December 17, 2012

Eduard “Brassin” B-25H/J wheels 1/32nd scale review & construction

Although it is a pretty good kit in itself it is funny that the new HK Models B-25 kit has seen many aftermarket extras made to improve it still further – more than it’s fair share some would say, and most we have been shown off here – well just when you thought we had it all covered we saw these beautiful looking wheels from the “Brassin” range from Eduard – are these new shoes “just right” or are they the emperor’s new clothes? Let’s look in our review
Kit No: 632014
Kit Type: Resin (11 parts) P/E (1 part) + Kabuki Masks
Scale: 1/32
Available from: Eduard Store direct & all good hobby shops

Eduard is doing well with their super detailed “Brassin” sets – although sometimes a bit of work the detail that comes with them is second to none – and it is true with the sets I have seen that they have tried to think about the kit they are going on – and to make things easier for the modeller as well as prettier.
The B-25 kit from HK models is my current favourite kit. It has some great detail and the top quality of the design just whet the appetite for the plethora of marking choices that you could make – well it has plenty of potential – but like all kits – we want to make them better – one place many start is the wheels. On this kit we have the Brassin wheels from Eduard to examine – the good part is we have the kit wheels to compare them to. I haven’t got my digital callipers with me so I cannot make size comparisons. This review will be on quality of the cast and usability/compatability with the kit parts. 

The main wheel kit parts in closer detail - just double click on any images to enlarge them
The kit comes in an attractive black box with eleven parts of grey resin, one small photo etch sheet and a masking sheet for the painting of the wheels. There are some colour instructions to guide you through the making process. These serve as a painting guide as well as instructions and are clear and concise.
The resin on offer is bubble-free and grey in colour. Great detail is present right down to the slight marks on the rubber of the tyre and the very fine brake lines, most impressive is the “goodyear” on the tyre walls – a lovely bit of subtle detail that will quietly stand out on the finished project.
The nosewheel in closer detail
There is a masking sheet made from kabuki tape which will be a great aid whilst painting the constructed wheels – although it is hard to see here (soz-boz) it covers the wheels well.
There is a Photo-etched sheet as well which covers the small nose wheel – it acts as a hubcap for the front which is optional as the wheels can be left spoked if you wish – check your references on that!
The nose-gear hubs and hub-cap
The resin parts are all connected to a casting block - these are a little bulky on some of the parts like the wheel hubs – but on others like the tyres they are really hardly attached – only lightly gracing the tread surface as they trace along. They are anchored at the undersides – and the wheel hubs though large are a straight cut. I cut mine with my trusty Xuron hobby shears and a scalpel. A flat file is handy as well, just take your time and “nobody gets hurt.”
The main wheels are weighted slightly – just like the real ones, and are a cinch to remove from their casting block – thanks to some good thinking from Eduard as I mentioned earlier you get to keep the detail instead of losing it like you do on the kit.
The Brassin is on the left  - the HK kit on the right
Each wheel hub needs to be hollowed out at the spoke with a cut of the scalpel – this is time consuming – I won’t lie – but the effort is worth it – when finished and placed on the rest of the wheel the insides add to the excellent look.
The tyres here are the best part of the kit to me. The detail is first rate and the tread just leaves the kit part in the dust. I hadn’t realized ‘till I had these, the so-so nature of the tread on the kit’s rubber. After being as gentle as possible with the kit’s tyres there was still a soft detail on the tread which never really happens on wartime aircraft – they simply aren’t used that long to get that worn. So the sharp lines here are really up my street. They will detail up very well and look great on the finished kit.

Again a comparison of the tyres show the HK kit on the right as lacking the detail of the Brassin (left) ...then the original on the picture on the right..

The hubs on the Eduard kit are superior as well – the large centre nut is much more detail and the brake line is thinner and more natural looking. They take some care when removing – but the proof is in the pudding.
The Brassin ( left) HK (right) and the real thing (below of course)
The front wheels are – like the main wheels – weighted and sharply detailed with tread and a choice of spokes or a flat metal hub if you would like that option. These all fit into the tyres really easily and while it takes a while to hollow out the spokes it is very much worth it when you see the end product.
Again the Brassin on the Left and the HK Kit on the right - both with the option of hub caps or spokes showing - the detail on the Brassin kit is superior
Both of these wheel fit snugly into the landing gear supplied by the kit – I would suggest though that you look at some metal landing gear from G-Factor – we reviewed them here a while ago and they are excellent – coupled with these tyres and wheels from Eduard and Eduard's Internal P/E sets for the HK B-25 kit in 1/32 you are starting off as you mean to continue.
All in all these look great – are a little time consuming to hollow out but are completely worth the work – the quality of the “Brassin” on offer here is second to none. Well done Eduard.

Adam Norenberg

Thanks to the guys at Eduard for these wheels – which will soon be strapped to our new 1/32nd B-25.