January 10, 2018

Stalingrad's new Tiger II set of crew burst into action in 35th scale

To suit the recent spat of full interior King Tiger kit Stalingrad Miniatures has launched their own new set of figures to suit the insides of your own Tiger II. In our preview, we show you how they look and hopefully fit into your kit’s cramped interior…

New "Big Set" of 5 figures from Stalingrad in 35th scale

These new resin figures were mastered on the Meng kit, but we think that they will most probably suit your 1/35th scale kit from Takom or forthcoming ICM Tiger II also. The interiors of these tanks are cramped, but the spaces inside should be at least similar!

This set would be perfect if you are making a cutaway Tiger II

Charlie Pritchett's cutaway King tiger - these crew could be an even better addition...
King Tiger crew in action, 1944-45
# 3086
1/35th scale
Five figures in Grey resin
The new set comes as one “big set” with the figures sold in one bunch. here they are put together unpainted and just assembled on the sculptor's bench...
and isolated in a shot showing you just the details of the figures
These new figures compromise of the Commander, a standing loader, a driver in his seat, a radioman tweaking his…knobs and a gunner who is seated next to the commander.

Here you can see where they sit inside the tank
They sure are squeezed in there - just like in the real tank...
Here you see the figures painted up and ready to go into action. They look very nice to us!
 You can see by these pictures just how the sculptor has fitted these figures into his kit of the Meng Tiger II's interior. these are the same as the production kits figures you will receive if you get a set.
And here how they fit (with a layer of paint on them also) 😆
 Top-down - the inclusion of the figures really is the icing on the cake with a full interior kit like this one...
These new figures from Stalingrad are available now & you can see distributors near you on the Stalingrad site