March 31, 2012

Starfire Schemin' - Walkaround colours for the new 1/48th F-94C from Kitty Hawk

To investigate – and to celebrate – the new release by Kitty Hawk of the new tool F-94C Starfighter in 1/48th scale we have an excellent pair of galleries of both of the schemes that are the chosen colours in the kit. Both of these aircraft have been snapped many times and these give you some idea of the intricacies of each paint job of the two schemes – have a squizz at the pictures..

The first is the F-94C at the National Museum of the US Air Force in Dayton Ohio.
This aircraft (SN50 980) is painted to represent the aircraft in this boxing from the  
USAF Lockheed F-94C Starfire, 50-0980/50-1054
The real thing at the Museum...

There are two versions of very colourful markings here on offer with this kit - secondly the box art version: USAF Lockheed F-94C, no 15623/15-623
The real thing - from the 354th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron, Oxnard AFB, California, 1953 - now stored at Pima Air & Space Museum, Tucson, Arizona
The kit is due in April - check the Kitty Hawk website for more details The kit is already selling at PCM in the US for US$49.95