have sent us a quick preview of the latest 1/35th scale diorama in their
series with sprue shots and built up shots – if you need a D-day diorama base
then the shots in this preview look like it is right up your – street.
contains 138 parts - BOX: 348x247x60 mm
street bas is a mixed pattern of cobblestones going in separate directions
which always ads some more interest. There is also a wooden floor inside –
three underfoot textures means that these bases are progressing, and after some experience
in vac-form MiniArt continue to get better at it.
walls are nicely pockmarked and have lots of damage on them; chipped plaster
and bare bricks showing through make the buildings look like they are suitably

roofs and the first floor texture looks pretty nice – a few dots on these I think
that simulate rocks or debris scattered randomly – not sure about these – I think
I like to add my own.
sprues of styrene represent the window and door furniture – shutters and doors
are always interchangeable with other MiniArt kits as well – most are the same
size on these kits – I suppose as in real life!
signpost on the street lamps will have paper signs and the wall sign I am sure
will be present as well – they are not with the info we have but I am sure they
will be in the release.
is the finished product on the MiniArt site – it shows how well these vac kits
can look in a skilled modellers hands – MiniArt replicate wood very well in
plastic and the extras like being able to look out from the inside of the kit
and have figures stationed inside will be a great hidden bonus.

All in all this kit looks promising and it will be out soon – we will review it when it comes out!