May 24, 2012

Discounts, pre-prders and new books and e-titles Ahoj! - Osprey 's May newsletter hits

Practically everything that is going on in the Osprey Publishing's house is broadcast every month - all of their Pre-releases, new titles, items back in stock and special offers, as well as  events and eBook titles(sigh) and even memberships are covered - all you have to do to keep updated is sign up to their newsletter and it will come to your inbox every month - but for those who don't want to do that - we'll always host it here!

Osprey Publishing's May newsletter - this month...

For one month only, we are offering 25% off all New Vanguard books. The New Vanguard series deals with tanks, AFVs, artillery and ships from the ancient world to the present day. Featuring specially commissioned full colour artworks, they are a valuable resource for model makers, war-gamers and military history enthusiasts.  


 Incomparable: A collection of essays

In advance of September's Incomparable: Napoleon's 9th Light Infantry Regiment, we are releasing a collection of Terry Crowdy's related essays. This exclusive collection is drawn 

from material the author could not fit into the book, and contains new and exciting research on the early history of Napoleon’s 9th LIR.

For all the latest news, updates and artwork, and the chance to talk to the author visit Terry on his Facebook page!


A select group of hand-picked books have just rolled in hot off the presses! It's only a small list but it should whet your appetite for the HUGE Books Back in Stock blog we have coming up next month. Take a look at our blog and find out more...

Don't forget to head over to our blog to find out which of our books are now available for instant download! This edition features a fleet of New Vanguards, a selection of Elite and Men-At-Arms and a few of our Modelling books, amongst others.

Check them out here.


New Books
Joshua L. Chamberlain
The Life in Letters of a Great Leader of the American Civil War - GNM 


DUE 42

The Falklands 1982 - CAM 244 

Omar Bradley - CMD 25 

The M1 Garand - WPN 16 

Attention all Osprey Members! Keep an eye on your emails as we will soon be sending out a new members-only email with all the latest news and updates. Including a new free members' eBook, exclusive news from the Osprey Editorial team and an author's blog from Allies at Dieppe author Will Fowler – and more!

Not a member? Click here to find out more about our membership schemes

 Para Fitness App - New Update!

Recession-proof your quest for fitness, with your own portable military trainer! Major Sam McGrath has used his vast experience to create these easy-to-follow, step-by-step programmes for all skill ranges and fitness levels. This new update includes The Emperor Training Programme! Now you can take your app to the gym with our add-on 'frills' programme.

Find out more!


June's Flash Deals
Next month sees an exciting new Osprey deal! For each week next month, we will be celebrating significant dates in military history with great discounts on selected titles for a very limited time. Some dates will be well known, others more specialist, and the discounts will stretch across many of our titles. Here's the fun part; we won't be telling you which titles are discounted. Instead, you'll have to rely on your knowledge of history (and our books) to try and guess which of our books have been reduced!

You're not entirely alone though; check out the forum thread to discuss which anniversaries are coming up, and we'll be dropping heavy hints on Facebook and Twitter. And if you struggle don't worry, we'll be releasing a weekly blog round-up of the titles every Thursday – though by that time they might be all gone...

So, put your historical knowledge to the test, and see if you can track down our discounts!