January 08, 2013

A Starfire thing - our build of the F-94C Pt.IV

Our 1/48th Kittyhawk F-94C Starfire build with our man Eth at the desk is complete – It sure looks like a great kit and well worth a look at the finished product….

A few factors – including Needing a replacement canopy (sent post haste thank-you!) - the intervention of Xmas and New Year and the adverse weather we have had,(think news worthy floods) completing the Starfire was low down on the priority list. However, the new canopy arrived quickly and when time was free the build was completed.
Completion of this kit mainly consisted of attaching under carriage doors, air brake doors, undercarriage, stabilators and the aforementioned canopy. Crystal Clear was used to attach the canopy to the frame and left to harden.
When hardened the canopy and frame were attached to the Starfire and the build was complete. On reflection I have to say I really enjoyed the build and loved the surface detail in the kit. The construction was straight forward with only the misshapen nose causing any real issues, which was easily solved with some filler and elbow grease.
I have to say straight off that I was very pleased with the end result and mostly enjoyed building the Starfire. The “orange peel” look to the plastic at first looked to be a real problem, but after preparing the fuselage for painting most of the “orange peel” had disappeared. The only other area of concern for me was the nose cone not fitting correctly, due to the misshapen nose cone. Again this was easily corrected and should not put the modeller off; there are far worst errors in other kits.
What I liked about this kit was the ease of assembly, the photo etch sheet and the surface detail. All very impressive considering KittyHawk are a new company. With the level of detail exhibited in this kit the future looks bright indeed for KittyHawk and I look forward to building more of their models, especially as they can only get better.

Overall Rating: 8/10

Kittyhawk sells this kit through their distributors worldwide…thanks sincerely to them for this kit to build and review.