July 27, 2012

Ruined building in 1/35th? MiniArt have something right up your demolished alley…

MiniArt does – not –stop-making news - kits - I-want!
They have just released the latest in their set of 35th scale diorama series Vac-form and injection moulded kits – This time we have a smaller piece of a ruined archway and building – small but pretty well formed as you can see in our preview…
This kit 36049 Ruined Building with base – from the diorama series, comprises of a mix of forty-seven parts made from injection moulded plastic and vac-formed base and walls.

The base is a cobblestone road that turns into an open archway that is broken in two – it looks to me like MiniArt may extend this set in the future like they sometimes do to make a larger diorama piece – I suppose one day I would love to see a whole city block from them!
The walls of these buildings are getting more and more detailed with every release it seems. There are several lumps called “Technical marks” which are simply removed with a knife from the walls.

Windows and door frames are supplied with injection moulded parts – these often interchange with previous kits as most doors and windows in real life are a similar size as well. The wall texture with the damage reveals the brickwork underneath cracked and broken away plaster – the end result will be very realistic if you treat them to a good bit of weathering and dry brushing.
The building comes with some neat "German WWII" wall paper posters to apply but other than those isn’t really a region specific structure you could imagine it pretty much anywhere in Europe. The angle thru the arch gives you a good shot to show your tank or soldiers pointing towards that way. Here are some excellent pics of the ruined wall all together.

This kit is slated for release this year so keep a look out here or on the MiniArt site for more details on this or their other kits.