Straight from their pile of new releases - Hasegawa send a few pictures of some tasty December and new year
kits – lots of new twists on old classics here…
A double boxing of their JASDF - Japan Air Self-Defence
Force version of the F-86 “Sabre D” boxing. Decal choices with this kit cover
five different aircraft so still plenty to choose from:
Kit Markings:
"197" flying machine Corps 103rd Air Wing 2
"186" 102 of the flying machine Corps 3rd Air Wing
"136" machine Corps flight 101 Air Wing 3 (former
unit mark)
"209" machine Corps flight 101 Air Wing 3 (new
unit mark)
"108" flying machine Corps 105th Air Wing 3rd
Kit No: 02017 Dual
boxing of the 1/72nd Limited Production Sea Harrier FRS Mk.1
This Dual set in 1/72nd scale gives yu markings
of two of the Harriers who fought in the Falklands Islands conflict over thirty
years ago (April-June 1982). The Sea Harrier FRS Mk.1 from the Royal Navy
downed many enemy aircraft and suffered only minor losses to themselves – they were
extremely important in that campaign. This kit marks the 30th anniversary of
the conflict - in 2012.
Kit Markings:
- "14"
aircraft carrier Hermes with the first member of Squadron 899 (July 1982 XZ457)
- "007"
809 first flight with invincible machine Corps aircraft (XZ458: 1982)
- "27"
machine with the first member of Squadron 800 aircraft carrier Hermes (XZ496:
Kit:02019 – 1/72nd
scale Limited production Type 52 Mitsubishi A6M Zero Mitsubishi A6M5 "fighter-bomber"
From 653 Naval Air Squadron which was a unit based on
aircraft carriers, Type 52 fighter-bomber of the specification with extra metal
parts to kit this out as a fighter bomber – metal bomb racks and fine fins are
part of the extras in this boxing – along with decals from the 653rd
Naval air corps. This unit was scheduled to be mounted on the aircraft carrier
off the coast of Leyte, but there was no
need for most of the planes that were specified in the "decoy fleet"
aircraft carrier that has been operating from a land base.
Kit Markings:
- May 9-10, 1944 Oita base) "653-207" machine of
653 Naval Air Corps
- May 9-10, 1944 Oita base) "653-222" machine of
653 Naval Air Corps
Extra Metal parts:
Bomb rack
250kg bomb body parts
Etched Bomb fins
Kit No: 02022 – 1/72nd
F-14A Tomcat "VF-211 Fighting Check Mates"
This is a boxing of the ""VF-211 Fighting Check
Mates" F-14 tomcats from the US Navy carrier USS Constellation form way
back in 1997/8
In time for Christmas the markings were applied in December 1997, and were worn through that
year – they serve a quite an interesting colour set for this aircraft – sadly no
longer serving in the US Navy.
Kit Markings:
211 Squadron battle with USS Constellation aircraft flight
captain "Fighting Check Mates"
"NG101" CAG / "NG101" (December 1997)
Additional Plastic
Launcher for Sidewinder
Lantrin Parts
From the famous VF-301 Devil’s Disciples” unit of the US
Navy comes this limited edition boxing with new decals of Hasegawa’s 72nd
scale Phantom. Low-Vis schemes were the
norm when this aircraft was captured here – and this was an experimental scheme
adopted for a while on some of the unit’s aircraft – Also included are 1980’s
markings dfor Phantoms from the VF-302 “Stallions” group
-How-very-cool for Phantom and 1/72 scale fans!!
Kit Markings:
Combat Squadron 301 of the "ND103" machine belongs
"Devil's Disciples" (1984) Combat Squadron 301 of the "ND111"
machine belongs "Devil's Disciples" (1983)
Combat Squadron 302 of "ND200" machine belonging
to the "Stallions" (1983)
The USAAF Bell P-400 (P-39) Airacobra in this boxing
represents a machine from the 80th Fighter Squadron – called the "Headhunters,"
from the 8th U.S. Army Air Force out of New Guinea. The large nose art will
surely be a favourite with not just P-39 fans out there but most modellers.

Kit Markings:
"K" Machine Corps combat flight 80th (New Guinea:
"F" machine Corps combat flight 80th (second half
This is the kit of the aircraft that belonged to the
Yokosuka Air Corps. "Yo -180" unit.
The underside was painted silver / green spinner and
propeller aircraft is of reddish brown in the upper surface is dark grey paint
with grey paint over the entire surface.
Kit Markings:
"Yo -180" machine Yokosuka Air Corps (1942)
"Yo -181" machine Yokosuka Air Corps
Kit: 02 021 – 1/72 Limited
production Messerschmitt Me262A-1a w/W.Gr.21
The Me 262 specially limited production kit features this
early jet fighter of the Luftwaffe fitted with experimental. 21cm air-to-air
rockets are mounted on the underside fuselage in order to shoot down the mass
fleets of bombers raiding Germany by day and by night during WWII.
The kit features all new markings and the metal .21 cm rockets
to add to your kit
Kit Markings:
III Squadron flight commander of Combat Air Wing 7
(March 1945 Germany) "1 green" power machine Sinar
Maj. Rudolf
With headquarters adjutant 7th Division Combat Air Wing
(February 1945 Germany) "3" green power machine
port captain Erich Micah
Metal parts
W.Gr.21 parts (air-to-air rockets 21cm)
The Stuka Ju-87D-3 type was up armoured with bullet proofed
portions of the aircraft to lower the
attrition rate from it’s low level sorties against enemy anti-aircraft fire.
The “D-3N” is the type of night ground attack aircraft equipped with a flame-dampening
exhaust pipe. Fuselage upper surface is “splinter” green camouflage system,
2./NSGr.2 "G" and the lower surface was painted black.
This kit includes metal exhaust dampeners and all new night
low-vis markings
Kit Markings:
"G" machine second company affiliation 2nd night
ground attack squadrons
(June 1944 Italy)
"E8 + GK" machine second company affiliation ninth
night ground attack squadrons
(Italy: 1944)
Metal parts
Flameproof exhaust pipe parts
This very special scheme was unveiled by the JASDF 305TFS
Hyakurikichi aviation unit’s exercise - which was held in October 2012. The
scheme was painted to mark a huge force of "flower of the plum to
Hinomaru" on the top fuselage.
Silhouette of a F-104 & F-4EJ machine is used successive
Chevron and "7" on the vertical tail, the nose has attractive markings
showing the Eagles head in a flame pattern.
Kit Markings:
305 Squadron of the Air Self-Defence Force Air Wing 7
(October 2012 Hyakurikichi) "911" sprayer
operational F-15 20th Anniversary

December releases from Hasegawa
1/72 Limited Production kit:
This is the famous aircraft adorned with the elaborate choice
of the American flag underneath – we hope you have your mirror out to show off
the undersides on this completed kit!
This F-117A airframe was deployed to Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico United States Air Force - the paint scheme was to commemorate this short lived aircraft’s career in which the Stars and Stripes covered the entire lower surface.
Decal Choices
(April 2008) "88-0843" full retirement sprayer
Memorial 49th Combat Wing
(April 2008) "82-0824" aircraft commander 49OG
(April 2008) "82-0800" captain flying machine 8FS
(April 2008) "82-0809" captain flying machine 9FS
Extra Plastic parts:
Bomb bay
GBU-27 guided bomb parts
1/48 scale Limited edition special markings kit:
This is the new Tiger Meet” scheme of the F-15 fighter-bomber
from the U.S. Air Force, the “E” model ground attack version is moulded
here with the addition of new pylons and a long type conformal fuel tank
and navigation pod and antenna.
The orange and black “Tiger Meet” Markings make this a
pretty lovely choice if you want to find a good Eagle in 48th scale
to show off to your mates.
Decal Choices:
Combat Fighter Squadron 391 of 366 first team "MO250"
special Tiger Meet paint machine (2005)
"SJ 4FW" turkey shoot machine exercise
participation fourth Combat Air Wing (2012)
New plastic parts
"75th flight squadron" aircraft is moulded here in
1/72nd scale - the Kawasaki Ki-48 has the choice here of having the
dive brakes closed or deployed down in braking position. This gives you the
choice to make the aircraft into the “type II B” version with these etched
Decal Choices:
3rd Squadron 75th Squadron aircraft belonging flight: B type
II (Indonesia 1944)
"Tsukuba" machine first squadron belonging 75th:
Flying type I (Peninsular Malaysia: 1942)
Dive-bombing aircraft test flight school affiliation Hokota
Type: I
Etched parts:
Dive brake parts for type II B
This kit is the 1/72nd scale “Kate “dive bomber
which took off from the aircraft carrier “Akagi” and led the attack on Pearl Harbour
in Hawaii in December 1941
The aircraft is marked in the colours of one of the leaders
of the attack – those of Lieutenant Colonel Fuchita’s plane.
The kit includes a special addition of the armour-piercing 800kg
bomb, a special anti-shipping weapon used to pierce the decks of the enemies
Decal Choice:
"AI-301" aircraft commander Mitsuo square Fuchita
supreme commander attack on Pearl Harbour (December 8, 1941)
Extra Etched metal
800kg armour-piercing bomb parts
This is the block 10, the P-40K longer bodied Warhawk with
the "JI" code markings complete with resplendent shark’s teeth and colourful band of the
USAAF. And the New Zealand Air Force in WWII.The Kitty Hawk Mk.III is export-oriented P-40K-10.
Decal Choices:
- P-40K-10:
"JI" the United States Army Air Corps tactical aircraft
belonging Center (Florida)
- 4th
Squadron Royal New Zealand Air Force: Kitty Hawk Mk.III (: Guadalcanal July 1943) "9" square machine Lt. Jeffrey B.
This limited edition kit with special markings in 1/32 scale
is the special “F-4” version of the famous German fighter – not often seen in Foreign
In the markings of the top Finnish Air Force ace who shot
down a total of 94 aircraft whilst in the Finnish Air Force. The other
markings of this aircraft feature the machine of Warrant officer Rye beefs. The
Finnish markings are sprayed over the top of the regular German camouflage.
Decal Choices:
Rye beefs Squadron 34 Squadron (July 1943): "MT-222 2" yellow
Eero Corps fighter squadron 2nd 24th (May 1944): "MT-213 3"
Raurinisshinen first fighter squadron 24th (April 1944): "MT-225
5" Yellow
Plastic parts:
There are special plastic parts added to the kit for the G-2
variant - there were several parts on these aircraft that were non-standard and
the extra parts in the box reflect this..
Main wheels for F-4
Machine gun for the G-4 fuselage panel
Tropical filter
This German made BK-117 Helicopter was nicknamed the orange
arrow, and the kit represents the "JA119R" Air Corps heli-bourne fire
and disaster prevention helicopter from the Shizuoka Prefecture.
This aircraft, which began operating in 1997, in the
Shizuoka province - its duties included fire fighting, rescue and emergency and
disaster management activities the markings
provided show the colourful attire of this aircraft from which it got it’s
This is the special new boxing of the “100th Anniversary"
if you could call it that – of the sinking of the luxury cruise ship Titanic from
the White Star Line shipping company. This high grade kit is the same as the Revell
boxing with Japanese additions.
It is a large-scale model of a total length about 67cm. Hull
is black and the rest of the sprues are moulded in white. Handrails are
reproduced in plastic parts. Yarn is used for the rigging and for the tension
lines. The kit also comes with a stand for display.

November releases from Hasegawa
02 016 - new mould
parts - Limited production – 1/72 scale "66th Air Wing bombing"
Junkers Ju88S-1/3
This kit of the somewhat rare S-type Ju88 had an air-cooled radial
BMW801D air-cooled radial engines – it will compete with the likes of the older
and now needing replacement AMtech 1/72 scale Junkers Ju 88S. which was good
for it’s time but now looks dated
Hasegawa have added new injection moulded bombsight parts
& windshield nose streamlined by new mould parts,
"Z6 + LH"
The underside is black with camouflage spots fine RLM70 RLM76 light blue black
green upper surface. "Z6 + LH" Air Wing aircraft belonging to the
first bombing squadron 66th: S-1 (France: September 1944)
S-3: "H"
White Wing instructor affiliation machine first (December 1944) "H"
White is full of meandering RLM76 light blue camouflage paint entirely black.
New plastic parts:
Windshield nose for type S
New Bombsight parts
07 322 1:48th Scale - New
decals - Limited production A-7E Corsair II "VA-113 Stingers"
VA-113 from USS Ranger aircraft carrier of the U.S. Navy,
Marking are a choice of two - the CAG 1976 bicentennial
commemoration of the tricolour painted aircraft in high vis scheme (which we
all like on corsairs really?) including the markings as seen in 1974 featuring
a colourful vertical tail rudder.
Decal Choices
machine "Stinger's" CAG Attack Squadron 113 (1976)
machine "Stinger's" CAG Attack Squadron 113 (1974)
02 014 1/72 - Limited
production Machine – 2 kits in one - "Imperial Japanese Army"
Bf109E-7 & Fw190A-5
These are a two in one boxing of Japanese army aircraft imported
for technology research and valuation during WWII. These aircraft were shipped
by submarine to Japan to try and help Japan’s air forces develop better
aircraft and tactics
Decal choices - one
for each kite:
1 "white" tester practical examination department
Bf109E-7 Army Air Japan
(Airport Kagamihara: 1941)
Practical testing machine Examining Division Army Air Corps
fighter Japan Fw190A-5
(December 1943 Tokorozawa Airfield)
02 015 – 1/72nd
scale - New decals - Limited production
F-15C Eagle “57th fighter interceptor squadron”
The 57th FS was deployed to Iceland for long
range patrols in their F-15s to counter soviet bomber and recon intrusion and
served on long range interception sorties. To help in this the F-15C has
included in this kit some large conformal tanks (CFT).
Decal choices: (x2)
"IS” - 57FIS flying machine Corps United States Air
Force 57th fighter interceptor
(Iceland: 1992)
Another one from the same unit
07 320 - 1:48th Scale Limited
Fw-190A-5/U12 "machine
gun with pack"
These aircraft were fitted with heavy armament packs to
upgrade their fire when meeting allied bombers over German airspace in their air
defence missions during WWII. Equipped with a 20mm gun pack WB151/20 the
underside wing types, these fighters were slower to respond but in turn were
very heavily armed.
They had the destructive power of the nose and a 7.92mm
machine gun × 2, × 6 20mm cannon in the wings. This machine on the box art shows
the machine captain knitting Shubarumu – with the " black 13 " and
the "red belt" which when viewed from above forms a V-shape and acted
as a guide when form the squadron on – this was important for the group to
concentrate their cone of fire heavily to cut through the bomber formations.
Decal Choices:
Deputy squadron commander 2nd Combat Air Wing 11
(October 1943) "13" black square machine
Lieutenant Erich really
": 813 BH + CC" testing machine equipped with gun
pack WB151/20
07 321- 1:48th Scale - New
decals Limited production
"Pointed wing
shape" Spitfire Mk.VII / VIII
Late MK.VII from high-altitude combat and recon duties –
this aircraft was fitted with a longer- sharper profiled wing shape to increase
high altitude performance.
Lieutenant Klostermann’s machine - This particular scheme
shows a score of 33 aircraft shot down, he was the top ace of the Free French
Air Force,
Decal Choices:
"DU ◎ G" (England: 1944) - Late
production machine Mk.VII: 602 Squadron of Lieutenant Pierre Henri Klostermann
"ON ◎ E" (United Kingdom: September
1943) - Late production machine Mk.VII: machine participation operations
Starkey Squadron 124
"AN ◎ J" (Italy, 1944) - Belonging
to 417 Squadron of aircraft (Canadian Forces): Mk.VIII

The kit is made
to be easy to assemble and content segmentation and precise parts, the canards
can be posed in different positions and a pilot figure is included.
Droptanks and many weapons stores including the Meteor missile
are included and as a special bonus for the first run a display stand is
Decal choices:
"QO-H" machine flying squadron commander 3 (F) of
the Royal Air Force
Combat Air Wing 74 aircraft belonging to Luftwaffe
Ideal for colour sponsor of motor sports!
In high colour saturation and lightness difficult, in paint
are enough to reproduce the fluorescent colour and dazzling visual feel.
Sponsors and optimum colour team to compete in motor sports, racing vehicles,
such as motorcycles and cars.
The light
construction in formation, let's turn off the lights in the room!
07 315 1:48 Scale - Type dragon fighter Hei two seater formula breaks 45 Kawasaki Ki ("Manchurian
army Air Corps")
From the Manchuria
Armed Forces Corps aviation service. This is an early type hei type equipped
with an exhaust pipe set, from the rear turret machine gun is lowered, this
unit has a metal cover is installed. Both the issue, "Na" No.
"Kamikaze", it is the aircraft that has been subjected to mottled
Decal (content
No. "Kamikaze" flying machine Corps 3rd Air Corps
Manchu army
issue "Na" flying machine Corps 3rd Air Corps
Armed Forces Manchuria
02 010 Limited production 1/72 kit
with added parts: F/A-18F Super Hornet "VFA-32
This is a Super Hornet from the CAG VFA-32 “Swordsmen” group from the United
States Navy.
The markings are an attractive
vertical tail drew the lion brandishing a sword
Additional Plastic
Parts for Block II (front leg cover, such as chimney duct)
Decal (content
"AC100" machine "Swords Men" CAG 32nd
Fighter Attack Squadron (2010)
Captain "Flying Swords Men" Fighter Attack
Squadron 32 of the "AC101" machine (CO)
02 008 Dual set limited run kit: Jaguar
GR Mk.1A / T Mk.2A "Black Jaguar combo"
This is the dual combo set of the black Jaguars of the RAF The
first of the two being the GR Mk.1A type, whilst the second aircraft is the T
Mk2A 2 seater. Black coloured body colour moulding. The TMk2A double seat types
are being produced for the first time in a long time!
Marking choices
GR Mk.1A: "XX965" flying machine Corps 16th
Corps aircraft flying yuan sixth: T Mk.2A "T:
XX141" (2009)
07 316 1:48 Scale new
decal limited run: Messerschmitt Bf109E-4/7/B "Yabo"
(Expected January 2013)
The kit of the fighter-bomber equipped with an SC250 bomb
and rack to hold it. The model is of the E-7 / B and E-4 / B which had an underslung
bomb/fuel pylon that extended the range and lethality of these nimble fighters.
Marking choices
E-4 / B: machine belongs Wing Headquarters Squadron II, 54th
Combat "
(Romania: the beginning of the year 1941)
"S9 + DR" machine belongs to the first destroyer
squadron 7th Air Wing: E-7 / B (Libya: 1942)
07 317 1:48 Scale Limited run w/extras:
Junkers Ju87B-2 Stuka w / skid
(Expected in January 2013)
Resin parts
Formula ski landing gear parts (legs, tail main landing
Marking choices
"DJ + KA" unknown forces belonging Ju87B-2/U4
(radio code is assumed.)
"DJ + FU" unknown forces belonging Ju87B-2/U4
(radio code is assumed.)
02 009 1/72nd scale new decal limited
edition twin pack: Mitsubishi A6M2b/A6M5 "combo king shot down type"
/ 52 Type 21 Mitsubishi A6M Zero
The markings of Master Sergeant Tetsuzo Iwamoto Fei Wang
shot down from the Japanese Navy in a dual set, the kill markings on the
fuselage are the "mark of the
cherry blossoms shot down", the five types of decals. During the attack on
Pearl Harbour, "EII-102" is a 52-inch diagonal band is also
reproduced mark 253 Naval Air Squadron command post by the latest historical
Marking choices
"1-102" square machine Master Sergeant 201 of Navy
Air Corps flying Tetsuzo Iwamoto (November 1943 Rabaul)
"EII-102" machine Cao Fei square one machine
Tetsuzo Iwamoto No. 1 platoon second aircraft carrier mounted crane Rui
(December 1941)
"Ohi -101" Cao Fei power machine on Tetsuzo
Iwamoto Oppama Naval Air Squadron (February 1943)
"53-104" Sergeant Major power machine 253 Naval
Air Squadron flying Tetsuzo Iwamoto (Rabaul in February 1944)
"53-102" Sergeant Major power machine 253 Naval
Air Squadron flying Tetsuzo Iwamoto (: May 1-2, 1944 Rabaul)
September releases from Hasegawa
In a new boxing with new decals this kit of the F-14 Tomcat
in 1/72nd scale from the
Iranian air force – which unfortunately for us are the only examples still
flying today.
These examples are in the blue-grey and light grey colours
which are quite unusual for this bird – the weathering chances for these older
and log serving birds would make this kit rather a tempting choice for fast jet
Decal choices:
"3-6043" machine belonging Iranian Air Force
"3-6042", "3-6077" machine belonging
again to the Iranian Air Force
The new Super Hornet variant the EA-18G “Growler” is depicted here in the new
boxing of the old kit with new decals of the "Scorpions" Tactical
Electronic Warfare Squadron, 132 Electronic Attack Wing Pacific Fleet United
States Navy.
The markings were changed on this aircraft in 2010 with the
the vertical tail having a red scorpion on a black background, with the
selection formula decal is the 2011 edition of the colour desert camouflage.
Decal choices:
"NL540" captain flying machine (2010)
"NL540" captain flying machine (2011)
This kit of the RF-35 Draken (Dragon) reconnaissance
aircraft type that has been subjected to some very special markings.
"AR-117" is painted red and white in the fashion of the Denmark flag
on the top of the fuselage. "AR-109" machine is a "Christmas
gift" colour depicting a red ribbon from the top of the system of the normal
green colour.
Designed by Saab" at the dawn of the Cold War, the Draken was introduced in 1960. Heavily exported, the Royal Danish Air Force's No. 725 Squadron and No. 729 Squadron had 51 total Drakens in its fleet. The Draken was retired by Denmark in 1993.
Designed by Saab" at the dawn of the Cold War, the Draken was introduced in 1960. Heavily exported, the Royal Danish Air Force's No. 725 Squadron and No. 729 Squadron had 51 total Drakens in its fleet. The Draken was retired by Denmark in 1993.
Decal Options:
Royal Danish A.F. Esk. 729, Code: AR-117, 1986
Royal Danish A.F. Esk. 729, Code: AR-109, 1987
Decal choices:
"AR-117" aircraft belonging to 729 Squadron of the
Danish Air Force (1986)
"AR-109" aircraft belonging to 729 Squadron of the
Danish Air Force (1987)
Resin parts
Nose for RF-35
Wing end sensor
Vertical tail end parts
Kit No: 02005 – 1/72 Limited
production kit - AD-6 Skyraider "VA-65 Tigers"
From an AD-6 Skyraider belonging to the U.S. Navy, this "AE406"
from the USS Enterprise carries colourful red tail with white stars and a long
red lightning bolt on it’s fuselage. "AH500" is green.
Decal choices:
65th Attack Squadron equipped USS Enterprise aircraft
"AE406" "Tigers"
"AH500" Marine Corps aircraft flying attack
aircraft carrier 165 with USS Oriskany 1962-63
This Bf 109 F-4/B is the new tool kit equipped with a 250kg
bomb slung underneath.
This Bf109F-4/B "Blue 1" was the machine of Lt.
Rizendaru - and features the silhouette of a ship in the ladder of vertical
tail. The extra resin parts on this kit include the ETC500 rack and SC250 bomb
to accompany it.
Decal choices:
10 fighter-bomber squadron commander JG2 (April 1942)
"1" blue square machine zen Lieutenant Frank Lee Dahl
JG53 10th (March 1942) "White 3" square unit
sergeant fading Rikshospitalet Sauer
JG53 10th fighter-bomber squadron commander (July 1942)
"1" white power machine Lieutenant Werner Lange Man
Resin parts
ETC500 rack
SC250 bomb
Metal Parts
Reinforcing plate tail
Kit: 02003 1/72 Limited
production twin kit - Wulf Fw190A-5/6/8 "Priller"
This kit of two kits-in-one of the mounts of the famous
Josef Priller from the 26th Combat Wing. You can make either two sets of “A-8"
or “A-5/6" part composition of the kit. “13 - + -" is the aircraft
that was used on the day when the Normandy landings, in which his and another
were the only two machines to return fire at the allies.
Decal choices:
May 5-6, 1943 France: A-5 "13 · +"
June 1944 France: A-8 "13 - - +"
May 1944 France: A-6 "- - + <"
This Hellcat is from the Pacific theatre of operation in
WWII – Although these aircraft were only in navy blue there is a large skull
and crossbones and “Death by Destruction” as one of the markings included in
the kit.
Decal choices:
Combat Squadron 83 with USS Essex (May 1945) "115"
machine power late Lieutenant Ward Hazleton
Combat Squadron 31 USS Cabot with "12" square
machine Lieutenant Ray Hawkins (September 1944)
Kit: 02007 limited
production kit - F-86D Sabre Dog "shark teeth"
Painted with some fearsome looking Shark teeth on the nose –
this is an aircraft from the 498th combat interception United States Air Force.
"FU-866" has been arranged in the form of N in the vertical tail and
dark blue ☆ mark, mark tiger troops have been written.
Decal choices:
United States Air Force "FU-866" Machine Corps
combat flight intercept 498 (1956)
United States Air Force "FU-997" Machine Corps
combat flight intercept 498 (1956)
Kit: 07311 - 1/48th Scale Limited production - 44 single-seat fighter
formula type II Shoki two Nakajima Ki "70th flight squadron"
From the 70th flight squadron this “Shoki” was one of the
aircraft entrusted to the air defence of the Japanese mainland, this particular
kit has as one of it’s markings the large figures of three B-29’s that fell
victim to his guns.
Sakado Sergeant Major Atsuyuki Sadao Miyazawa also shot down
another aircraft marked the F6F.
Decal choices:
(June 1945) war machine power squadron commander Maj.
Atsuyuki Sakado 70th flight: Hei type II
(February 1945) Sergeant Sadao square machine Miyazawa 3rd
Squadron 70th Squadron flight: armor type II
Kit: 07312 1:48th
Scale Limited production Focke Fw190A-9
This kit is of the last model in the series air-cooled
engine, the A-9. The windshield is of the earlier type and late type. The
internal cooling fan and propeller are all new metal parts.
Decal choices:
(April 1945) "22" Red Wing fighter aircraft
belonging to Squadron 301 of the sixth
Combat Air Wing headquarters platoon
Metal parts
Large wooden propeller
14 pcs parts cooling fan
August releases from Hasegawa
This partly is a new mould of the U.S. Air Force
fighter-bomber, the F-15E with a large number of additional new parts to make
this a fine new kit with plenty of extras including a massive external ordinance
load and up to date electronic suite.
New plastic parts include conformal tanks, a new pilot probe
and new pylons to suit the “E” model.
Decal Choices:
"MO" machine belongs to the 366th Squadron combat
air wing (2001)
"SJ336FS" from the 366th fighter squadron - “Rocketeers"
Kit No: 07310 - 1/48th
Scale "winter camouflage" Henschel Hs129B-2
Exclusive new decals in this limited edition – the kit is
expected in September 2012
The usual RLM 70/71/65 camouflage was painted over with
white distemper camouflage in the harsh winters of WWII and this version of the
twin engined ground attack aircraft with the 30mm anti-tank cannon on the
bottom of the nose being either a MK101 or MK103 gun.
Interestingly these decals were offered by EagleCals in
their 1/72 decal sheet EagleCals
#18-72 Hs 129s hmmm…..
Decal Choices:
Squadron (tank) 10 ground attack aircraft wing 9 (March 1944
“White K” flown by Walter Krause Pz.Ja.St/JG51 in the Ukraine
March 1944
“Yellow 3" Walter Krause (Spring 1943)
Limited edition decal version – expected in August 2012
The famous “Habu” SR-71A supersonic high-altitude
reconnaissance aircraft of the USAF which was famously used often by the CIA to
spy on overseas governments and military installations.
This special edition has the large tail decal of the
aircraft "Gravestone." Which the aircraft wore to commemorate the
service of the type before it’s retirement - denoted by the markings on the
tail “R.I.P. 172 Detachment 1968 - 1990”
Decal Choices:
Both from the 1st
Strategic Reconnaissance Squadron 9th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing
"17962” & "17979" machine belongs the
first contingent of troops (Kadena Air Base)
Kit No: 07309 - 1/48
Scale Seafire Mk.Ib
Limited edition kit – expected in September 2012
The carrier-based aircraft version of the type of Spitfire. This
kit has the added resin parts like an arresting hook and bottom rear parts on
the fuselage.
Machine decal set the following three minutes from Royal
Navy aircraft belongs. "06 ◎ K" is, "MB340" Royal
Navy camouflage of aircraft is usually noted white stripes, a dark blue SEAC roundel
Decal Choices:
"06 ◎K" machine from the 885th
Squadron aircraft carrier “Formidable” in May 1943
"MB340" from late 1944 from March 1943
"G1 ◎ A" machine from
Squadron 761
Resin parts: Arresting
hook + The bottom panel rear fuselage parts
Limited edition decals – expected Around September 2012
The 14th Naval Air Corps and the was deployed to mainland
China, and these machine belong to the 12th Naval Air Corps
Decal Choices:
"9-182" machine belonging to the 14th
Navy Air Corps in October 1940
"3-183" machine belonging to the 12th Navy Air
Corps in 1941
"9-172" machine belonging to the 14th Navy Air
Corps in October 1940
"3-163" machine belonging to the 12th Navy Air
Corps in September 1940
Limited edition decal choices expected in September 2012. This
bike won the 250cc class and was places 2nd overall 2008 All Japan Road Race
Decal Choice:
Shoya Tomizawa player: "48" Rider
Plastic parts, seat pad, Left rear wheel swing arm, Rear
wheel fender & parts for the tank pad
Kit: 08229 1/32 Scale -
BK-117 "Doctor-Heli"
Expected in September 2012
Helicopter for emergency medical care (doctor helicopter) is
it possible to operate the aircraft was established in 2007 by Law "Doctor
Heli". This unit is equipped with a nurse and a specialist in emergency
medicine has to passengers, it is possible to perform critical care medicine to
the patient using the medical equipment until the medical facility from such
site, on-board is.
Colour moulding is in 3 colours white, grey and transparent.
This model is based on the Revell of Germany kit.
Decal Choices:
"JA6659", "JA9979", "JA6844" “Doctor-Heli”
Special commemorative edition – expected in September 2012
The new package will celebrate
the "100th Anniversary of completion" of the Titanic, The large
luxury passenger liner Titanic's White Star Line shipping company. This model
is based on the Revell of Germany kit. This large model is the model length is
about 67cm. The hull is moulded in black whilst the rest of the kit is on white
The handrail is reproduced in the plastic parts while Yarn
and accessories for the high tension wires, the kit also includes an exhibition
We will keep you updated as to all of the new kits we can get translated as they come - thanks Mr Google Translator-san for the help!
We will keep you updated as to all of the new kits we can get translated as they come - thanks Mr Google Translator-san for the help!
EA-18G Guraura "VAQ-135
Black Ravens"

3,150 yen (body:
3,000 yen) July 7, 2012 (shipped 7/4)
This kit sees the successor to the EA6 Prowler the EA-18G “Growler”
In the latest markings of VAQ-135. Line
of green and attractive, is painted black to mark & blue vertical tail.
Also sets the marking of the tank tanks.

Decal choices
"Black Ravens" Tactical Electronic Warfare
Squadron 135 of the U.S. Navy
"NL520" machine CAG (2011)
"NL521" machine CO (2011)
Prefectural Police" Mazda Cosmo Sport L10B
3,360 yen (body: ¥
3,200) 21 July 2012 (shipped 7/18)
Developed with all new plastic parts to make a kit of the
patrol car belonging to the Hiroshima Prefectural Police. Red light siren has
been installed on the roof to the bonnet. Parts that can be selected in a few
configurations that can be attached to the rear speakers for the rear trunk,
Also included are Highway Patrol Specifications.

Decal Choices:
"Hiroshima Prefectural Police" car
belongs Hiroshima Prefectural Police
"Police" car belongs to the Police

Plastic parts include:
Lighthouse red seat (new)
Siren parts (new)
Red light
Red light base
Speaker parts
Junkers Ju88A-8 w /
balloon cable cutter

4,410 yen (body: 4,200 yen) 21 July 2012 (shipped 7/18)
The Junkers Ju88A-8 w / balloon cable cutter A-8 variant kit
incorporates new etched parts; the nose of the aircraft is fitted with a cutter
for slicing barrage balloon mooring cables.

This machine is the aircraft that was used when the invasion
in the Battle of Britain London bombing. It was adapted for low altitude operations
in which it would fly through barrage balloon clusters to snip the cables and
clear a path for the oncoming bombers
Decal Choices:
"4D + GN" machine belongs bombing
squadron 5th Air Wing 30th (marking assumption: 1941)
8th Air Wing Squadron machine belongs bombing 76
(marking assumption: 1941)

Extra parts include
Etched parts
Cutter for cutting barrage balloon mooring
cables parts (fender)
Actual documentation
Comes with a manual by Mr Takao Jiang actual
country of German scholars machine.
Nakajima B5N2 Type 97
Pearl Harbor attack Corps"
3,150 yen (body:
3,000 yen) 21 July 2012 (shipped 7/18)
The aircraft from the second attack on Pearl Harbor -
launched from Thailand, the aircraft "EII-301" and its pilot served
as Lieutenant Commander Shigekazu Shimazaki.
This unit is a red band, the vertical tail and fuselage of
the aircraft is subjected to multiple marking flashy white belt to the wing
upper surface. For level bombing this aircraft was equiooed with a 250kg bomb
under the fuselage.
Extra plastic parts include 250kg bombs
Decal Choices
Commander he wants the second attack aircraft carrier crane
(December 8, 1941) "EII-301" Major
power machine Shigekazu Shimazaki
(December 8, 1941) "EI-311" machine
equipped with aircraft carrier Shokaku
F-16C Block 52 Fighting
Falcon advanced "Zeus"
3,990 yen (body: ¥ 3,800) 28 July 2012 (shipped 7/25)
Reproduction of the Greek Air Force F-16 demo team with new
additions in styrene that wasn’t present in the 2010 kit - "ZEUS" is
the call sign of the unit.
Conformal tank on the
side of the fuselage and a large Greek national flag, while on the upper
surface is a character representing the "Air Force Greece" in Greek
and English have been written.
Decal choice
"537" machine belongs drag Air Force F-16
demonstration team Greece
Plastic parts
Vertical tail chute base with (new)
Conformal tank parts
Shisei J2M2 Mitsubishi Raiden
4,830 yen (body:
4,600 yen) 20th July 2012 (shipped 7/17)
The fuselage of the kit colour yellow-orange high-visibility
paint is quite interesting on this Raiden Shisei "Thunderbolt". All
new tooling on the additional plastic parts, such as the precise reproduction
of the upper and lower surfaces of the wing panel machine gun of an accurate shape
of nose 7.7mm machine gun, the front windshield, the bulge, the feature of this

This kit has type 11 engine parts that can be reproduced
also have the radiator air intake nose underside.
Fitted with the 1,357 kW (1,820 hp) Mitsubishi MK4R-A Kasei
23a 14-cylinder radial engine, same armament as the J2M1.
Decal (content marking)
(Through January 1944 December 1943 Oppama base) "Yo
C-104" 301 of the Naval Air Corps: 14 breaks ground fighter
Type 11 early type Leiden: "Yo D-147" 302 Naval
Air Corps (Atsugi)

New plastic parts
Top panel nose
Machine gun wing panel of the upper and lower
Instrument panel parts
Front windshield parts

Escort carrier
combo" TBM-1C / 3 Avenger

3,150 yen (body:
3,000 yen) 28 July 2012 (shipped 7/25)
The TBM Avenger had been used by the US Navy as an aircraft
carrier escort and torpedo bomber. This kit will have two sets of the Avenger -
the TBM-3 and TBF/TBM-1C.
Decals can be selected from the following three aircraft.
"B1" is the nose art has been painted on the nose of the aircraft in
the tri-colour. "53" is a glossy Sea Blue aircraft across the board.
"58-C-26" is a camouflage for anti-submarine patrol aircraft has been
subjected to,
is the aircraft that
participated in the (January 1944) the first rocket attack against the U-boat.
Decal Choices:
- TBM-1C: United
States Navy aircraft carrier USS Ganbiabei
Major Edward J. Hakusutaburu power machine mixed squadron
commander 10 [B1] (October 1944)
- TBM-3: (May 1945)
machine with 233 Marine torpedo squadron affiliation (second generation 2)
[53] USS Block Island United States Marine Corps aircraft carrier
- TBF-1C: USS Block
Island with the United States Navy aircraft carrier
(On January 11, 1944. Attack the U-758) hybrid machine
belongs to Squadron 58 [58-C-26]
We will
keep you updated as to all of the new kits we can get translated as they come
- thanks Mr Google Translator-san for the help!

01990 – 1/72 – Available around 5
November 2012 (shipped 5/8)
The kits
colour choices are depicting a desert camouflage shark mouth nose from the Iran
Air Force. Numerical representation of the number of aircraft on the left
and right vertical tail are different, the Persian numbers are on the right,
the left-hand side are marked with numbers (Arabic) calculation.
- "3-6643" machine belongs Iran Air Force (2010)
- "3-6651" machine belongs Iran Air Force (2010)
- "3-6549" machine belongs Iran Air Force (2010)
08226 - 1:32nd
Available around 5 November 2012 (shipped 5/8)
This is
the predecessor of the Flying tigers air group, in the U.S. volunteer air group
had been dispatched to China during the Sino-Japanese War. After the outbreak
of World War II this unit was incorporated into the United States Army Air
Corps, fought in China. Kit will be a selection formula of the type and K
type E.
- Combat air group commander of
the U.S. Army 23: P-40E
"7" Colonel Robert L. Scott power machine (China: September 1942) - United States Army Air Corps
fighter group flying 23 combat 76: P-40K
"one hundred eleven" major power Grant Mahoney captain flying machine (China: Spring 1943)
07301 - 1:48th – Available
around May 15, 2012 (shipped 5/12)
One of
the Mk.VIII Spitfires that fought the Japanese aircraft in the Pacific War.
Decal Choices:
- Power machine 79 of the Royal
Australian Air Force lieutenant Nomusumiseru ? Squadron
(Summer 1945) "UP ◎ F" - (January 1945) "UM ◎ L" 152 Squadron Royal Air Force aircraft belonging
- Major power machine Glaser ED
548 Squadron Royal Air Force captain
(February 1945) "TS ◎ V"
07302 - 1:48 - Available around 5
November 2012 (shipped 5/8)
Independent Squadron flight is called "Shinsengumi" or
"kingfisher troops" it was a force that was used to combat the first
Shoki. Unit 1, 2, 4 to 10 prototype has been turned on. Decal sets the
Unit 5,6,8. (This even I found hard to translate!)
airfield in January 1942) "5" machine power commander Major Toshio
river slope
- (Saigon airfield in January 1942) "6" machine-square formation leader Captain Jimbo the second decimal
- (Saigon airfield in January 1942) "8" square machine length Captain Chloe Yasuhiko squadron 3
parts included are
- Main landing gear doors
- Spinner
- Main landing gear parts, etc. stored in the warehouse panel
01988 – 1/72 – Available around 5
December 2012 (shipped 5/9)
black to reproduce the colour of the latest machine VFA-147 CAG a lovely bright
coloured bird in black and red markings!
2 Decal
- Fighter Attack Squadron 147
"NK200" machine "Argonauts" CAG (2011) - Fighter Attack Squadron 147
"NG400" machine "Argonauts" CAG (2010)
- Parts for Block II update is included
07303 - 1:48 Scale – Available around
May 15, 2012 (shipped 5/12)
This kit
is of the aircraft of captain Amma from the Kato Hayabusa fighter aircraft CorpsDecal
3 Decal
- Formation leader and a
captain in the 3rd Squadron of the 3rd
(January 1942 Murray) Captain Katsumi Anma power machine - Formation length of the
second third company
(Murray early 1942) machine power lieutenant Shogo Takeuchi - Formation leader and a
captain in the second of the second company
(April 1942 Thailand) captain power machine Haruyasu Maruo
21703 - 1:12 Scale Model Available
around 2 June 2012 (shipped 5/30)
A 1/12 scale
kit of the works machine of Shell Advance Honda team’s bike competing in the
250cc class world championship road race in 2000. Attractive painted a
flashy white markings and a sharp, red & yellow!

formula of "14" and "4" decal. Overall ranking of
fourth in 2000 Toru Ukawa, Anthony West was sixth.
bikes depicted:
- Tohru Ukawa: "4" Rider
- "14" Rider: Anthony
01997 – 1/72 - Available around
the 17th of May 2012 (shipped 5/14)
A kit to
"Berutoro 51" special coating machine belonging to Italian Air Force
drew a Greyhound octopus (octopus), on the top fuselage to the vertical fin! Gray
and black design harmony, of pleasant yellow! (This aircraft paired with
F-16A ADF Viper new product was launched in March.)
(content marking)
- 5th Air Wing Squadron 23
"MM7251" painting machine 90 founding anniversary (2008)
- Vertical tail parts for the ADF
- Reinforcing plate parts
01989 –
1/72 - Available around May 26, 2012 (shipped 5/23)
Based on
the latest historical research marking, and then reproduce the machine belongs
352 belongs in Air Corps. Machine will be set hei type 2 52 Zero Fighter
Type 21 and Leiden.
5 decal
- "352-20" power
machine 352 of the Naval Air Corps lieutenant Yoshihiro Aoki
(Omura base in March 1945) - "352-50" 352 Naval
Air Corps of the machine belongs (base Omura)
- "352-177" power
machine Sugisaki captain captain straight flight of 352 Naval Air Corps
(Omura base in March 1945) - (Omura base in March 1945) "352-112" machine 352 of the Naval Air Corps affiliation
- (Omura base in March 1945) "352-157" machine 352 of the Naval Air Corps affiliation
07307 1:48 Scale Model – available
around May 26, 2012 (shipped 5/23)
The main
colourful feature of this aircraft over other A-4’s is the reproduction of the trainer
version of the TA-4 belonging to the Israeli Air Force with impressive
"tiger with wings" in the vertical tail was decorated with desert
(content marking)
- "702" "720 machine belongs" Flying Tiger "squadron of Israeli Air Force 102"
- Engine nozzle extension
- Antenna parts, etc.
10687 - 1:200 scale Model - Available
around May 26, 2012 (shipped 5/23)
This twin
set of Dakotas were strangely both used in the Pacific theatre of operation! The
C-47 (also known as the DC£ in civilian use) was called the L2D when built
under licence production in Japan.
3 Aircraft
- Zero type 11 type transport
aircraft machine: Yokosuka Navy Imperial Japanese Navy Air Corps
"Yo -901" (Yokosuka) - Member of the Imperial
Japanese Navy Air Corps Kanoya Naval aircraft: No. D1 transport aircraft
"Y-902" (China: Winter 1939 - 40)
- Belong to the 55th Fighter
Squadron machine transport 317 U.S. Army transport aircraft group
(Mindoro in December 1944): "Classy Chassis 104"
- parts for antenna cover zero formula (1 minute Japanese machine)
We will
keep you updated as to all of the new kits we can get translated as they come
- thanks Mr Google Translator-san for the help!

April news from Hasegawa
20252 1:20 Scale Limited Edition Ferrari
312T "1975 Dutch GP"
Reproduction the Netherlands Grand
Prix racing in 1975 when the 312T with the nickname of "phoenix", Nikki
Lauda was the driver of this particular machine. Decal (content marking) As
this particular race was run in torrential rain this kit includes a pair of rain
tires as an extra to the kit
Two different decal choices for this kit1. Niki Lauda Car No.12 Driver # 2
2. Clay Regazzoni Car No.11 Driver # 3
01986 1/72 Special specification
Limited F/A-18F Super Hornet "Royal Australian Air Force"
2,940 yen (body: ¥ 2,800) Expected around
July 4, 2012
A reproduction of the Stop gap solution
in wake of the late arrival of the F-35 JSF – the Super hornet has been
deployed as a successor of F-111 Aardvark until arrival of the JSF. Shown by
the lightning bolt markings on the tail this “Superbug” belongs Air Wing 82 -
"The Birds" squadron, the first "boomerang" Squadron sixth
that has been written in the circle area in its centre. Parts for block II
(chimney duct cover front legs) are included
Two different decal choices for this kit
First machine Squadron Air Wing 82
"208" "207" (2011)
"212" (2010) (2010)
Wing attack 82 "215" machine
belongs Squadron 6 (2010)
10686 1:200 scale Model New decal
Limited Edition Northwest Airlines Boeing 747-200

This model is depicting the Northwest
Airlines Boeing 747-200 in 1/200th scale,Northwest merged with Delta
Air Lines in January 2010, This machine is depicted in the last marking scheme
of that airline.
09979 1:48 Limited Edition F/A-18C
Hornet "Chippy Ho Final"
6,195 yen (body: 5,900 yen) Around 14
April 2012 (shipped 4/11)
Marking of the bald eagle is a Kakkoyoi!
From Chippy-Ho, this colourful kit is the marking type in the C model of this
aircraft before transition to the Super Hornet version. Selection is an
expression of "III" and "IV" decal.
Decal Choices:
"NF400" machine "Dam
Busters" CAG Fighter Attack Squadron 195 (2010)
"NF400" machine "Dam
Busters" CAG Fighter Attack Squadron 195 (2008)

3,570 yen (body: 3,400 yen) Around 14
April 2012 (shipped 4/11)
This kit of the older 1/32 from
Hasegawa offers new decal choices in the colourful “Red Tails” of the Tuskegee
airmen of WWII.
332nd squadron was America’s first African
American squadron in the Airforce, Belonging to the 15th Air Force whey are now
being portrayed in the George Lucas movie film “Red Tails” which has just been
released in theatres – Let’s hope they got the markings a little more correct
than the movie did!
Two different decal choices for this kit
1. "42" Lieutenant Charles White
Squadron combat power machine 301 of the
1945, Italy)
2. "88" power machine 302 combat flying
corps Lt. Freddie Hutchins
(October 1944, Italy)
01984 1/72 Special Limited Edition Focke-Wulf
Fw190A-8 Hagerukorun w/Bv246

2,730 yen (body: 2,600 yen) Around 21
April 2012 (shipped 4/18)
By adding a new parts to the mould
this Fw190 A8 testing machine equipped with an underside glider type aircraft bomb.
The Tests were held by mounting the
wings of the elongated glider bomb to give extended range and stand-off
distance to targets. Decal sets the testing machine and paint assumed. A Glide
bomb Bv246 and the associated mounting support parts are included in this kit.
Decal Choices
"A1 + DS" machine belongs
8th Air Wing Squadron 53 bombing (marking assumption)
(For combat aircraft of paint / no
code) testing machine
New plastic parts

01996 1/72 New decal Limited Edition 11
reconnaissance aircraft type formula zero water E13A1 Aichi W / catapult
"Tone No. 4"
Reproduction of the Tone No. 4 has
been said to be one of the factors that was decisive in the fate of the Battle
of Midway. This unit was delayed departure and was not to play a major part in
the battle. This kit includes Wu formula in item (ii) five type injection
machine (catapult) kit.
Three different decal choices for this kit
(At the time of the Battle of Midway
in June 1942) "MI-4" machine equipped with heavy cruiser Tone
(At the time of the Battle of Midway
in June 1942) "MII-5" machines with heavy cruiser Chikuma
(Summer 1942) "FI-1" heavy
cruiser Myoko
09978 1:48 Limited Edition Typhoon
Mk.IB "Shark Teeth"
3,990 yen (body: ¥ 3,800) Around 24
April 2012 (shipped 4/21)
This famous Typhoon of the Royal Air
Force in WWII is a MK.IB equipped with a four blade propeller and Tempest tail.
"MR ◎ U" is a rare aircraft painted shark
teeth. Selection of equipment is an expression armed rockets and bombs. This
edition includes resin parts of a large horizontal stabilizer and parts for the
air intake filter.
Decal Choices
(June 1945 MP197) "MR ◎
U" 245 Squadron of the machine belongs
(April 1945 RB326) "5V ◎
V" 439 Squadron of the machine belongs
"OV ◎ Z" machine belongs to Squadron
197 (MN925: September 1944)
09980 1:48 Messerschmitt Bf109F-4
Trop/R1 W/ "Machine gun pack"
2,940 yen (body: ¥ 2,800) Around 26
April 2012 (shipped 4/23)
To reproduce the aircraft was
additionally equipped with MG151/15 gondola on the underside of the armed wing.
This machine is fitted with a rare aircraft gun repair kit for the local pack
of type F. 7 "black" has been operating in the state removed the
filter in the tropical F-4 Trop was deployed to the Eastern Front, was
unnecessary. This kit includes many extras including brass 15mm barrels, a metal
inlet and reinforcing plate parts as well as a manual by Mr.Takao Jiang of the machine.
Decal Choices:
"Black 7" machine 2nd
combat Air Wing 52: Bf109F-4 Trop/R1 (1942: Eastern Front)
Bf109F-4/R1: 52 aircraft from Air
Wing, "a black <" (1942: Eastern Front)
"A yellow" 3rd JG 52:
Bf109F-4/R1 (Eastern Front)
01987 1/72 Limited Edition F-104G Starfighter
3,360 yen (body: ¥ 3,200) Around 28
April 2012 (shipped 4/25)
The German air force research F104G CCV
(Control Configured Vehicle) machine improves mauveability capacity) The wings
and canard were added to the upper fuselage as well as the equipment in order
to control it. This is a great looking kit especially in the testing schemes.
Resin parts included:
Right face plate vertical tail
For the canard wing vertical
Vertical tail end projection
Top left and right fuselage fairing
Tail fairing parts for ballast
Metal parts
Large pilot tube
Sensor nose left and right parts
Two different decal choices for this kit:
"98 +36" West German Air
Force experimental aircraft for research CCV
(. Selection formula / absence of the
fairing for ballast)
"23 +91" West German Air
Force experimental aircraft for research CCV
March news from Hasegawa

08223 1:32 Scale Focke-Wulf Fw190D-9
Category: WWII German Fighter
Estimated No. of parts: 134
Decal choices
1) Luftwaffe II./JG26 Yellow 2
2) Luftwaffe II./SG10 Black 6
Equipped with a bomb, and then
reproduced in 1/32 scale D-9 has been operated as a Jabo (fighter-bomber). This
machine is air defence aircraft while performing the mainland, was also
utilized to ground attack missions. This boxing is the new/old tool Hasegawa
kit re-releases in a new decal and resin bomb combination.
2 Decal choices:
2 "yellow" machine belongs
Squadron II: 26th Combat Wing
6 "black" machine belongs
Squadron II ground attack of the 10th Air Wing
Resin parts -Bomb SC250 (from 1) + Plastic
parts - Bomb SC50 (from 4)
Scale : 1/72
Category : Modern U.S. Jet Electronic
Estimated No. of parts : 177
Painted black to reproduce the machine
CAG of VAQ-141 an attractive bright red marking! Yellow Jackets of the sub is a
Prowler with matching new products this month. Marking is good looking too.
2 decal choices:
VAQ-141 "SHADOWHAWKS" CAG Code: AJ500 2010
"AJ500" machine Air Wing
commander "Shadow Hawks" Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron 141
with the United States Navy aircraft carrier USS George HW Bush (2010)
2) U.S. Navy VAQ-138 "YELLOW
JACKETS" Code: NL510
"NL510" machine belongs
"Yellow Jackets" Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron 138
Item no. : 09977
Scale : 1/48
Category : WWII Japanese Fighter
Estimated No. of parts : 81
Based on the latest historical
research marking, and then reproduce the first machine 352 Naval Air Corps
affiliation. Channel number is (also set by the extra yellow and white). The decal
is also set in the bonus of an unspecified machine describing the lightning of
a book.
Decal choices:
1) I.J.N. 352nd Naval F.G. Lt.J.G.
Yoshihiro Aoki Code: 352-20 Omura A.B.March 1945 (Omura base in March 1945)
"352-20" power machine 352 of the Naval Air Corps lieutenant
Yoshihiro Aoki
I.J.N. 352nd Naval F.G. Code: 352-50 Omura A.B. - "352-50" 352 Naval
Air Corps of the machine belongs (base Omura)
Item no. : 09976
Scale : 1/48
Category : WWII German Fighter
Estimated No. of parts : 83
3,360 yen (body: ¥ 3,200) Expected around
17 March 2012 (shipped 3/14)
This kit hopes to reproduce the state
of the aircraft captain from Hermann Graf (W.Nr2594), equipped with a
supercharger intake for high-altitude (moulded in resin as an extra), and with
a cannon in the outer wing 20mm MGFF .
Decal choice
1/ Captain Hermann Graf power machine
replenishment squadron combat flight captain eastern (France 1943)
Resin parts -Intake parts
superchargers are included in this edition.

Item no. : 01980
Scale : 1/72
Category : Modern U.S. Jet Fighter
Estimated No. of parts : 75
To reproduce the special coating
machine is subjected to wind around viper was drawn like an impressive
aircraft, marking the body. Attractive (Viper) Viper with a sense of coercion.
The vertical tail is a different pattern in the left and right have been drawn.
Decal choice:
Plastic parts: Vertical tail parts for
the ADF, Metal inlet, Reinforcing plate parts
RAVENS 2010"
Item no. : 01981
Scale: 1/72
Category : Modern U.S. Jet Electronic
Estimated No. of parts: 83
2,940 yen (body: ¥ 2,800) Around 24
March 2012 (shipped 3/21)
VAQ-135 from the United States Navy,
before being converted to Guraura models, marking the final period to reproduce
the Prowler. "Yellow Jackets" in the sub are also included in the
EA-18G sub new products this month. It is also good to see side by side on this
occasion the two machine models before and after the conversion.
2 Decal Choices
1) U.A. Navy VAQ-135 "BLACK
RAVENS" CAG Code: NH500 2010
"NH500" machine "Black
Ravens" CAG Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron 135 (2010)
2) U.A. Navy VAQ-138 "YELLOW
JACKETS" CAG Code: NG500 2009
"NG500" machine "Yellow
Jackets" CAG Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron 138 (2009)
LIGHTNING F Mk.6 COMBO (Two kits in
the box)
Item no. : 01982
Scale: 1/72
Category: Modern British Jet Fighter
Estimated No. of parts: 47 x 2
2,520 yen (body: 2,400 yen) Expected around
25 March 2012 (shipped 3/22)
Two kit so fthis aircraft in the one
box represent two very different colour schemes of this famous British interceptor
2 Decal choices in total
1) Royal A.F. No.5 SQ. Code: AA XR770
1987 Special marking for the retirement of Lightning
Lightning Squadron retired sprayer
fifth anniversary "AA: XR770" (1987)
2) Royal A.F. No.11 SQ. Code: BD XR760
1983 - 11 Squadron machine belongs "BD: XR760" (1983)
"XR770 AA", the camouflage
green / grey coating machine is part of the veterans memorial depicting the
forces of Mark "maple", from the Royal Air Force aircraft - the
"BD XR760". Lightning is the first colour variation kit!
(FRANK) COMBO (Two kits in the box)
Item no. : 01979
Scale: 1/72
Category: WWII Japanese Fighter
Estimated No. of parts: 32 x 2
2,730 yen (body: 2,600 yen) Expected around
29 March 2012 (shipped 3/26)
Mass production than the late type,
and then reproduce at machine 2 brown and set "715" gray-green
underside / (issue seven yellow-green), "60" of silver unpainted
underside / dark upper surface dark green upper surface.
Three decal choices include:
1) I.J.A.A.F. 51st F.R. Code: 715
Shimodate A.B. Feb.,1945 (February 1945
Shimodate airfield, Ibaraki Prefecture) "715" machine power battle
squadron commander Captain Tadao Ikeda 51 flight
2) I.J.A.A.F. 22nd F.R. Code: 60 Korea
1945 "60" 22 squadron flying machine belongs (Korea: 1945)
3) I.J.A.A.F. 101st F.R. Code: 85
Fujieda A.B. summer 1945 (Summer 1945 base Fujieda, Shizuoka Prefecture)
"85" 101 Squadron flying machine belongs
OH-6D "J.G.S.D.F."
Item no. : 09975 (09975)
Scale: 1/48
Category: U.S. Helicopter
Estimated No. of parts: 50
3,150 yen (body: 3,000 yen) Expected around
29 March 2012 (shipped 3/26)
Reproduce the condition of the
helicopter OH-6D latest equipment for observation and practice. This kit adds
resin parts for the forward facing lights (left and right) also for the FLIR
and antenna parts
1 Decal choice:
1/ J.G.S.D.F. Eastern Army Aviation
Group Code: EH31300 Eastern Army Camp Tachikawa 2011 - "EH31300"
machine belongs Corps Air Corps helicopter eastern direction towards the
eastern Ground Self-Defence Force (Tachikawachutonchi year: 2011)
February news from Hasegawa
01975 1/72 Fw190A-8 & Ju88G-1 "MISTEL S2"
Item no. : 01975
Scale : 1/72
WWII German Special Attacker
Estimated No. of parts : 157
Markings : Luftwaffe 6./KG200 Code: Red-11 Denmark February 1945
To reproduce new moulds and etching parts to be used like a large missile Ju88G-1
unmanned flying a Fw190A-8, with a bomb, The nose is converted into an explosive packed surprise. The long ladder for the pilot to board has even been reproduced here!
01974 1/72 F2A-2/3 BAFFALO "U.S. NAVY/MARINE COMBO" (Two kits in the box)(LIMITED EDITION)
Item no. : 01974
Scale : 1/72
Category :WWII U.S. Fighter
Estimated No. of parts : 55 + 52
Markings : 1) F2A-2: U.S. Navy USS SARATOGA VF-3 Code: 3-F-8 1941
2) F2A-3: U.S. Marine VMF-221 Code: MF-15 Midway June, 1942
Resin parts: The extended nose for the F2A-3, Propeller hub parts
Included in this package are two sets of F2A-3 type aircraft with fuel tank expansion and improved F2A-2 type of engine output, has extended the nose. F2A-3 kit is the first mosquito! By adding resin parts, such as to reproduce the nose has been extended.
Item no. : 09974
Scale : 1/48
Category :WWII U.S. Fighter
Estimated No. of parts : 79
Markings : 1) Thompson Trophy race winner 84: Cobra II 1946
2) 75: Cobra I 1946
The winning "84: Cobra II" is painted black and "yellow" across the board.Ring of bright color is an attractive unique race machine. And to "75: Cobra I" is painted black to "red" across the board. This is the aircraft was lost in an accident before the race played unfortunately.
Resin parts: Spinner, Intake parts, Metal parts, Propeller & Pilot tube parts.
Item no. : 08222
Scale : 1/32
Category : WWII Japanese Fighter
Estimated No. of parts : 157
Markings : I.J.N. 302nd N.F.G. "Yo D-183" Atsugi A.B. Spring 1945
Scale : 1/32
Category : WWII Japanese Fighter
Estimated No. of parts : 157
Markings : I.J.N. 302nd N.F.G. "Yo D-183" Atsugi A.B. Spring 1945
New plastic parts: Nose-type top panel for 31 Improved parts visibility type windshield

- 31 type is the type has been developed to solve the problem in poor visibility during take-off and landing of type 21. Stripped-down humbly the left and right sides of the nose upper panel, is to increase the height and width of the windshield, and plays to improve visibility.
Item no. : FA02 Scale : 1/12
Category : Accessory kits for 1/12 scale movable figure
Estimated No. of parts : 42 in total (Two sets of desk & four sets of chair are included.)
Remarks: Snap kit with moulding colours brown & grey
It will be fine finishing even without painting and no glue necessary.
Model size: Desk - H: 61.5 mm, W: 150mm
Chair - H: 65.6mm, W: 39.6mm
1/12 scale movable figure is very popular in hobby market and there is big demand for their accessory kits. In response to such demand, we release this new series as “Figure accessory kits”. Moreover, wide use is considered, for example, accessories for dolls house and so on
Item no. : 09971 (09971)
Scale : 1/48
Category :Modern U.S. Jet Fighter
Estimated No. of parts : 247
Markings : 1) F-14B: U.S. Navy VF-103 "JOLLY ROGERS" Code: AA112
2) F-14D: U.S. Navy VF-2 "BOUNTY HUNTERS" Code: NE110
This machine belongs from VF-103, VF-2 belonging to the United States Navy, and then reproduce the airframe of the Low Visibility marking!
Item no. : 09972
Scale : 1/48
Category : WWII Japanese Fighter
Estimated No. of parts : 75
Markings : 1) I.J.N. 352nd Naval F.G. Code: 352-177 Omura A.B. March 1945
2) I.J.N. 352nd Naval F.G. Code: 352-112 Omura A.B. March 1945
3) I.J.N. 352nd Naval F.G. Code: 352-157 Omura A.B. March 1945
Item no. : 01973
Scale : 1/72
Category : WWII Japanese Fighter
Estimated No. of parts : 46 + 53
Markings : Type 21
1) I.J.N. Tainan N.F.G. NAP/1C Saburo Sakai Code: V-103 Rabaul 1942
2) I.J.N. Tainan N.F.G. NAP/1C Saburo Sakai Code: V-138 Rabaul 1942
Type 52 Hei
1) I.J.N. Yokosuka N.F.G. Lt. J.G. Saburo Sakai Code: Yo-137 Yokosuka A.B. 1945
2) I.J.N. Yokosuka N.F.G. Lt. J.G. Saburo Sakai Code: Yo-138 Yokosuka A.B. 1945
09973 1/48 RF-4B PHANTOM II "VMCJ-2"
Item no. : 09973
Scale : 1/48
Category : Modern U.S. Jet Recon. Plane
Estimated No. of parts : 119
Markings : 1) U.S. Marine VMCJ-2 Code: CY01 157344: Block 41
2) U.S. Marine VMCJ-2 Code: CY00 157342: Block 41
3) U.S. Marine VMCJ-2 Code: CY12 157344: Block 41
21702 1/12 SCOT RACING TEAM HONDA RS250RW "2007 WGP250"
Item no. : 21702
Scale : 1/12
Category : WGP250 Race Bike
Estimated No. of parts : 145
Markings : 1) 2007 WGP 250 Machine number 55 Rider: Yuki Takahashi
2) 2007 WGP 250 Machine number 34 Rider: Andrea Dovizioso
January news from Hasegawa
Hasegawa have some great new kits coming our way - from the long awaited "Chippy Ho" Super hornet to various world war II fighters and bombers including an aces version of the P-47 kit - to a brightly coloured version of the "Skyblazers" aerobatic team of the F-86 sabre they have covered lots of different aircraft and interests for the first of their 2012 schedule of releases...
An amazing addition to their cannon is the new Mini Countryman in 1/24 which from the many pictures we have included on the bottom of the blog is super-detailed from the white body plastic to the super-detailed interior right down to the 18" wheels! Click on here below to see the (many) pictures of the new Mini and the other great kits from Hasegawa this month.
Item no. : 09968
Scale : 1/48
Category : WWII U.S. Fighter
Estimated No. of parts : 100
- U.S.A.A.F. 56FG CO Col. David Schilling Code: LM-S England Dec., 1944
Item no. :09969
Scale :1/48
Category : Modern U.S. Jet Fighter
Estimated No. of parts :93
- U.S.A.F.E.48 1956 FBW aerobatic team "SKYBLAZERS" Codes: FU-192, FU-219, FU-201 & FU-186 F-86F-35 Sabres
J35 DRAKEN "FINNISH AIR FORCE" (2 kits in the box)
Item no. : 01968 (01968)
Scale : 1/72
Category : Modern Swedish Jet Fighter
Estimated No. of parts : 63 x 2
- J35S: Finnish A.F. HavLLv 11 Code: DK-215 2000
- J35FS: Finnish A.F. HavLLv 21 Code: DK-271 1991
"244TH FLIGHT REGIMENT COMBO" (Two kits in the box)
Item no. :01969
Scale :1/72
Category : WWII Japanese Fighter
Estimated No. of parts :37 x 2
- J.A.A.F. 244th F.R. Capt. Teruhiko Kobayashi Red-24 Chofu A.F. Feb.,19452)
- J.A.A.F. 244th F.R. Capt. Teruhiko Kobayashi Blue-24 Chofu A.F. March 19453)
- J.A.A.F. 244th F.R. Capt. Teruhiko Kobayashi Red-24 Hamamatsu A.F. Dec.,1944 - Jan., 1945
Item no. :01970
Scale :1/72
Category : WWII German Bomber
Estimated No. of parts :157
- Ju188A : Luftwaffe 1./KG2 Code: U5+KH France Late 19442)
- Ju188E : Luftwaffe 4./KG2 Code: U5+EM Germany Jan.,1944
Item no. :01971
Scale :1/72
Category : Modern U.S. Jet Fighter
Estimated No. of parts :118
- U.S. Navy VFA-195 "DAMBUSTERS" CAG Code: NF400 2011
Item no. :09970
Scale :1/48
Category : Modern U.S. Jet Fighter
Estimated No. of parts :136
- Royal A.F. No.56 SQ Code: T
- Royal A.F. No.56 SQ Code: J
COMBO PART 2 (Two kits in the box)
Item no. : 01972
Scale : 1/72
Category : WWII Japanese Assault/Tactical Recon. Plane
Estimated No. of parts : 50 x 2
- J.A.A.F. 67th F.R. Hachinohe A.B. 1943
- J.A.A.F. 52nd Independent F.C. Code: 27 Philippines Nov.,1944
Item no. :08221
Scale :1/32
Category :WWII Germany Fighter
Estimated No. of parts :152
- Luftwaffe 1./JG26 Staffelkapitan Oberleutnant Josef Priller White-1 Nov.,1941"2) Luftwaffe 9./JG2 Staffelkapitan Oberleutnant Siegfried Schnell Yellow-9 May 1942
Item no. :CD21 (24121)
Scale :1/24
Category : Europena Car
Estimated No. of parts :104
Highest model of "COUNTRYMAN" : "COOPER S
ALL4" Left or Right side handle parts can be selected.Two different wheel parts are included.
The latest model of the mini-series, which debuted in January 2011 "mini crossover from the" top-spec model 4WD "COOPER S ALL4" a kit. Appeal of the MINI brand is "cute", but will remain stylish five-door SUV (Sports Utility Vehicle) is a new face in the evolution. Kit is based on real interviews, to form the appearance of an attractive interior has been precisely reproduced. The dashboard design can be selected around the left-hand and right-hand drive. Undercarriage parts specifications or 4WD. 18-inch wheels can be selected from two of the five spoke and eight spoke. Body color is moulded in white. Traditional British car "MINI" means the latest version,