MENG has given us
another lovely release in 35th scale – this time the revolutionary-for-its-time
French tank the FT or FT-17. This was a great innovation because of the 360 degree
rotating turret with ammunition inside and the layout of the crew in front and
the engine in the rear – something that has been followed by tank designers
right through this century – now this little masterpiece is with us in plastic
- let’s have a look at the model features in our preview…
In 1917, FT-17 light tanks roared across the horizon and
achieved a great success. Concept of this tank was raised by Jean-Baptiste
Eugène Estienne who’s considered to be “Father of the Tank” in France. It’s
designed by the talented designer Rodolphe Ernst Metzmaier and then
manufactured by a French company, Renault. FT-17 light tank is considered as
the earliest modern tank on the basis of its outstanding performance and design
concept showing great foresight.
In order to commemorate this tank of great historic
significance, MENG team represent this Ft-17 tank perfectly in 1:35 scale by
taking all measurements of real FT-17 tank with the help of our German adviser
and by studying a lot of historical documents and reference material.
This FT-17 light tank (cast turret) kit, numbered TS-008,
consists of 10 plastic sprues totalling 404 parts, 1 PE fret totalling 9 parts
and 6 metal parts including springs. Decals of four painting schemes are
provided for tanks during WWI, WWII and the Winter War between the Soviet Union
and Finland in consideration of long service experience of FT-17 tanks.
This TS-008 kit not only reproduces the exterior details of
FT-17 tank, but also represent its internal equipment and structure to the
maximum degree. All hatches can be built in open or closed position. When the
hatches are open, complete power system, driver’s cabin and turret interiors
will be presented, offering strong impression of this precision machine. This
TS-008 kit has a compact looking by combining full interiors with small shape
of the tank. Its movable suspension system reproduces the real structure.
Cement-free workable track links are provided. Three weapons equipped as main
weapon of FT-17 tank as well as a rack for Hotchkiss 8mm M1914 machine gun are
provided for modeller’s choice.
This compact TS-008 kit will bring you a very enjoyable modelling