March 29, 2013

No the tortoise is not included with the Topolino - Bronco's March kits come from all round the world

Bronco Model has informed of four soon to be released models and two up and coming offerings in the works – German, Italian and American made vehicles are the subjects set to be released in March...

CB35156 - DAK “Topolino” (German/Italian) Light Staff car with crew and IF8 Infantry Cart – 1/35th scale
The Afrika Korps (or even the Italian version) of the Fiat 500 Topolino has to be as an interesting release as the recent Fiat Simca 5 which was very popular with modellers not for it’s large size but rather it’s diminutive stature.

By adding the IF8 Infantry Cart to this staff car the second layer of interest is added and this can be weathered up to be a requisitioned “infantry support vehicle” I can imagine it now full of stuff!!! Crew are included as well so this looks to be a great set.

Versuchsflakwagon 8.8cm Flak. 41Auf Sonderfahrgestell (Pz.Sf1.IVc) Kit: CB35062
A tank that never got past the prototype phase but an interesting one – this panzer IV chassis mounted an 88mm FlaK cannon whilst the sides of the vehicle could open up to form a large platform for the gunners to do their work. Never into production could this be called a paper panzer indeed.

The kit from bronco features workable tracks, torsion bar suspension and a recoiling gun, like that or not, the kit features side walls that open and close like the real version and an extensive PE set to recreate some very fine detail. This looks to be a very intricate kit…

US M22 “Locust” Airborne Tank (T9E1) Kit CB35162
This tank could almost be classed as a paper panzer - having gone through a very long development process this kit would only see action in the airborne operation Varsity in 1945. The Locust was designed to be an airborne delivered tank to support the infantry.
This 1/35th scale kit of the Locust features a fully moving gun and crew and engine compartments which open and close. There is a fair bit of photo etch here toad detail to some of the finer areas of the vehicle as well. It should be in stores this month.

25pdr ammunition set and No27 limber with canvas cover Kit: AB3551
This kit is meant to be attached to your 25 pounder or your Morris truck to tow – or even just to be left on the side of your diorama whilst the action happens – holding both HE and AP ammo, this limber is a great add on to your artillery piece.

Till then check out Bronco’s Website for more info and distributors