MiniArt has sent us a diorama of their latest countryside diorama kit – a vac-form job with a broken cart in styrene on the side to give it some depth – we take a look at the kit and give it a quick build to see how good a basic kit like this can look in a very short time.
Kit Number: 36047
Scale: 1/35th
Material: Injection
Contents: 1 light
grey sprue & 2 sheets of plastic vac-form
Available from: MiniArt’s Distributors near you
Mission - make a presentable country road diorama base:
Time taken – about eight hours – as well as some time to
have a few cups of tea and something to eat – this is all the time it took to
build this little nifty diorama – but I am getting ahead of myself - first I'll show you what came in the box…
This kit - number 36047 – tries to replicate a country road
in a regular European setting. There are two sheets of plastic vac-form and one
sprue of injection moulded plastic in grey. The grey vac-form replicated the ground
base on which this sits on as well as the brick wall – this needs to be cut or
bent off the sprues and then glued together. The styrene here makes a nice
little short, two-wheeled cart which sits on the side of this diorama base.
Now vac-form has it’s pros and cons. I know some who hate it
but I know some who like the ease of use and lightness. Indeed, in this economy
of internet selling of kits it’s a hell of a lot cheaper than ordering plaster
from a smaller company. The bonus of plaster is that it can be shaped and filed
down, and some plaster can even be cracked to replicate broken concrete.
The vac form here on the base is 345x240mm in size and
breaks off easily from any extra material that sometimes sneaks in the sides of
these. The base sits on a eight of 1cm high square material which serves as
either a base or a good place to cut off the plastic before you install your
own base – I know some people that fill these with plaster to give a strong
surface with which to work with. The details here are of a pitted surface which
will do for rough soil texture and a bunch of tyre and tracked vehicle tracks
which cut across the base. These are spread out enough to replicate a large
truck and regular sized tank or AFV. The road part has a flat spot on one side
for the wall to sit on. This is the other vac form sheet.
The second sheet of vac form has the two sides of the wall.
This replicates two halves of a two-stone thick wall with large rocks in it.
There are some good textures here and the stones aren’t exactly the same – this
brings a varied surface when painted and weathers well as we will see later on
when I paint the kit. The only thing I don't like is the continual “spots” on
the rocks. At first I thought these were a feature somehow of the texture – but
on investigation these should be removed. A sharp knife and some superglue to
fill the holes will do here to sort that problem.
The third sheet makes a two wheeled farm cart. Complete with
detailed wheels and latches and catches. The cart comes with some fine wood
detail that MiniArt do very well. Some people like it and some don't – I like
it – I feel it is just “enough” to make a subtle difference when you look close
up – don't like it? Use thin filler.
The kit itself – although it is missing any vegetation (there is a nice tree on the cover) looks promising. I set myself a challenge to have a leisurely afternoon just drinking tea and making the kit – would it get built and detailed in time? And would it look any good??
I removed all of the vac-form parts from the extra material –
this is easier than expected – you just bend it a bit and snap it off. It is
trickier in curved places like the brick walls - but a knife handy and some
subtle bending have both of the halves off and with a lot of superglue to fill
holes the brick wall goes together really easily. And it looks good too!
Most of the vac just
snaps off the rest of the waste material – really easy once you get how to do

From Pac-man to a wall in a snap - you can sand it off on a table with sandpaper on the flat surface if you need too..

Painting - First I started with an undercoat - I have switched to black Auto plastic for all
of my diorama undercoating – as it is the first layer of dark you can lighten
over with progressive shades – and dark being “in” now with modellers It gives
me a head start. Just get a kind that doesn’t smell too bad is my advice!!
I start on the brick walls. To give a random pattern, I paint
the bricks with some pretty whacky colours. A little like modulation effects I use
these colours selecting singular bricks, then I cover the top with a base grey –
then I dust it over with the lighter than normal grey which would be the sun
hitting the flat surface and the trick it does with the eye.
The base running along the wall is “muddied & moulded”
with some brown Vallejo paints and then glued in place to the base. I use
Rocket Max glues as they have different thickness/thinness superglues which all
serve their purpose. I like the thicker stuff which dries slowly but fills
holes. There is a slight straight “crease” where the wall meets the base. A bit
of this Rocket glue - or indeed any thick stuff you have - de-regulates the
straight edge and returns a more random natural feel to where the base meets
the wall. – On to paint the base…
I use my most beaten but perfectly bristled brush to make
the black base turn to earth. Again using progressively lighter shades I drybrush
in a pretty all-encompassing style – covering the whole base with a dirty dark
earth colour at first – the lightest colours I save for the tracks on the road.
If I wanted to make it muddy I would make the tracks really dark. But I was
after a sunny scene so I made the tracks – which would be a highlight – the lightest
I didn’t the same, but in green shades for the grassy areas.
Including a bit of moss on the lower walls, which I had to slightly correct with
more light grey when I got carried away – this was good as the moss would go
for the deepest cracks, anyway.
What to do for grass now? Well, as it is with plastic, it doesn’t
resemble grass or even dirt at a pinch – so I got some grass sticky patches
from my hobby shop - these are un-named I
am sorry I couldn’t help more – and made random patches in all three colours I had
to represent slightly different grass. I made sure I left a little more under
the cart and near the wall which would happen in real life of course.
First i gave the brown earth a top coating of progressively lighter green
I know it looks Alien right now but hang in there…I stick down the large patches
I know it looks Alien right now but hang in there…I stick down the large patches
To secure the flock or shorter grass to the diorama, I needed a glue - and as a glue I used some spray on varnish – you can use
hairspray or anything like sticky wall spray as well if you want – I spray it
into a container then paste it on. Then I sprinkle what replicates the short
grass – flock from Jarvis scenery. You can get it here at a lot of model shops
and it is a cheaper substitute than others out there. It looks great in this
scale as well. This grass too the edge off the plastic and after I fixed a few
spots still on this picture you are left with a nicely thick grass surface with
some taller sprouts of grass randomly thru it.
Next to focus on the cart. After a Quick build – the only
thing that stood out as annoying was the extra material inside the spokes –
this cleaned up without too many problems – the cart was undercoated with the
black primer.
I used progressively darker dry brushing shades of brown
with the cart – starting off all over and getting less and less the higher I went
with these colours. The top of the cart is nearly all the beige colour – with the
wheels and the wood panelling to catch and keep the darker colours this comes
up beautifully with not much effort.
Although this kit needs some vegetation to make it work, the
build was easy – fast, and it was “fun” as well – if I can use that term in a
serious modelling article!!
Well done MiniArt in filling this gap in the market. Keep
them coming. They are great!
Adam Norenberg.
Thanks to MiniArt
for sending this kit to review and build.