April 17, 2013

Wings of the Black Cross No 10 has landed and we have a preview for you...

Eagle Editions
in the USA are a well-known authority on WWII aviation and especially of German aircraft – so their publications are always much anticipated. Number ten of the “Wings of the Black Cross” is no exception – written by Mark Proulx and with some excellent images we are just as excited as everyone else. We have some sample pages and info for you…

by Mark Proulx
Illustrated by Thomas Tullis
ISBN 978-0-9794035-9-0
Sales price: $19.95 + P&P

Authored by Mark Proulx, 8.5" X 11" and contains 36 pages of Black and White photos, some in color. Exciting, rare photos of a Bf 109 as flown by Oblt. Josef "Pips" Priller and numerous other interesting Luftwaffe Aircraft - some are listed for you here with the sample pages we have secured:

Two photos of a Bf 109 E-1 of III./JG 26 "Schlageter" from late 1939.
Two photos of a Bf 109 K-4 with W.Nr. I had thought the spray-painted style of numbering was a fiction until seeing the three digits behind the balkenkreuz in the photos.
A photo of a Bf 109 G-6 with W.Nr. applied on non-standard places.
A photo of a Bf 109 E-3 belonging to Oblt. Josef "Pips" Priller.
Photos from the Neubiberg dump site with two Me 262's, including W.Nr. 111728 and the tail of W.Nr. 110376, plus "White 7."
A Wright Field photo of an Me 262, W.Nr. 111711.
Two photos of an Me 262 A with the unconfirmed W.Nr. of 130015 with a large V015 on the side just ahead of the cockpit.

Two photos of an He 177 A-5 found in France in 1944.
A photo of the second prototype Ar 232 fitted with defensive armament. This version has two engines as opposed to four in later versions.
A photo of an Ar 232 B with Air Min 17
Four photos of the Ju 288 V2.
Two photos of Me 410, 7A+KH in a derelict state.
A photo of He 219 A-010 V17.
A photo of Ju-290, 9V+AB at Brunnthal in derelict condition.
But that's not all of it. There are some Fw-200 photos and several aircraft in British markings, and more.

Eight full color profiles by Aviation illustrator Tom Tullis
This book is available now from Eagle Editions and probably soon after at good book shops..