January 12, 2012

Review J's Work 1/35 Modern Military Equipment set

From J'sWork Model we have a new set of modern military equipment, this looks like a must for anyone building a modern AFV or scene, but will the set live up to expectations? Or will we feel "Ill equipped"? Let’s have a look.
Review - J's Work 1/35 Modern Military Equipment set
Kit No: PPA4001
Kit type: Injection Moulded
Sprues: 2 in tan
Scale: 1/35
Available from: J's Work Website & LuckyModel for US$9.95

J'sWork has already given us many new diorama pieces and  sets - they have concentrated on many different aspects of diorama work and they have not left the modern era out - we received a  box of styrene modern equipment to add to any modern era diorama -  we noticed that the price was low and the contents were plentiful - lets examine what is inside..
The set is well packaged, in an end opening box in the same colours as the moulds packaging, with some very nice art work showing what’s inside, again looking very professional, sometimes looks can be deceiving....But that’s not the case here, there are four grey sprues in total, 2 contain the barrels and oil drums, while the other two contain ammunition boxes and cases.

Box contains:
- 200L Oil Drum x 8pcs
- Plastic Chemical Drum x 4pcs
- 20L Fuel Can x 8pcs
- 20L Water Can x 8pcs
- Transit Case x 4pcs
- .50cal Ammo Box x 8pcs
- 20mm Ammo Box x 4pcs
Sprue by sprue close up
Detail, especially on the 20L ‘jerry cans’ is superb and under a coat of paint and a pin wash, will look superb. There is a very very small amount of flash on the chemical plastic drums, but nothing a swipe of a blade won’t cure.
Because this set includes military equipment in use throughout the world, form the UK and the USA, to the Middle East and military hot spots, this set provides everything you need to add a bit of interest to your Challenger tank, or Stryker AFV, or even your makeshift land rover with a .50 on the back.
This set has something for everyone, and will be a great addition to all of J's other "Modern City checkpoint set" that has just been announced - As well as the quality the price for all this is so small for such a lot of gear - well done!

Nick Lloyd.
Our sincere thanks to J'sWork for the review kit
Check out these pictures form the  J'sWork  site of the kits constructed