December 30, 2018

Preview: Hobbyboss' naval & aircraft model catalogue 2019/20

It is that time of year again when companies start spamming us with catalogues of next years products - and some we may even see in the flesh! Hobbyboss are pretty good at keeping up their promises, so check out this latest catalogue, showing their current models and some coming in our crystal ball look into the future preview of 2019/20...

Hobbyboss' new catalogue for the year 2019/20

We have both the aircraft and ship releases from Hobbyboss' catalogue for 2019/20. Many of these you may already have or know of, and some of them - marked with a gold coloured "NEW" tag - will be new. See what they have, and what they have coming in our preview...

OK  - that is it for aircraft - these are the naval releases for the next two years, planned and already on the shelves from Hobbyboss.

You will see more on these newer releases from Hobbyboss Website, and some of the older releases right here on TMN if you use the search function - but stay tuned next year as we show you the sprues, markings and info on each of the newer kits as they are released.