Friday, January 17

Clayton reveals his top ten recently released kits to kick of your 2025.

From tiny hands to cats, to RSO's, to an otter, a fuel tank on wheels to fresh Italian faces, a Sherman, smoke throwers and an "Enigma" are part of the most recent releases ranked on the excitement meter from Clayton at Workbench hobbies. Check them out his video preview...

Thursday, January 16

Preview: A Barracuda & Joan of Arc from Trumpeter in Feb...

A Barracuda and Joan of Arc (try saying that fast five times) are the two kits featured in Feubruary's items. We look at the colours, decals, & built-up kits in our preview...

Wednesday, January 15

Preview: The Airfix 2025 Range Launch Items..

It's the middle of January, so that can only mean one thing: Airfix has their 2025 launch ready to go! We look at their new, adapted, & re-introduced kits in our preview...

Tuesday, January 14

Preview: Two tracked AFV's from Hobbyboss in February

The Namer 1 & a BMD-1P are Hobbyboss' new items of February. We look at the colours, decals, & built-up kits in our preview...

Monday, January 13

Preview: MiniArt's 1/35th scale German Officers and Drivers

As a counterpoint to their recent set of Allied Drivers from WWII, MiniArt releases this set of German Officers at the wheel in 35th scale. See this set of WWII figures with accessories to boot in our preview...

Sunday, January 12

New Italian Autoblindo 41 armoured car kit & (separate) internal set from Lanmo models.

For their newest kit, Lanmo Model has selected something unique, the Italian Autoblindo 41 armoured car, due to arrive in March in 1/35th scale. We have info on the vehicle, the kit, & the separate interior set in our preview...

Saturday, January 11

Rado's sprockets, cupolas, jacks & a Lewis in their latest releases...

We have an update on Rado Miniatures latest sets. Sprockets for StuGs, a cupple of cupolas, German jacks, and an MG for a roller are among the seven sets in this our preview...

Improved resin heads for MiniArt's 35th scale Italian Tankers WWII kit

MiniArt are again adding value & detail to some of their older kits, with examples like this: the 1/35th scale Italian tankers kit of years ago gets a "facelift" with new resin head replacements. We look at the kit in our preview...

Friday, January 10

Modeling Master File: How to Master Low Visibility Modern Aircraft by John Chung (Scale Scriber)

Those of you out there that follow "scale Scriber" (John Chung) on the socials will know his work on the space shuttle, & notably, his work on low-vz F-16s of recent. He has published a book of his learnings in a smart-looking, dual-language book. See more of what's inside in our preview...

Thursday, January 9

A few birds in a bath, punks & a dead horse from Mantis Miniatures in Jane...

Birds in a bath, a poorly nag and a pair of punks are the newest releases from Mantis Miniatures in January. We look at all four in our preview...