July 26, 2012

Osprey Publishing's newest arrivals in their July newsletter

This month Osprey has some really great titles out to entertain and enlighten you – the mix is there to keep everyone happy – from the aircraft enthusiast to the military gamer to the historian from Napoleonic times to the modern day battlefield as a combat medic – you are covered with these books – have a look to see more…

July's HUGE Discount - Only One Week Left!July's HUGE Discount - Only One Week Left!
Throughout July, we've been offering 25% off all of ourMen-at-Arms, Elite, and Warrior series books! These three flagship Osprey series give fascinating information about the men and women involved in conflicts throughout history - their equipment, uniforms and tactics. Featuring specially commissioned full-colour artworks, they are a valuable resource for model makers, wargamers and military history enthusiasts. They're 25% off, but the offer ends in a week!
Summer Discount Store - 45% offSummer Discount Store - 45% off
Summer is finally here, and to give you the chance to stock up on some holiday reading we're giving 45% off a host of books from across our series. We've discounted over 160 books until the end of August, from Maori fortifications, Roosevelt's Rough Riders, and our Clash of Empires wargaming title to the daring raid to block Zeebrugge. Take a look at the full list in our Discount Store.
Traitor and My Journey as a Combat Medic now available
Traitor and My Journey as a Combat Medic now available
Following on from the best-selling Allies at Dieppe , this month saw the release of two new eBooks My Journey As A Combat Medic and Traitor: British Double Agents 1930-80. Combat Medic is the touching memoir of Iraq and Afghanistan veteran Patrick Thibeault, from his basic training to saving lives on the battlefield, and his attempts to adjust to civilian life and cope with PTSD.

John Frayn Turner's Traitor examines the known double agents who spied against Britain, including the infamous Cambridge spy network, and attempts to answer the question 'what makes people spy against their own country?'

You can read extracts from both books on our blog; The Microdots Five case in Traitor, and installments one andtwo of My Journey as a Combat Medic.
An Incomparable Competition
An Incomparable Competition
In just a few months, Terry Crowdy's Incomparable: Napoleon's 9th Light Infantry Regiment will go on sale. But today, we're giving our newsletter readers the chance to win a signed copy! To get your hand's on this highly anticipated history of one of Napoleon's most renowned regiments, all you have to do is send an email to competition@ospreypublishing.com. A winner will be selected at random.

Bonne chance!
Bolt Action and Air Vanguard Now Available for Pre-order
Bolt Action and Air Vanguard Now Available for Pre-order
You can now pre-order two of Opsrey's most eagerly anticipated series, Bolt Action and Air Vanguard.

The latest addition to Osprey's wargaming series, Bolt Action provides all the rules you need to bring the iconic battles of World War II to your tabletop. Written by veteran rules writers Alessio Cavatore and Rick Priestly, Bolt Action World War II Wargames Rules includes basic army lists for the 'Big Four' - Germany, USA, Great Britain and Soviet Russia. Keep a look out for the more detailed army list supplements coming soon.

Each book in our new series Air Vanguard offers a concise history of an aircraft detailing the design and development of the type, analysis of the adjustments and alterations made to later variants, and an in-depth operational history. Air Vanguard includes a new fold-out back cover that allows an extended display of Osprey’s unique cutaway illustrations, as well as maintaining the traditional array of photographs, technical drawings and specially commissioned artwork.

You can now pre-order the first three books in the seriesAllison Engined P-51 Mustang F-105 Thunderchief andSopwith Camel now.

Both series are due for release in September.
New books

New Books Available To Pre-order

Duncan Baird Publishers and Watkins Publishing join the Osprey GroupDuncan Baird Publishers and Watkins Publishing join the Osprey Group
Osprey Publishing has recently expanded, welcoming two exciting publishers to our group.

Duncan Baird Publishers (DBP) was founded in 1992 by Duncan Baird. It is the leading independent publisher of illustrated books in the fields of food, health and well-being, mind, body and spirit, culture, religion and faith. DBP acquired the Watkins imprint in 2004.

Watkins was established in 1893, becoming internationally famous as an esoteric retailer, and then subsequently a publisher, specialising in the spiritual traditions of the world, ancient wisdom, divination and philosophy. Watkins has published both Jung and Freud, and Geoffrey Watkins was known to be Churchill’s astrologer.

And to our out-and-out military enthusiasts don't worry; the Osprey you know and love won't change!