Verlinden Productions
have sent information and pictures of their products to be released in This
month 2012 – Including some much needed
1/32 airfield dioramas and some well-crafted figure – and what monthly new collection would be complete without a stowage and accessory set???
Verlinden Productions
new items for October/November 2012.
2748 1:35 Scale SWS
Ammo - Crew - Stowage $32.95
To suit the tracked Nebelwerfer carrier Verlinden supplies
two troopers clad in warm weather reversible parkas. They are both carrying the
ammo for the vehicle’s main armament and one of the soldiers is crouched loading
the rocket into the cylinder.
Apart from the soldiers in this pack you get pretty much
anything you would need to kit out your diorama. Spare rockets inside and
outside their ammo carrying cases as well as many canvas swags and stowage bags
are included – Personal weapons for the whole crew are included, with MP40’s to
rifles, an MG 34 machine gun and even a pair of Panzershrek anti-tank rockets
are included as well!
Not only these items – but “Jerry”cans, ammo boxes for the personal
equipment, gas canister cases, mines, pistols in their holsters, backpacks, mess-containers,
bread bags and canteens are also included in the swag of extra diorama
accessories that will “fill out” your scene
2749 120mm Recon Vietnam

Complimented by his light service cap and light battledress
and long laved up boots this soldier looks like he needs to be unobstructed on
his covert jungle mission.
2750 1:32 Scale Floodlight
- Generator Cart Airbase $34.95 (one cart in box)

In service this is called a NF-2D Portable Floodlight Set – These
are deployed at USAF and world-wide airports and provide light in the areas of
the tarmac that regular lighting cannot access – and are also used to get
inside heard to light areas to help with maintenance etc. We have shown both ways of displaying here - only one cart per box is included)
2751 1:32 Scale Generator
- Gas Turbine EPU Airbase $36.95
This is the Airforce’s version of the Generator/ Gas turbine
EPU unit. It is used to supply electrical AC/DC power to the aircraft whilst on
the runway whilst the gas turbine is used to crank the jet engine.
2752 1:35 Scale Fallschirmjäger
at Casino Vignette $34.95
What set of releases wouldn't have some SS or Fallschirmjägers
in them? After all we all buy them! Well Verlinden keeps our interest by
supplying this set of two German paratroopers from the Italian fortress of
Monte Casino – a battlefield they are famous for defending in WWII.
This set not only features the two Airforce soldiers but also
the small base complete with a column that the soldiers are fighting on – this is
a complete vignette in itself. A one stop shop if you like. It is nice to see
the figures relating to the surfaces they are placed on in this resin pack
to the Verlinden website at www.verlindenonline.com to view their full line of
products and while you are at it check out "VP's" Facebook page and you will see many
of their new kits in production being constructed and in their
infancy... Or keep looking back
here for the news on Next month's items...
October 2012 New items
from Verlinden Productions.
The Much loved Corsair in 1/32 came from trumpeter and was a
hit with the modelling fans straight away. The internal details though remain
“Basic” It then came to aftermarket guys to improve on the left and right
avionics bay.
This for the “D” USAF version of the Corsair II and the nose
has a lovely surprise in having the complete radar dome section so you can display
the nose cone open under maintenance. It certainly looks promising!
Again the Trumpeter kit in 1/32 gets a welcome reworking as
the resin seat instrument panels and side consoles are detailed up magnificently
in cream resin.
The front and rear inside of the canopy is detailed along
with the excellent HUD frames which will make the poor old donor kit look
pretty basic.
The whole resin shell sits neatly inside the cockpit and the
whole shell of the kit and the rear frame sits inside the canopy as well – a
great looking and finely detailed set which makes some of the others look
average and the kit look very basic – Looking good!
This figure of an airman in the USAF in the Vietnam era
looks ready to take on the enemy without the chopper! He wears of course his
flight helmet and bullet proof flak jacket.
He carries on his belt a smoke grenade/canister as well as a
frag and some spare ammo in a pouch with a water canteen. The airman also is wearing
long boots with his combat pants tucked into them with a holster for the Colt.45
which he carries in his hand in this sculpt in cream resin.
This resin set is to deal up your excellent little Hilux pick up from Meng. Included primarily are two “freedom fighters” one whom is firing an RPG!!
There is a big Russian made AA gun and ammunition in boxes,
four AK-47’s from two different countries of manufacture which suits the
setting of getting them from wherever you can – There are stowage packs and
swags of different origins as well as several “jerry” cans for petrol or water storage
and even a gas canister and a sleeping swag, a pot and even a little “boom box”
This set can be used for modern day or even an earlier
setting diorama such as The Russo Afghanistan war when the Taliban were out “friends”
(check the end credits for Rambo III.)
Another excellent set made in resin to suit the German Pak 75
Anti-Tank gun, this set consists of a loader and a commander who is pointing at
where the action is – both are dressed in winter gear and have protective
gloves and clothing on to keep them safe from “General Winter”
To help then in their fight this resin pack also comprises
of several ammo crates and spent and fresh ammo out of the boxes. Packs and
sleeping rolls are included as are several personal equipment items like gas
mask canisters, map packs, bread bags, canteens and cups, a mess tin and some
weapons for self-protection (or decoration) – two MP40’s and a soviet PPsh41..
Go to the Verlinden website at www.verlindenonline.com to view their full line of products and while you are at it check out "VP's" Facebook page and you will see many of their new kits in production being constructed and in their infancy... Also keep looking back here for the news on Next month's items...
Verlinden Productions
new items for September 2012.
2738 1:35 scale Cable Reels $32.95
These cable reels look to be just the thing for an
industrial diorama – for a city landscape strewn with debris to a factory in Stalingrad
to an a ruined airfield in Italy – this large cable reel looks to be an
interesting add on to your scene.
Supplied in a package that contains three different sized
drums in cream resin as well as a frame to rollout your cable – well all you
need now IS the cable!
2739 1:35 scale Duster Crew Ammo
Stowage $32.95

The resin parts include of course lots and lots of ammunition
- shells and full rounds, with containers to place them in along with two crew
members and all of their personal gear.
These tankers have their duffel bags, personal equipment and packs included, along with their side arms and pack equipment, cooking gear and storage boxes – we have the gunner’s position sorted out for our Duster - now all we need is a kit for the inside of the tank…
These tankers have their duffel bags, personal equipment and packs included, along with their side arms and pack equipment, cooking gear and storage boxes – we have the gunner’s position sorted out for our Duster - now all we need is a kit for the inside of the tank…
2740 1:35 scale Duster Interior
(Driver's) $29.95
Internally this can all be seen of the rear doors are open,
and this would now encourage modellers to do this with their kits – what a way
to make your kit stand out from the crowd on the modelling table!
2741 1:35 scale T55 Turret Point
Blank $28.95
Verlinden likes these! This is another
point-blank turret to have on your firing range to either add to your others in
this series or to add to your diorama or battlefield scene. You could imagine
this with victorious Israeli soldiers standing on top of it getting their picture
2742 1:32 scale Luftwaffe Fuel Drum
Trailer $31.95
To top off this month’s releases we have a great addition to their Luftwaffe
airfield scene in the addition to their catalogue of this nifty little trailer
that carries fuel drums out to the aircraft – now all we need is a horse to
pull it to your Me 262!
This kit in cream resin contains four drums with the German writing
on them identifying them as Luftwaffe stock as well as the trailer that carries
them – I suppose you could use them in any European airfield diorama of the
time – a German or captured base being used by the allies. This will be very
popular and we will build one for you very soon.
to the Verlinden website at www.verlindenonline.com to view their full line of
products and while you are at it check out "VP's" Facebook page and you will see many
of their new kits in production being constructed and in their
infancy... Also keep looking back
here for the news on Next month's items...
Kit 2733 - British Infantryman of the Zulu War - 120mm - $26.95
The serviceman is taking a bullet from his pouch to place in his Martini-Henri rifle which was the difference between the soldiers and certain death in the Zulu Wars.

These two G.I.’s accompany this M21 Mortar halftrack (not supplied here) but what is supplied is pretty much all of the ammo, stowage and things this car could carry! Included in this kit is a large .50 Cal machine gun, ammo crates and shells to go inside – or outside them, backpacks and personals along with tarps rolled up and “jerry” cans along with duffel bags, mines, binoculars, flasks and a tool box. Couldn’t fit much more in the M21 really!
Kit 2735 - M24 Chaffee Interior (Bronco kit) - 1:35 - $34.95

This kit contains the entire forward interior of this tank includes everything you would see inside the tank. Front drives as well as all of the controls for the tank and crew seating and internal instruments are all there.
This set compliments the earlier stowage and engine kits. Well now you have no excuse for not turning out a top class Bronco kit of the M24 Chaffee!
Kit 2736 - 15cm Nebelwerfer Ammo + Crew + Gear - 1:35 - $26.95

Including everything you see here except for the Nebelwerfer! The ammo for this noisy rocket launcher is there as well as the circular container that the projectiles travelled safely in.
Included as well in this kit are two artillerymen wrapped up in winter parkas (with mittens - so cute) Jerry cans, a large mess tin and the soldier’s personal equipment like gas mask canisters, bread bags and a KAR.98 rifle, a large binocular case plus a couple of Panzerfäuste (plural).
Kit 2737 - Airbase / Carrier Used Oil Carts - 1:32 - $29.95

What a great addition to your late WWII cold war air base! This kit looks like you could use it in one or several dioramas depending on the colour or dispersal of the carts.This is an expansion and maybe a slight modernizing of their earlier pair of the WWII carts but could be used on pretty much any base diorama from WWII onward. The set contains a large four wheeled fuel/oil cart with a smaller cart with space on-board for the smaller barrels and bins, two fire extinguishers and three tool boxes.
Perfect for a refuelling diorama at a busy airbase!
Go to the Verlinden website at www.verlindenonline.com to view their full line of products and while you are at it check out "VP's" facebook page and you will see many of their new kits in production being constructed and in their infancy.. Also keep looking back here for the news on Next month's items..
Verlinden Production's products for July
This light tank was used from the Second World War right
through till the Vietnam War – the set here comprises a full engine and the
process from start to finish is seen on Verlinden’s Facebook
page, there is a lot of detail there in this Twin Cadillac Series 44T24; 16
cylinder (8/engine) 4 cycle, 90º vee gasoline engine!
These metal etched jungle pants should pretty up your
diorama, they are meant to be painted and bent to whatever shape you need –
they would go well with a detailed up “Chaffee” or M113 in a Vietnam Diorama don't
you think?
The only departure from the after-war years this month from
Verlinden. This superbly detailed panther turret looks like it has had a fair
few target shots laid on it, the resin comes with pre rendered damage. Included
are some battered road wheels and running gear along with a discarded cargo box
all blown up accordingly!
An interior for the Academy kit from this Vietnam era AFV. This is a very detailed kit showing the engine, interior walls and crews’ compartments and controls. Again as Verlinden have shown on their Facebook page this is an incredibly good looking interior once finished in your model.
Everything you need to deck out your M24 is here in this kit
– including crew figures - this set includes frontal armour (sandbags), a
.50cal machine gun and shells for the main gun as well as ammo crates to be
stowed inside the vehicle. There are “personals” in the shape of duffel bags,
sleeping kits and other sacks and bags. Not much room left in this vehicle
after all this goes in!
All of these new releases are available now on Verlinden’s
Verlinden's previews for June 2012

Resin parts - the super Sherman’s new detail set from Verlinden includes a
large .50 calibre machine gun and both high explosive and HEAT rounds for the Sherman.
Three crew are included in half bodied resin and their equipment is also supplied
in a large number of canvas bags, a tool box and several smaller calibre ammo

To suit the new dragon kit this resin set comprises everything you would expect
to see on the AA vehicle’s open deck (and a bit more) As well as a nervous pair
of AA gunners scanning the sky – along with binoculars and the other pointing upwards towards a protagonist you also get all
of the ammunition for the 3.7mm Flak gun
you can scatter there are personal weapons like an MP-40 and KAR 97 rifle and
two Panzerfausts.
Also of
the diorama there are included metal mess tins, “jerry” cans and sleeping rolls.
All of the soldier’s personal equipment is included: Map cases, bread bags,
water canteens, pistols in their holsters and gas canisters.
2726 1:35 German Light Mortar Crew $16.95
This combination – made from resin - of two mortar men, both holding the light mortar in a prone firing position while the loader rapidly feeds the barrel. The loader has a backpack which would hold the ammunition on his back and both of the soldiers carry all of the usual webbing and personal equipment.
2727 1:35 Point Blank T 72 Turret ( Tamiya ) $26.95
Another target practice turret scarred with many hits and looking the worse for wear – made from resin this turret has a suitably weathered looking appearance with lots of modelling potential.
Verlinden's previews for April 2012

This set contains 50 detailed resin stowage items and a pair of crew figures to dress up any M1151 in 1:35 scale. One crew member is injured and seated while the other stands and is in good health. $29.95

This is a resin replacement turret with battle damage designed to simplify making a KO T-34/85. $21.95

This is a stowage/loot set for any modern conflict. It includes over 20 detailed resin pieces to decorate any modern AFV or diorama, including hard suitcases, camera bag, rolled carpets, flip-flops, hookah, gas cylinder, cooking pot, laptop computer, TV, dufflebags, mattress, water cooler, and more. $19.95

Verlinden Productions have released more information on their products to be released in March 2012 - they have some interesting stuff for lots of different modellers - from a classical Greek slinger to carrier flight deck tractors, milling machines ammo cases and gear for your Marder. Lets have a look closer at them
27081:35 Panzerwerk Milling Machine $22.95
2709 1:32 Flight Deck 'Mule' Hot Air Tractor $36.95
2710 1:35 SIG 33 Ammo/Cases $14.95
2711 120mm Greek Slinger $26.95
2712 1:35 Marder III Crew - Ammo - Stowage $32.95
Verlinden News January 2012
This is an all-resin set of parts designed to depict a Tiger I with zimmerit in battle damage model. Ideal to depict a beat up or knocked out tiger tank. Also a good “cheat” if you do not want to apply Zimmerit yourself!!
This is a resin replacement turret for depicting a knocked out Sherman turret. I bet lots of people have these on a diorama don’t they? Well now you have an even better excuse to show a Sherman knocked out or beaten up!
This is a pair of detailed resin turrets with realistic shell impact craters, making more dramatic diorama possibilities available without a fuss. These beaten up turrets would look great with a few soldiers waving a victory flag on top of them don’t you think???
This is an all resin stowage and crew set for your favourite WWII US Jeep. Happy 2700 Verlinden! This set includes two soldiers, a .50 and a .30 Cal MG plus entrenching tools, picks an axe, canvas and Jerry cans. You couldn’t fit much more in could you??
This two-figure set consists of a kneeling German soldier armed with the infamous MG42 and another German soldier is hunched over carrying an MP40. Both wear the reversible winter camo smocks & fatigues with mittens.
This is an all resin set of accessories for modern US aircraft carrier decks. A pair of tow bars, 2 pairs of tow chocks, a rolling tool chest, fire extinguishers, ammo boxes (handy stowage containers), various cans & buckets, and more.
All of this is available from Verlinden directly or from their worldwide distributors in January (hopefully earlier if we are lucky)

This is a figure of a
British Commando armed with an Enfield rifle, large rucksack, and grenades in
120mm (1/16) scale.
Here is a nice collection
of various detailed resin parts to dress up any USAAF diorama or display base
in 1:32 scale. Parts include aluminum and paper drop tanks, ammo boxes, .50 cal
machine guns & ammo belts, a Rolls-Royce Merlin engine with supercharger,
oil drums, oil drum garbage can, fire extinguishers, and various small cans.
This is a resin Panzernest
that has been knocked out by intensive shelling, and makes a great accessory or
focal point in dioramas. Not interior is included.
This all-resin set contains
parts to assemble two detailed USAAF carts in 1:32 scale. They share common
chassis and suspension, but one is a compressor while the other holds an
oil/fuel drum horizontally. Excellent for dioramas and aircraft display bases.
This is a very useful resin
set to dress up the Dragon Grille kit. It includes extra ammo, ammo boxes, two
crew members handling ammo, and various German AFV and figure stowage items.
December Verlinden goodies...
This is a re-release of a classic VP set. The emblems add an excellent decorative flair to any German WWII model display base.
This all resin set features a pair of children sitting on a large work horse and their father standing nearby.
This is another useful item for making factory dioramas. The kit contains lengths of Evergreen Scale Models 'H' beams and strip, and an assortment of resin parts to assemble a simple bridge crane.
This is an all resin kit of an A/S32A-32 Spotting dolly as found on modern US aircraft carriers. Copper wire and flex tubing are included.
This is an all resin set that is loaded with a full complement of stowage, ammo, and a pair of crew members all in one to dress up your Dragon M16 kit.
This is an all resin set containing a full load of stowage and a British officer to dress up the MiniArt Dingo kits.
Verlinden new releases for November 2011
2685 1:35 German Tankers Road Map $16.95
This is a two-figure resin set depicting a pair of German tankers examining a map together. One wears a black leather jacket and officer's cap and the other wears a standard German camouflage uniform and soft cap.
2686 1:35 Panzerwerk Engine Hoist + Tiger I Engine $34.95
This is a resin kit of a German heavy engine hoist from WWII. It comes with a fully detailed and disassembled resin Tiger I Maybach engine. Perfect for dioramas!
2687 1:35 M3 15mm Gun Carriage Ammo - Stowage - Crew $34.95
This resin set contains everything you need to spice up that Dragon M3 kit: Full stowage, ammo, and a pair of crew members all in one!
2688 1:35 Johnny on the Spot Iraq - Afghanistan $32.95
This is a resin kit of the ubiquitous portable toilet, found in combat zones, construction sites, ball games, and sometimes in the middle of nowhere. Easy to paint & assemble, great for modern dioramas! Smell not included ;)
Here it is after an "explosion" i think the saying was "i only told you to blow the doors off"
2689 1:35 105 mm NATO Tank Ammo $14.95
This is a re-issue of the classic VP set. It contains 7 shells, 4 spent cartridges, 5 protective cardboard sleeves, 2 open ammo crates, and 2 closed ammo crates. The set can be used to arm the M48, M60, Chieftain, Leopard, and early M1.
2690 1:35 GI's ETO WWII $16.95
This is a two-figure resin set of US GI's fighting in Europe during WWII. Both are dressed in standard US fatigues and jackets. One has a bandaged head, while the other has his helmet for protection. One is armed with a BAR and the other is armed with a Thompson MG.
Please go to the Verlinden website at www.verlindenonline.com to view their full line of products.
Also keep looking back here for the news on Next month's items..
Verlinden releases for September & October
This is a very useful way to load up your new Dragon RSO kit. It comes with a full load of stowage & ammo, plus a full crew to man the PaK-75 on the rear deck.
This is a two figure set of a USN SEAL team engaging the enemy; one standing locked & loaded as the other crouches and signals his compatriots. Both are dressed in over all black fatigues and kit for stealthy night missions, and are armed with M4 Carbines.
This is resin kit of a German WWII MG Panzernest. It comes with a complete and fully detailed interior, and can be built with raised or lowered periscopes, opened or closed escape hatch, and optional position MG aperture cover.
This is a pair of WWII Luftwaffe pilots scrambling to their mounts. They are both geared up with flight suits and Mae Wests. One wears an officer's cap and flares strapped to his boot and holds a clipboard, and the other wears the soft cap and flight gloves.
This is very simple kit of a standard Luftwaffe power supply/starter cart in 1:32 scale. It comprises 18 detailed resin parts and a length of copper wire and plastic rod.
This is an all-resin kit of a WWII German Luftwaffe bomb loader. The kit itself comprises of 16 detailed parts and two lengths of plastic rod. Two more resin pieces comprise the bomb. This bomb loader can be assembled in a variety of poses.
This is a pair of Luftwaffe ground maintenance crew in 1:32. One is bending down on his right knee tinkering with something and the other stands supervising.
This is a pair of WWII USAAF fighter pilots. One wears a May-west and flight helmet and is describing his latest kill to his comrade, who wears his officer cap and a leather flight jacket.
Check out these and the other excellent products from Verlinden by clicking on the banner below