January 10, 2013

Real or just a Mirage? KittyHawk's new Two -seater built & Sprue shots

We have just received some excellent pictures of the sprues and the built up kit of KittyHawk's latest kit - the Mirage F.1B two-seater - Liking two-seaters myself I really dig the look of this one with it's large canopy, bomb load, sharp pointy nose..... Hang on - ill stop talking -just have a look at the pictures!
The sure to be popular Mirage F-1B in 1/48th - in plastic form not just CAD shots is here - The single seater is sure to follow if you can see the seperate nose on these sprue pics - 
Note the clear canopy and photo etched details are looking better all of the time
More detail shots of the constructed kit...
See here the kit in a rough but still attractive built up state - you can see from shots like this how well the engineering and the tolerances of the parts. It sure looks good as is. I think this will be a neat little aircraft kit.
This and all of KittyHawk's Models will be available from their regular distributors worldwide very soon - we will show it to you when it arrives.