June 08, 2013

More on the latest four from Bronco

Bronco Models have added to their forthcoming model list with these four new releases, a new Topolono, a French version of the Chaffee, a Hungarian tank killer and an almost new Valentine to round out things – let’s have a look at what we know so far.

New Kits in production from Bronco Models

1/35th scale CB35144 Infantry Tank Mk.III Valentine Mk.IX
Originally a MiniArt kit - this kit will have more than 90% brand new parts made by Bronco Models for the suspension, road wheels, upper & lower hull, turret & accessories.

The Full Product promo Flyer..

1/35th scale CB35165 Italian Light Civilian Car "Topolono" (open Top) w/Lady & Dog
This Italian car is the civilian version of the tiny car with a tiny dog to boot this time – along with a female passenger.
This car is packed with detail, from the full engine to the open or closed window, workable steering and thin PE details - The rear of the car folds down whilst the top sides still stay up as well – there sure is a lot in this little car!

The Full Product promo Flyer..

1/35th scale CB35166 French M24 Chaffee in Indochina War
This is the fifth incarnation of the Chaffee from Bronco Model – this time the vehicle is a French tank serving in Indo-china in the fifties.
Slide moulded parts, a fully recoiling main gun, rotating cupola, steel or rubber track choices should also attract some interest in this vehicle for modellers.

The Full Product promo Flyer..

CB35121 Hungarian 44.M 'Zrinyi' I 75mm Assault Gun
This is the reboxing of the earlier Hungarian tank destroyer – this time the tank has long PE side skirts and tool holders, workable tracks and suspension as well as a movable gun barrel.

The Full Product promo Flyer..

All of these kits will be available from Bronco’s Distributors in the next month, check their site for more updates..