April 09, 2013

Its like fire and Ice for ICM this month..

Two new sets which will surely interest modellers are announced by ICM this month – some very ccccold Air Force soldiers and some piping hot firemen – and I mean that only in the fact that they are fighting fires – anyway we have the preview here today…

New from ICM

Scale: 1:48

These early sculpts show us the much needed new figure set in 48th scale – it looks like the set is only in sculpt phase right now – we will go through tem each individually…

The German Pilot:

Looks like he is doing some very serious scrutinising of someone else’s work – dressed in his wide britches and fur lined flying jacket. His high peaked officer’s hat and wool lined flying boots.  His pipe tips off the scene nicely and he is seen here in a well sculpted and natural pose.

The second Pilot/ Navigator:
Looking very much like the subordinate of the pilot officer this figure is seen with his hands in his pocket (like a sugar-bowl.) he wears thick flying boots with his pants tucked into them and again wool lined flying jacket. He also has a scarf on and a tie-down hat which could be secured to cover his ears in the cold. The large map pockets in his pants make me think he is the navigator of the aircraft.

The bomb Loader:
This crewman is seen wrapped up warm against the elements as well – Warm boots and thick pants under his tunic – they all look like he has two of everything on top of each other! The side slung forage cap of the general soldiers has a wrap of something warm protecting his face and ears as well.

The “artist”:
A crewman is seen here making pretty patterns on his Pilot’s aircraft – most probably what the pilot and navigator are looking on at – he carries a spray gun with a gravity action cup on it – obviously a large scale modeller! His overalls are padded out with layers below them and his thick boots insulate him from the cold as well.

The Guard:

To make up this selection of soldiers this Luftwaffe infantryman stands guard whilst he hub of activity goes on behind him. Wrapped uo the warmest he looks like he has on a M41 steel brimmed helmet with a large greatcoat stuffed below with layers to keep out ol’ jack frost. He is wearing the very large over boots that soldiers – especially on guard duty wore on long and cold shifts – especially in Russia.

1/35 WWII German Firemen
Art.: 35632
Scale: 1:35
Again this set is of several soldiers on a single sprue – these German firemen are fighting the flames from some fire and ill describe the poses we have seen so far..

The officer shouting:
Raising his charges into battle against the flames – this fireman carries a transportable pump to shoot out the flames on the go..

Fireman letting water go:
This fireman is seen opening up his hydrant with a very large wrench

The fireman laying cable:
Seen just about to throw a long length of cable to the hydrant – this fireman has all the protection gear on including large trademark helmet.

Fireman with nozzle:
This fireman is seen looking up at his “target” whilst waiting for the nozzle – maybe the first fireman is shouting to him “connect the hose you idiot!” – Maybe not

Anyway the fireman and their hydrant – and the 48th scale airmen will be available sometime in the first half of the year – until them you can go and have a look at ICM’s site to see more of what they have in the works for us…