KFS miniatures continues to impress us with their second release
after their ridiculously large rocket pods that sit on your truck or SUV – their
latest figure is a US Soldier (modern) in 1/16th scale – we have the
images and pictures of the kit unconstructed as well in our preview..
miniatures Releases October 2012
Here is the
soldier in development phase (the master)…

set contains one unbuilt and unpainted 120mm (1/16) resin figure. Sold with no
base, the figure has however some great detail – His arms carry his highly
modified M4 carbine and come of course separate from his torso and legs which
are heavily weighed down with his regular equipment for battle as well as spare
ammo, water, large helmet with separate goggles and pistol in his hip holster –
this GI is ready for pretty much anything!
The resin pieces unpainted….

And fully painted
here by the very talented Przemyslaw Szymczyk -
this kit is now available..
Price: $27 + $10 shipping
Order proceeding time: 7 days