October 18, 2018

More Panzer "Phwoar" from Border Model...

We have a little more information on the Ta - sorry I mean Border Model Panzer IV Mid/ Late version in 1/35th scale that is due soon. See the CAD pictures as it gives up some secrets in our preview...

Border Models show us more of their Panzer IV
Kit No #BT-001 
1/35th scale
Previously making modelling tools, Border Model is now entering the plastic injection moulded kit world with a popular and well-worn choice - the Panzer Kampfwagen IV in 1/35th scale.
What's new about that? Well, a few things that we were able to glean from the CAD shots in the kit. Let's look at them to see what we can see...

Below you can see the hull without suspension and then below that with the roadwheels in place.
Additional armour in two types are included
A track holder for additional armour in the form of tracks can be used.
The track guards are detailed with non-slip patterns
The rear deck is detailed but it does not look like the engine doors can be opened to see inside (no engine or interior is included)
Stowage for the spare road wheels (included in the kit) is included in the bins provided.
Metal tow cable is included with what look like nice large tow hooks.
Both L43 & L487 barrels are included, with what looks like the rest of the gun (hard to see from this angle)
The turret in isolation with the stand-off armour being able to open so the crew can access the side hatches is nice while the hatch can be opened of course. The Photo-etch parts like the smoke launchers you can see here in the brass colour.
The turret in place on the hull, You can see the sideskirts (Shurtzen) can be placed on or off the hull individually.
Photo-etch sideskirts are included of course
You can see the tank from the side without sideskirts showing the suspension. Often these tanks retained their turret skirts but not the hull shurtzen. This is, of course, an option as it did happen in the field.
 Additional armour in the form of a T-34 track section that can be laid across the front deck/ glacis plate
A detailed rear section on the tank with some thinner parts to show scale representation of hinges, hooks, brackets and the ever-present exhaust - no news of a bucket in this kit as of yet!
You can see the armour here a little better - she really will look pretty heavily used with all of this extra track. A smart idea to make them T-34  tracks as you may well find in theatre at the time (they couldn't really use T-34 tracks on their own tanks...)
The OVM and tank's accessories are included in the kit also... Hang on - I see a BUCKET!!!
The news is this kit is due in December 2018 or January 2019. You can see more about this kit on Border Model's Facebook Page.