November 08, 2018

MiniArt's new ball-tanks in US, German & Aussie markings with the 35th scale Kugelpanzer 41( r ). w/ Interior kit

MiniArt gets the have shown us their new "What-If?" Spherical "Ball Tank". Miniart has given us a new version of the ball tank in US, German & Aussie markings with the 35th scale Kugelpanzer 41( r ). w/ Interior kit- See what we are talking about in our preview...

MiniArt presents the second of the new series of "What If...?" 

Kugelpanzer 41( r ). INTERIOR KIT
1/35th scale
Product No #40006
Product Link
We have news from Miniart showing an all-new "Sharotank" design, but this time... this time it is "under new management" with the "Ze Germans"! Here we see the roller-tank in use with its new masters - they look like they are having a ball!
To give you a little more of a look of what the kit looks like miniart has supplied a CAD built up view of the kit including the full interior. 
The one thing that we noticed that has changed straight away is the new decals - I think that for one MAK fans will really like the way Miniart are decorating the decal sheet...
...the second thing that we noticed was that not just German, but US/ Allied and also that Aussies are getting a run with this kit. Peter will also like it.

Here we have the sprues of the kit - we noticed that for the most part, the kit is the same - with some added German machine guns in there instead fo the Soviet ones...
Lastly, we have a built-up kit for you - this time painted up as a German tank "Peter" as on the Decal sheet...
For more on this #40006 Kugelpanzer 41( r ). INTERIOR KIT kit as it comes to light check out the product link on the MiniArt Website