August 15, 2012

A sad announcement - Hawkeyes Hobbies has ceased trading

 Gerald "Hawkeye" Voigt – the voice of The Plastic Scale Modelling Hour and the owner of Hawkeye's Hobbies has just announced he will wrap up the Hawkeye’s Hobbies and sales of its products indefinitely. Click on for the announcement from the man himself..

NOTICE: August 15th, 2012

I opened Hawkeye’s Hobbies and acquired SnJ Model Products then started producing the line of paints and powders known as SnJ Spray Metal and Polishing Powders at a time when both I and my wife found ourselves suddenly unemployed. The job market back then was tough, not as bad as it is today, but when you need an income stream you do whatever it takes. We both decided to take the entrepreneur route and it was one of the best decisions we ever made.

Hawkeye’s Hobbies was my full time vocation…not just a job. It provided a much needed income stream and has continued to provide a return commensurate to the effort put into it. I added to the original product line up including development and sales of the Talon line of acrylic NMF paints which quickly was the best seller.

However as other business and personal interests started taking more and more of my time, I started spending less and less time working Hawkeye’s Hobbies. Including less time at my own modeling bench! Looking back from where we are today, it did open many new doors with some great opportunities.

So after much prayer and meditation as well as an audit of our business operations, I have decided to cease production indefinitely. Our other business interests are mobile by nature, meaning we can work from the road and traveling is something we are going to be doing more and more of. As long as we're connected to the internet, we can service our clients, however hauling all of the stuff necessary to make paint and fill orders as we travel has some unique challenges. Besides we have been blessed, we're expecting the arrival of our seventh grandchild soon. They all deserve as much of our time as we can give them!

Anyone wishing to acquire the assets and production rights, I would be happy to discuss terms to purchase the company and its assets. As it was for me it can be either a full time business or the perfect addition to an existing business. So whether you are looking for a full time hobby business or just a source for a supplemental income, you might consider acquiring all or part of it.

Therefore, Hawkeye’s Hobbies paint production has ceased and sales of its products have ended indefinitely. Thanks to all of you who purchased Spray Metal, Talon, Raptor Sheen, Polishing Powders and the other products we've sold over the years! You’ve been loyal customers and I want to express my appreciation!THANK YOU!

My focus in this hobby now is to further expand program content and marketing ofThe Plastic Scale Modeling Hour -Talk Radio For Scale Modelers! Since we're going to be traveling, I can stop at the various events and activities to do interviews in person! In addition to that, I continue to see continued growth opportunities in my other business venture, Images By Hawkeye.

Who knows, maybe in the future someone will acquire and restart production as I did when its previous producer retired. Or I might show up at a contest or convention with product in hand for those eager to buy some. Until then, I'm looking forward to once again getting back to my scale modeling workbench not as a vocation, but as the hobby I find so enjoyable.

Happy Modeling!


Gerald "Hawkeye" Voigt

President, Hawkeye's Hobbies LLC