May 30, 2013

Alpine Miniatures has several new releases all of top quality for this month in our preview

Alpine Miniatures continues to bring out stuff most people really want to buy – this month we have an excellent U-boat commander in 1/16th scale as well as some spare heads to improve your otherwise lacklustre standard kit – last but not least the cheesiest smile in the SS – 12th Panzer commander Max Wünsche joins the club as well…
Alpine Miniatures June 2013 Items

35157 Max Wünsche Normandy
(1/35 resin)
Sculpture by Taesung Harmms / Boxart by Dr. Jin Kim

One of the poster boys of the SS – Wünsche served as a SS Standartenführer in Hitler's body guard, on the Russian front and captured here in 35th scale – sculpted by Taesung Harmms – in his escape from the Falaise pocket whilst commanding the 12th SS Panzer Division in 1944.

In this picture - Wünsche, Max: SS-Obersturmbannführer, Witt, Fritz: SS-Brigadeführer, & Meyer, Kurt: SS-Sturmbannführer
Wünsche became the commanding officer of the 12th SS Panzer Regiment of the 12th SS Panzer Division "Hitlerjügend" under Panzer Meyer on 07-06-1944. In the Battle of Normandy, D-Day the 12th destroyed 219 Allied tanks in one month; he was awarded Oak Leaves to his Knights Cross for his achievements at Normandy.  In August, his regiment was trapped in the Falaise Pocket. On 20-08-1944, he and two officers, Hauptsturmführer Georg Iseke and Untersturmführer Fritz Freitag attempted to escape the pocket on foot. While they marched on foot, they encountered an enemy outpost where the injured Doctor was taken prisoner while Wünsche got wounded in the calf. Then Isecke became separated and was captured, too.
Wünsche and Frietag found a German vehicle in good working condition and drove through St. Lambert in plain view of the Canadians that occupied the town. But later that day, while waiting under the cover of bushes for darkness they were captured by Allied soldiers on 24 August.He even met Montgommery! In 1948, Wünsche was released from captivity and returned to Germany. No wonder he is quite a famous soldier!

SS Hauptsturmführer Rudolf von Ribbentrop with wounded Wünsche.
This figure comes with the choice of two heads – one of Wünsche wounded with a bandage on his head, and the other with an M43 peaked cap and his untouched head! Of note are his Zeiss opticals with a camo cover over them and something that caught my eye was his decorations on his cap and his “sore throat” knight’s cross.

35158 WSS NCO Normandy
(1/35 in grey resin)
Sculpture by Taesung Harmms / Boxart by Dr. Jin Kim
This NCO form the Panzer corps has a one piece oak leaf camouflage overalls under a large greatcoat on. The “Waffenfarbe Rosa” piping around his hat and his sideboards identify him as a Panzer man. He is sculpted by Taesung Harms as well as his companion figure – his commander Wünsche.

Again he has a choice of two headgear – one a NCO Schirmmütze peaked cap and another side forage cap style. This is a trademark of Alpine that others have copied.

35159 Wünsche & NCO Set
Sculpted by Taesung Harmms / Boxart by Dr. Jin Kim
This set of master and commander are well suited in body language and they make a great set for your Normandy Diorama.

16021 German U-Boat Captain (1/16)
The pictures show the figure with 2 different heads.
Sculpture by Ju Won Jung / Boxart by Man-Jin Kim
This captain of the Kriegsmarine is seen here sculpted in 1/16th scale resin, and comes with the choice of two heads – one you could say is a early mission with a clean shaven look – and the other is a bearded Captain who looks like he has had at least a few weeks at sea – both are wearing a bent officer’s Visor cap (Schirmmütze) – bent in the style of the “Alter Hasse”

The Captain wears a grey leather U-boat jacket and pants; I had a little look at jackets still available in collector’s market and this jacket matches it butting for button, picket and stitch. The folds in the heavy clothing look very good to me – it will be a really popular kit in this scale we think..

H009 WSS Heads #1 (1/35) – resin
Five head choices in 1/5th from Alpine’s earlier catalog…
H010 WSS heads #2 (1/35) – resin
And another set of five head choices in 1/5th from Alpine’s earlier catalog…

These kits are available right now - so for more pics and the distributors please visit: