December 09, 2012

A new Winter Ardennes bust from Life Miniatures

Sang Eon Lee has a new figure in his series of busts in the Life Miniatures range of figure busts – just in time for Christmas. The latest figure might be something of an anniversary project as the bust is set in December of 1944 in the Ardennes forest – the figure is of a sure to be popular SS Infantryman. You can see him from every angle in our preview…
December New Release from Life Miniatures

1/10 scale resin bust including 5 parts
Sculpted and Painted by Sang-Eon Lee
 This bust reminds me very much of these series of well-known pictures from the Ardennes campaign in 1944 – though not the same soldier these men have the same cadence.

This and Sang Eon’s other great busts are available from his distributors worldwide
An SBS guide for painting this bust will be posted on