March 25, 2013

Update - Silver Wings 1/32 Polikarpov I-153 Chaika is now on sale…

Silver Wings has released their 1/32 Polikarpov I-153 Chaika and we have some pictures of the instructions, markings and box art as well as kit information to add to the earlier shots of the master in in pre-production – clickety-click on our preview to see more..
The new 1/32nd scale – the Polikarpov I-153 Chaika has been released – this was the kit chosen in an on-line poll by modellers to be Silver Wing’s new kit – 
Silver Wings is proud to announce our first all new kit for 2013 - the Polikarpov I-153 "Chaika" in 1:32 scale! We have listened to you, our valued customers, and are working our way through your "wish list" of kits. We hope that you will be excited as we are to welcome the I-153 to our line of high-quality 1:32 resin kits.
The Polikaprov I-153, nicknamed "Chaika" because of the shape of its upper wing, was based on the earlier Polikarpov I-15 and I-15(bis). The I-153, which first saw combat in 1939 during the Soviet-Japanese Battle of Khalhin Gol in Mongolia, was one of the standard fighters of the Soviet Airforce (VVS) during the late 1930's and the beginning of World War II.

the vital statistics are:

Kit includes:
- 142 resin parts
- 5 film elements - sheet
- 59 PE parts - sheet
- reinforced: wings and struts- Instructions

- Decal sheet including 2 marking options:
Soviet Union: Soviet Air Force, 71st Fighter Regiment Red Banner Baltic Fleet, Summer 1942

Finland: Finnish Air Fore, 3/LeLv 6 Römpötti, Karelian Isthmus, July 1942

 Well there you have it - the kit is now on sale - you can see more of this kit in the previous news below..

Check out the Silver Wings Website for more on this kit and all of their other releases past and upcoming.
 Previous new on this kit from Silverwings..

Silver wings preview pictures of their 1:32 Polikarpov I-153 Chaika ready for production! Here are some "in Progress" shots.Starting with the internal parts. - Just click on any of these pictures to enlarge them..

The contol system

Some more of the larger parts before going together...

Some more fine details of the prototype..

And lastly some of the decals of the two aircraft portrayed in this boxing - a Russian and a Finnish aircraft...

Check out the Silver Wings Website for more on this kit and all of their other releases past and upcoming.