July 25, 2012

Micro Wings for Micro cash from Revell

OK OK I ramble on and on about large scale full-on technically complex kits with lots of parts, but here today are my new favourite models – if I was to measure the reasons why I like them so much in pence and there would be 199 reasons why they are my new favourite kits…

Micro Wings series of 1/144th scale model kits from Revell cover the most well-known aircraft of the R.A.F. and the Luftwaffe of WWII – The kits are designed for beginners to hone and develop their skills or for a more experienced modeller to have a bit of fun - the amazing thing about these kits of the German Air Force and are available worldwide for the price of (work out your own conversion here) £1.99!

So – for less than a price of a sandwich you get a kit of a classic little aircraft with a few basic parts (which are transparent – cool), a stand to display it on with the addition of some authentic decals to put on the kit!
These are the first of the (hopefully many more) range of Micro Wings
So if you want just one little kite to have a fun little build or a full window-sill then these are the kits for you – a great present Idea we would think as well .

Surely someone will bring out a resin conversion/improvement set for them soon and ruin all the fun! Until then check out the Revell site for more info on these kits...

Revell model kits are available from all good toy and model retailers. For further information visit www.revell.eu