August 17, 2012

You want us to insert our models where? Mantis miniatures present us with two new figures – some desert critters and a fun competition…

The newest releases from Mantis Miniatures are out – some winter tank crew and tank killers – and alternatively some hot weather predators from the animal kingdom -  including a 1/35th scale scorpion ( Tiny - But NOT cute!)
If this isn’t enough Mantis now have a competition running with some great prizes - all you have to do is insert their models into a diorama – more in our preview..
Mantis miniatures August figure Releases – and a special competition…

35049 WW2 Wehrmacht Grenadier
Sculpted by S.Travianskiy (Menelay) / Painted by Carl Startin

Carrying a dangerous looking Panzerfaust – this soldier would be in a company either protecting the tanks he rides on the back on or hunting the enemies tanks – he is wrapped up nice and warm so either of the eastern and western fronts would suffice – though I think eastern front would suit him better.

This Panzer Grenadier is sculpted by Sergey travianskiy (Menelay and painted by Carl Startin.

1/35th scale Kit 35048: WW2 Wehrmacht Tanker
- Base is not included of course
- dedicated to all kind of tanks and cupolas

This figure is a WW2 Wehrmacht tanker in sitting position on top of his tank, This figure can be used with all kinds of cupolas and turrets. The figure wears the typical side cap with “Waffenfarbe” piping in pink around it and his sideboards on his shoulders. The warm gloves and padded pants are a feature of this figure.
 Again this tanker is sculpted by Sergey travianskiy (Menelay and painted by Carl Startin.

1/35th scale Kit 35050: WW2 Wehrmacht Soldiers

- base not included
- dedicated to all kind of tanks and cupolas

This figure combination is the joining of the two single figures and is  sculpted by Sergey Travianskiy (Menelay), and in this case painted by Carl Startin. These two together would not have been an unusual sight – as the protecting infantry more than often accompanied the tankers close in – especially in the Russian front defensive battles. These soldiers certainly look warmly wrapped so they fit very well together.

Next is a new Desert Animal Set from Mantis Miniatures in 1/35 scale:

This set features two Hyenas and two vultures in resin - all tucking into a half-eaten carcass – the scavengers of Afrika unite! These come along with – and wonders will never cease – a tiny 1/35th scale Scorpion!

Like we said in resin – not photo etched – this will present a challenge but also a great reward to your finished diorama. We think that this picture is the inspiration for the figures…
Speaking of rewards mantis are running a great competition – all you have to do is place some of their figures in a diorama and send in the pictures -  Mantis have some great animals already so why not use theirs?
The competition will run on Facebook and the link to all the terms and conditions are right here at this link.. Good Luck and get in there people!!