May 30, 2012

Master Details 1/32 USAAF Fighter Pilot (Cold Weather) construction & review

Master Details
are – as their name suggests – a company that  are in the business of making things better, they take details from a particular kit – no preferences but usually a 1/32 aircraft kit – and try and improve on it. We have reviewed their improved P-47 tail and 1/32 Commonwealth pilot already here on T.M.N., but just touched down is this- their latest work – a WWII pilot from the USAAF in cold weather gear. We will review and construct the pilot to see if he is as cool as his name suggests.

Scale: 1/32
Kit No: 32032
Resin (7 pieces) + White metal (6 parts)
$19.95 from the Master Details Site direct
As the pilots of the USAAF began to operate at higher altitudes in the colder European skies of WWII their kit had to match the need for warmer clothing in these harsh conditions. The US Army Air Force issued their pilots with fur lined and electrically heated clothing to meet the needs of pilots – and as the late war came the pilots were pretty well kitted out. Master details has chosen to portray one of these pilot figures from the late war/high altitude in their latest release in 1/32 scale.

We have reviewed Master Details other USAAF Pilot in this scale a while ago – and found the resin and white metal kit to be of excellent quality and the kit had lots of options to choose from in the choice of heads and 02 masks etc. This pilot looks not much different in that factor so already it is looking good! He is built especially to fit into the USAAF fighters – the P-47, P-51, P-40, P-38 & even the USAAF flown Spitfire cockpits. With full “get up” of A-11 leather helmet, A-14 oxygen mask, goggles, B-3 fur-lined leather jacket and B-1 Trousers and big thick lined A-6 flying boots - and don't forget the A/N-6510 Parachute and gloves!
The figure consists of seven resin parts making up the torso, arms & legs, while there are six white metal parts (heads, oxygen mask and hose) and the combination of these parts is what I was talking about when I mentioned choices.
The four white metal heads are cast in superb detail, the finest details really do not show up in photos as certainly not as impressively as they look in real life. There is a separate A14 Oxygen mask cast in metal with a separate flexible metal oxygen hose that can be manoeuvred to fit anywhere you like it to go. This mask can be included on the heads or not. The heads on these figures is slightly tilted to the left as the neck is cut at an angle – leaving him peering out the port side a little
To show the glazed section with the goggles on I would use some “Crystal clear” which Master details also sells - to tint these lenses just mix your liquid with a dark shade of applicable paint.
The grey resin in the kit is without air bubbles and is very sharply cast in detail, there is no extra resin to remove or clean up except for the small casting blocks on each arm sensibly inside the joint. The arms and legs all have little positive and negative lumps to securely seed into their right position. This with some superglue makes for a strong figure you do not have to handle with kid gloves after it is constructed.
The Arms come in resin – and this is where you have more choices – there are four arms in resin, two for each side, one set is holding the control stick with the actual stick moulded in the hand – so to use this option – which I suppose is grasping the stick properly and not just vaguely nearly holding it - you will just have to chop the top of the control stick off for him to fit. The other two arms are sitting either side resting. You could I suppose - use these in any order – but most people I suppose would opt for a seated pilot operation the “throttle and stick” option.
The worm lined pants have zips in all the right places and the fur-lined A-6 flying shoes are just like the real things in thickness and tread – especially the heels. Although you will not see these they are still finished to the highest standard like the rest of the figure.
The Resin - and the real thing - the details are well sculpted & nothing is left out.
The A/N-6510 Parachute is finely detailed and has every strap in the right place – you will need to make sure you place your harness over all of this though! Another level of detail will really set these off. I’ll talk you through the head options. From uncovered to most cover.

-Firstly no mask - just an A11 flying helmet on his head

-Then with A11 helmet on and A14 goggles

-The next with A11 helmet and A14 oxygen mask on and A14 goggles

-Lastly with A11 helmet B7 goggles and A14 mask all on

Well I liked this figure a lot! He looks the part – has heaps of options and goes together really easily – sometimes whilst gluing the oxygen mask to the head you will need three hands but some fast curing superglue and the world is your oyster!
Here is our little man sitting in a Hasegawa P-47 – he has risen up a millimetre or so he is sitting a little high – he fits in this cockpit pretty well! Maybe a spitfire you would have to shave off some of the parachute under his butt!
A great figure – please make more – I am thinking some new bomber pilots to match those B-25 and B-26’s in 1/32??? Well done.

This pilot figure and all of their other pilots and additions are available directly from the Master Details website.