October 19, 2012

AK-Interactive's new products for October - refreshing is one word that comes to mind...

AK-Interactive has a great new bunch of weathering materials for your late war German tank, reference guides, a new brass burnishing fluid and even a new energy drink to keep me up at night writing this news for you! Click on in our preview to see the interesting new stuff AK has for improving your modelling skills…

AK New Products for October

This book analyses original, eye-catching colour variants and camouflage patterns introduced by the German Army late 1944 as used during the last year of the war, 1945. Throughout the guides 72 pages the modeller will find inspiration for the next project. The book contains more than 180 colour renderings showing the many camouflage patterns used on common vehicles, and oddities used by the German forces.

Included the reader will find vehicles such as the Panther, Pz. IV, Tiger I y II, Stugs, Artillery Guns, Halftracks and more. A special section of the book will help us interpret black and white photographs, and also a chapter about What If and Paper Panzers. We also include a section where we observe taking renderings to finished models. The perfect complement for new acrylic set AK 554 German Late War Colours.

At the end of 1944 the German Army introduced new variants in the colours used on their vehicles. Our newest set of acrylic paints is composed of 6 colours designed to represent these colours that are sought after by modellers. For the first time we will be able to paint late war German tanks without complex mixes and hours of research.

These paints have been designed in consideration of the Scale Reduction Effect (subtle lighter than actual colour), to obtain the correct colours in our kits. These paints are designed to be effective for airbrush and brush and are water-soluble – avoiding strong smells and harmful solvents.
Building upon our world-wide success by selling out Issue #1 of The Weathering Magazine (RUST) in only 3 months, we now bring you Issue #2 of our quarterly magazine. This time we will study the effects of Dust and Dirt using a wide range of products and painting techniques demonstrated by the world’s best modellers.

The magazine explains in depth how to apply these effects on all types of models including figures, helicopters, trains, sci-fi …and of course tanks. We will also enjoy again the company of our workmate Akatsya. The modeller will want to collect each issue to create a bibliography of techniques, effects, references and inspiration. If you enjoyed FAQ2, then this is the magazine that you are searching for.

New reference in our range of Dry Transfers, this time we present white starts inside circles as used by the US Army on their vehicles since WWII. Appropriate for use in any era and in all scales. The quality of our transfers is superior to others on the market with more images at less expense.

AK-Interactive is please to become the worldwide distributor of the English edition of the Spanish magazine Panzer Aces. Until now this magazine was difficult to obtain out of the Spanish market despite its great quality. By the hands of the best modellers we will learn though step by step process as they demonstrate their techniques and explain their modelling tips and tricks on a wide range of diverse subjects, all shown in exceptional quality images. This first issue that AK Interactive is distributing will be dedicated to the latest Tamiya kits and Tamiya itself.

In the 90 pages of their book the modeller will find hundreds of interesting photos full of information and inspiration. In this tragic civil war period there could be seen a large variety of vehicles in use by the different factions displaying many different camouflage schemes. This book will also be of great help not only for a model or diorama set during this period in Lebanon, but it will be a useful reference for ideas in other areas of the Middle Ease such as Syria, Iraq, Egypt or Iran. This book is a necessary resource for modern era warfare

Another reference in our range of Dry Transfers, this time we present white starts inside circles as used by the US Army on their vehicles since WWII. Appropriate for use in any era and in all scales. The quality of our transfers is superior to others on the market with more images at less expense.

High Calibre drinks providing maximum refreshment for bulletproof modelling. Just enjoy the taste and have hours of fun doing models. Perfect for that extra little bit of push in order to complete your models in time for the next show! Enjoy with friends, alcohol free!

All of these new products are now available thru AK Interactive’s site.