March 06, 2012

Can i sit next to you girl? and two other good-lookin' kits from Masterbox this March

MasterBox have three new kits on release for March (March already?) - anyway they are all interesting in their own ways – There is a cart abandoned for a roadside diorama, and all action scene from the Vietnam conflict with three servicemen firing wildly to the side in what looks to be an ambush by Vietcong forces & a multi pose figure set trying to negotiate with a lovely Fräulein ….

 This kit from the ever expanding Vietnam War series from MasterBox consists of 1 sprue and represents a crew of three American soldiers in a Jeep (not included) firing off into the tree-line at 2 fighters of the Viet Cong -  one of these looks to be hit while his comrades tries to take him away from the action.

You saw this kit in their MB 3578 “France, 1944”  and many people asked to have it for sale as a separate item – so Masterbox are going to sell the cart separately as they did with their kit MB 3537 "Farmers Cart", Europe, WWII Era".  It will look great on the side of a road with vehicles passing it or in a field – well detailed this will sell well we think.

MB 3570 “Fraeulein, what are you doing today? Was formerly named “Hat das Fräulein heute schonetwas vor? – I kind of like the original name first - It includes 6 figures of the German servicemen that could be combined in different arrangements. One of these figures being a lady service-”woman” hence the title and the poses of the figures in the kit. These figures can be included in the lovely MasterBox Tourenwagen kit complete with all figures or just a few – I cannot wait for them to be sitting in mine!
 And the unpainted kit assembled...
These figures will be available this month in all places MasterBox distribute their kits.