
November releases of Master Box

This kit Features:
- Model of Staff Car Mercedes-Benz 170 VK WWII
- Closed awning, picked-up side glass in the windows, these removable side
windows can be assembled in various combination
- Windscreen can be opened forward ahead of hood
- A separate screen for the windscreen of the driver can be
made slightly-opened on different level or closed
- Hood can be assembled open/closed
- Richly detailed engine
- Engine reproduced space under hood precisely
- Car doors can be assembled open/closed
Here are some CAD images of the car, hopefully showing all of the possibilities and chassis and engine break down ...
And the colours which are pretty diverse...
From a child to two other slightly older mother types to a
young lady who is holding a purse up in some trepidation. This is a very
naturalistic set of poses for these women I like them.
This set of German tankmen sees a crew having a bit of fun
playing football in a break between the battles. It sure makes a change from German
tankers in a stiff pose pointing at something doesn’t it?
Whilst a comerade stands by and smokes a pipe these guys go
at it with the help of two tree stumps for goals, a young man and a little
doggies that wants to have a go too!
This set is a real departure and sure to be popular – it depicts
a fight – well a boxing match with two different groups of Paratroopers – British
on one side and the “Yanks” on the other. This is an interesting set that you
probably would only get with a large resin collection – what great imagination
to conceive and make these – they do look great in clearly defined distinctive clothing.
Details like the flag on the soldier’s shoulder and hats and pants that have
different details make this a great little kit to add to your stash.
Nine figures (including a cameraman) make up this second
very dynamic set from the MasterBox guys who should get a pat on the back for
thinking outside the box this month…
These kits are
available from MasterBox’s distributors - Check their website for
more info , galleries and news on their great range o'stuff..