December 02, 2012

An Alpine Xmas setting? We have get our heads together and produced some figures for you

Alpine Miniatures has a large selection of excellent new figures in 1/16th and 1/35th scales (complete with a few extra heads) on sale this month – we thought we would show you them all in our preview

December Releases from Alpine Miniatures

This new 1/16th sculpt features a Fallschirmjäger from the German Luftwaffe in World War II. Sculpted by the legendary Mike Good, and painted by the just as talented Dr. Jin Kim,

This figure looks to me to be depicting an early to mid-war paratrooper; he looks well stocked with a full kit of ammunition belts for his Mauser K.98 over his jump smock. His uniform tunic is underneath with a scarf tucked under that. Tucked under his belt is a very prominent looking M-24 stick grenade, and on his rear the trooper wears a "Fliegerblau" or “aviation blue" M-31 bread bag and canteen. He also carries a Walther pistol it his left hip holster, long jump pants and highly laced jump boots as well.
He is shown in the pictures below with two choices of heads – both with the same faces but with one head choice wearing the rounded Fallschirmschützen-Stahlhelm 38 jump helmet. I like the faces with this sculpt and think the subject is first class as well.

Sculpted by Taesung Harmms in 1/35th scale – this famous tank commander of the heavy panzer battalion Abt502 must have been very hard to get right – probably even by his own admission Carius had an “interesting” shaped face and head – it looks to me that Taesung has nailed him in this sculpt.
The pictures show the figure with 2 different heads, this is the usual standard we come to expect from Alpine Miniatures and one that other in the industry now copy. While the heads are of course the same the two choices of head are one left bare and the other with an M-38 officers' flat forage cap.
The figure – painted here by Calvin Tan, the figure of Carius is seen with his prominent shoulder boards here detailed with the pink “Waffenrabe” of the armoured Korps and field grey tanker’s uniform.
On his chest is his small Zeiss field glasses and his covered map case – he looks like he is going to have a con-flab with his fellow tankers..

This NCO of the Panzer 502 heavy Panzer corps is again sculpted in 1/35th scale, he is the counterpart to the Carius figure although he can be purchased separately. He is dressed very similarly to his commanding officer and like his comrade he comes with the choice of two different heads.
The pictures show the figures two 2 different heads, one with the flat forage cap and the other is showing the same face with a Bergemutze M-43 field cap. 
The figure was again sculpted by Taesung Harmms and in this instance painted by that talented man Calvin Tan. He wears on his torso some small field glasses and a walther pistol in a pouch on his belt. He is posed pointing at something in the distance with his map in his hand – obviously gesturing with his commanding officer.

The set of these two figures together come in a combined package – both have two head choices and are sculpted by Taesung Harmms.Here he is below with some of his cohorts doing exactly what these figures are sculpted as doing.

The combination set includes 4 heads and 4 pistol holsters. If you need to improve your US Military figure – well these sets are the ones you want!

The combination set includes 4 heads and 4 microphone parts.

All of these are available right now through Alpine Miniatures Distributors worldwide.
October Releases from Alpine Miniatures

 The pictures show the figure with 2 different heads.
Sculpted by Krisztian Bodi / Boxart Painted by Man-Jin Kim
This AFV Crewman is seen leaning on the bonnet or part of a vehicle (or anything you propose as long as it is the right height I suppose) and is seen here with something Alpine have made into somewhat of an industry trademark of theirs - the use of one figure with two head choices. This figure has a flat face with large nostrils and the choice of either a side worn forage cap ( with a bandage underneath to depict him wounded )or a traditional folded and worn officers' cap with a pink band of the armoured corps called the "Waffenfarbe Rosa" complete with goggles.
 The Pants are tucked into his boots which are folded down to open up and let the legs into the pants in a rather relaxed fashion. I love the way that Man-Jin Kim has painted this figure – with the camo’ed jacket and worn but shaded pants.
The pictures show the figure with 2 different heads.
Sculpted by Krisztian Bodi / Boxart Painted by Man-Jin Kim
This figure is shown cocking his pistol – he looks like he is about to mean some business! Shown with a field grey Panzer wrap and corporal or Unteroffizier’s one stripe on his left arm. Krisztian Bodi again has sculpted  this companion piece to the officer leaning, this chap looking like he is doing the “barking” whilst the officer leans on the vehicle.
With a black belt on his waist holding in his jacket over his tanker’s pants and those covering his boots there is again a choice of two heads – one being a side worn forage cape with “Waffen Rosa” whilst the other headgear choice is the much worn M43 soft peaked cap which often AFV crew wore.

 The pictures show the 2 figures, each with 2 different heads.
Sculpture by Krisztian Bodi / Boxart by Man-Jin Kim

The figures here are depicted as a set – at first I was unsure of how they fit together but the man with the pistol is pretty mad as his comrade has a wound to his head and he is ready to unleash what can be called colloquially as a can of “whoopass” on the assailant of his comrade with his pistol!
The pictures show the figure with 2 different heads.
Sculpture by Dmitry Shevtsov / Boxart by Calvin Tan

This figure of a mid to late war US Marine “Leatherneck” in full camouflage uniform with M1 Garand rifle drawn and fixed bayonet is excitingly posed and stands at 1//16th scale. Sculpted by the very good artist Dmitry Shevtsov this figure could be placed on a pedestal by himself or in a diorama in the many battles these Marines fought in the pacific - Southwest Pacific on New Britain, or in the Central Pacific on Tarawa, Roi-Namur, Eniwetok, Saipan, and Tinian.

This figure sports the later war Marines camouflage in the fashion the Marines adopted to better fit into the jungle terrain they encountered in the pacific – as for equipment the Leatherneck carries his M1 Helmet and Garand semi-automatic rifle which had become a more common choice after 1943, he also wears a belt with a canteen, Medical dressings, ammo pouches and compass attached.

The Marine wears also USMC leggings With his US Navy boots for footwear – the one thing I have failed to mention is that as a standard with Alpine’s figure he comes with two head choices - here both with the M1 Helmet but one is with an additional camouflage cloth on the outside – the hanging of the chin-straps and the natural balance of the figure, combined with the facial feature and painting of the master Calvin Tan show how this figure can be brought to life. It’s already winning fans at the office!

You can get these figures at Alpine Miniatures Distributors right now at this link Here

The pictures show the figure with 2 different heads.
Sculpted by Roddy MacDougall / Boxart Painted by Man-Jin Kim

This motorcycle rider looks to be pretty well protected from the elements – his long full body fully lined suit has large pockets for his big thick mittens and his lined boots are tucked over his one piece pant legs.
The figure of course comes with the choice of two heads, one bearing the German standard helm and the other with the same helmet covered with a camo covering. Both heads have a scarf warmly wrapped around the neck further tipping the viewer off to the temperature outside whilst riding!
Roddy MacDougall has sculpted both of the riders in this set, and like some of my other favourites of his work the faces especially look great. Included with this rider who is leaning off to the side sitting on his bike are a am M-38 gas mask ( probably more for dust or cold weather in this case) a bolt action Kar.98 rifle and both  heads have goggles to keep the dust and mud from the rider’s eyes.

35143 German Motorcycle Trooper

The pictures show the figure with 2 different heads.
Sculpted by Roddy MacDougall / Boxart Painted by Man-Jin Kim

This second rider or passenger is positioned in a neutral stance and is the companion of the rider. He looks to be the messenger here because of the Meldetasche map pouch he is carrying – I suppose he is the dude who runs in salutes and gives the message in an urgent manner!
Wearing an M-40 steel helmet as both of his head choices but this time with slightly different rounded goggles, this dispatch man has again an all-in-one coverall with fully lined insides and large pockets while the trouser legs are again tucked sensibly into the boots and these are buttoned to the side especially for riders of this type.

This rider carries and M-38 gas mask as well as ammo pouches for his Kar.98 which is holstered on his shoulder. His gloves are fully fingered and not mittens like the first soldier.

The pictures show the 2 figures, each with 2 different heads.

Sculpture by Roddy MacDougall / Boxart by Man-Jin Kim

First of all credit must go out to Mr MacDougal for again sculpting two figures who look almost the same but have their own different personal effects which set these two apart. The goggles, the slight change in equipment, the belt around the second figure giving his similar coveralls a different look and things like having one soldier’s collar up and the other down. These very subtle differences make the individual stand out in an army of motorcycle dispatch riders who were issued pretty similar gear. It draws the eye and keeps your interest as you look for changes. Certainly no carbon copies here.
Credit as well must go to the very talented Man-Jin Kim who again has brought these figures to life in this set – it must be noted that these figures fits on Zundapp KS750 and BMW R75  motorcycles but of course it isn’t included in the set!

Need a new head??? (don't we all?)

As a point of difference this month Alpine are releasing some of their heads in four sets of two 35th scale and two sets of four in 1/16th scale. These can be a great alteration for your current alpine set if you didn’t like the original or just want a change.

To be honest many people will “upgrade” their sculpture they have from a different manufacturer – and who can blame them when Alpine get such talented sculptors to make their heads for them! The heads are below for your perusal..

This set includes 5 in 1/35 scale.

This set includes 5 in 1/35 scale.

This set includes 4 heads in 1/16 Scale.

This set includes 4 heads in 1/16 Scale.

You can get these figures at Alpine Miniatures Distributors Here

The grenadier is decked out in full kit comprising two tropical model canteens ( as was pretty standard in the desert) with felt covers, the K98 rifle with grenade launcher kit  and pouch, These is a steel mess tin, Zeltbahn (small tent or smock) full webbing with Tropical belt and Y strap and entrenching tool with a bayonet as well. 
The Grenadier wears knee-length M1940 2nd pattern tropical boots with working laces - they look incredibly impressive with the detail sculpted in by Taesung and the painting work done by Calvin.

This figure is full body length and sits/stands in the commander’s position – he is signalling his following tanks by hand and looking back in their direction while his left hand holds him in place in his hatch.
The pictures show the figure with 2 different heads - this figure was sculpted by Taesung Harmms and in this case is painted very skilfully by Man-Jin Kim 
This SS tanker is wearing the all over tanker’s uniform which is a printed autumn pattern he carries little equipment but a walther pistol in its holster on his right hip, a double pronged belt with some binoculars around his neck. 

He has the choice of two heads with one option the regular officers' cap with pink band of the armoured corps - the "Waffenfarbe Rosa” as it is called, or the alternate headgear is the flat officer's forage cap.

Again sculpted by Taesung Harmms and painted by Man-Jin Kim this matching figure to 35139 is a ¾ body figure with fill printed camo jacket and pants on.
There is a choice of two headgear choices, with Einheitsfeldmütze M-43 peaked field camo cap and officers' forage cap
Equipment wise the commander has his large headphone set and throat mic on and little else other than his two piece uniform.. He is different enough to the other figure and either of these could be the commander in this set.

This set is made of these two figures 35139 & 35140 – even though they could both be vehicle commanders one of them could well be the gunner/radio operator or other crewman out of the bottom hatches on the tank.
The smart thing about this set is that they are similar but different – uniforms at first glance are the same but in reality they are different – just like in real life soldiers have their own variations. -  A smart move by Alpine.
These figures are available now from Alpine Miniature's Distributors worldwide. 

 Alpine Miniature News for April

The pictures show the figure with 2 different heads.
Sculpture by Taesung Harmms / Boxart by Jaume Ortiz Forns
This Death's Head soldier from the Russian front (the PPsh is a dead give-away) has a finely sculpted head with delicate facial features - he is shown in dotted SS camouflage with the cylindrical ammunition drum holders plain to see on his waist either side of his finely sculpted SS belt.
This large resin figure in 1/16th scale figure has the choice of two different head choices of either a covered M40 helmet or a soft M43 peaked cap. His camouflaged top is tied together at the neck by fabric ties - which I have always found interesting  and which look great here. Outside this his webbing holds the afore-mentioned ammo drum holders with gas cannister holster, bread/forage bag, canteen/mess tin and an entrenching tool. The tendons in his arms and the wrinkling of the cloth look pretty impressive.
The pictures show the figure with 2 different heads.
Sculpted by Roddy MacDougall / Boxart Painted by Man-Jin Kim
This officer from the elite 1st Panzer division is seen carrying of all things a walking stick as he struggles through the cold weather (again the greatcoat is a give-away here) with a scarf of he looks quite warm.
Shown here with his two head choices of a regular officers' cap with pink band of the armoured corps - the "Waffenfarbe Rosa” as it is called, or the alternate headgear is the flat officer's forage cap. He has some MASSIVE binoculars here which almost look like naval opticals but I think they’re the French made Huet binoculars.
The pictures show the figure with 2 different heads.
Sculpted by Roddy MacDougall / Boxart Painted by Man-Jin Kim
Like the previous figure this - the second single figure for this month and the second of this pair is sculpted by Roddy MacDougall and painted by the master Painted by Man-Jin Kim
This figure is in similar clothing to the first figure but like Alpine often do there are little differences. For one this figure's coat is completely different with an interesting slit at the back and angled pockets while he wears a double-holed belt outside of his jacket. He has the choice of two heads ( different again from the matching figure) of a very battered and squashed officers' cap with the wire rim taken out to allow the hat to flatten and look more well worn (and not sit to high in his tank methinks as well) as well as a black M43 soft cap. To me he looks like the slightly junior officer for the one reason that his binoculars are smaller regular field glasses.
The pictures show the 2 figures, each with 2 different heads.
Sculpture by Roddy MacDougall / Boxart by Man-Jin Kim
These two figures - a combination of both of the singles looked at above - come as a matched pair in this set and look like a natural mix of two officers walking along with the same purpose, I like it that they are not just standing there and "posing." This set should be very popular I think!
These figures are available from Alpine Miniature's Distributors worldwide. 

 Alpine Miniature News for March

Alpine Miniatures have added two figures to their  large collection of matched single pairs in 1/35 resin. These two single figures (Kit no's 35133 + 35134) are sold separately and together as 35135: 1/35 SS Panzer Crew - Kursk Set -  lets have a look at them both seperately and together in this preview...
(for Pz.IV, StuG III/IV, JgdPz. IV, Hetzer, etc.)
The pictures show the figure with 2 different heads.
Sculpted by Sang-Min Lee / Boxart Painted by Calvin Tan 
(for Pz.IV, StuG III/IV, JgdPz. IV, Hetzer, etc.)
The pictures show the figure with 2 different heads.
Sculpted by Sang-Min Lee / Boxart Painted by Calvin Tan 
(for Pz.IV, StuG III/IV, JgdPz. IV, Hetzer, etc.)
The pictures show the 2 figures, each with 2 different heads.
Sculpted by Sang-Min Lee / Boxart Painted by Calvin Tan 
Please do check out the Alpine Miniatures homepage fro more details and distributors

Alpine Miniatures Releases for November
Alpine Miniatures – one of - if not the best figure makers  in the business have given us – the two parts of their three new releases for this month - we have a pair of soviet scouts in 1/35 and a famous German soldier in 1/16th scale – and we have the pictures for you….
First the large scale 1/16 sculpture in resin of German soldier Kurt Meyer of the LSAH from 1941.
The real "panzermeyer" from a magazine of the time
Sculpted by  Alfonso Gozalo and in this case painted for the box art by Sang-Eon Lee this kit has two heads supplied with different headgear and as you can see by the picture I have supplied bears a canny resemblance to the famous German commander that the troops under his command called “Panzermeyer”.
35127 WW2 Russian Scout #1
Sculpture by Alexander Zelenkov / Boxart by Calvin Tan
Pointing figure alert!  :-) This scout is seen holding some binoculars and is sporting a baggy “Ameba” camouflage smock. The soldier has a choice of two heads – (both with a chubby face) one with a forage cap and the other with the standard soviet helmet.
Interestingly this soldier is carrying an Mp-40 and its associated ammo pouches.

35128 WW2 Russian Scout #2
Sculpture by Alexander Zelenkov / Boxart by Calvin Tan
The second scout is seen wielding a PPsh-41 machine pistol with around large capacity magazine.
This figure has a lovely sculpted face with a lot of detail and is very realistically painted as well in the box-art here. Again the soldier is portrayed in some very baggy “Ameba” camo smock and shorter boots. The soldier carries no other equipment on him.
35129 WW2 Russian Scout Set
Sculpture by Alexander Zelenkov / Boxart by Calvin Tan
The combined set of two soldiers with the peculiars we mentioned above. Looks pretty nice to us!
The two scouts together