October 29, 2012

MasterBox's new images of their November offerings - boxing, babes & a new buggy to tempt you

MasterBox keep their relentless schedule up this coming month with some pictures of new kits coming out – these however have no guns, no fighting (well without gloves) and even no men in one of them – click on to see three of MasterBox’s new kits in production and soon to be on your modelling table

November releases of Master Box
4 kits: 35148 "Women of WWII" , 35149 "German tankmen in the break between combats" that represent German tankmen playing football in the break between combat and 35150 "Friendly match between British and American paratroopers" that represents a match between British and American boxers and a group of fans that consists of British and American military men. They add the new kit - held back a little i think - of a vehicle based on the Mercedes 170V - the 1/35 Sd.Kfz. 1, Type 170 VK, German Military Staff Car let's look at them all a little closer...

This kit Features:
- Model of Staff Car Mercedes-Benz 170 VK WWII
- Closed awning, picked-up side glass in the windows, these removable side windows can be assembled in various combination
- Windscreen can be opened forward ahead of hood
- A separate screen for the windscreen of the driver can be made slightly-opened on different level or closed
- Hood can be assembled open/closed
- Richly detailed engine
- Engine reproduced space under hood precisely
- Car doors can be assembled open/closed

Here are some CAD images of the car, hopefully showing all of the possibilities and chassis and engine break down ...

And the colours which are pretty diverse...

These lovely ladies look like they are cutting some fine figures in their lovely frocks and admiring each other’s figures. Four young ladies are represented here in slightly different age groups.
From a child to two other slightly older mother types to a young lady who is holding a purse up in some trepidation. This is a very naturalistic set of poses for these women I like them.
This set of German tankmen sees a crew having a bit of fun playing football in a break between the battles. It sure makes a change from German tankers in a stiff pose pointing at something doesn’t it?
Whilst a comerade stands by and smokes a pipe these guys go at it with the help of two tree stumps for goals, a young man and a little doggies that wants to have a go too!

This set is a real departure and sure to be popular – it depicts a fight – well a boxing match with two different groups of Paratroopers – British on one side and the “Yanks” on the other. This is an interesting set that you probably would only get with a large resin collection – what great imagination to conceive and make these – they do look great in clearly defined distinctive clothing. Details like the flag on the soldier’s shoulder and hats and pants that have different details make this a great little kit to add to your stash.
Nine figures (including a cameraman) make up this second very dynamic set from the MasterBox guys who should get a pat on the back for thinking outside the box this month…
These kits are available from MasterBox’s distributors - Check their website for more info , galleries and news on their great range o'stuff..