We will know more about this new kit as she appears on final approach. We will sure let you know when it's landing.
Crew access door can also be opened - and it looks to have an LED here also...
This kit will be available in the northern heisphere suppmer from Bandai’s distributors
We have found a really good (and the cheapest we could find) seller of Japanese centric models and all of these Star Wars kits ( esp if you cannot get them yourself) - He is called the Tokyo Model Detective & here is his website of you want to find your own Star Wars / or any other model from Japan for that matter.